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India pitches for SCO's membership, Afghan role

dont you know you were interest in Bengal

Prior to which your Gvot was supporting NE rebels and launched an air strike on India, initiating the war.

and now in Balochistan.

Prior to which your nation supported the Punjab insurgency.

You also showed in 65s that your are interested in Punjab too.

Merely to attain bargaining chips, the obtain leverage on the table.
Thrive ??? India's economy is taking a dive to the bottom of the Ocean so how can India be thriving ?

with that assertion, it seems Pakistan's economy has been sleeping with the fishes for last few years.. :rofl:

You do know we are still growing at almost twice the rate of Pakistan and INR = 1.7 PKR.. Go figure..
india is not serious about the great potential of SCO and will make it into another failure like SAARC.

SAARC is successful organization except Pakistan, India highly improved bilateral relations and economic ties with rest of the members. From Pakistan point of view SAARC is utter failure and you gained nothing from union, agreed .Better Pakistan can withdraw membership it would be gud for everybody that move will alleviate some problems at SAARC.

India membership in SCO can't be ignored.
That what I am saying other then China no one need you

Still buddy you are to decide about India ??? :lol:

GEO strategic location means the importance of a country or a region as by virtue of its geographical location, South Asians states are very important because of their geo-strategic location; and their location has evoked much interest not only among the major powers and other small states but also their strategic location is important for each other, because of the trade purposes to other states. South Asia has seven states, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Maldives, and Srilanka.

Pakistan is geo-strategically more important than other South Asian states, Pakistan is bridge between South Asia and South West Asia; Iran and Afghanistan are rich in energy resources while India and China are lacking of, so they need access to these states and Pakistan can provide them route to Iran and Afghanistan, IPI and APTTA are evidence of geo-strategic importance of Pakistan. Pakistan is cheaper way for India for IPI project, India can trade with Iran with other routs also but those are expensive ways, but Pakistan is much cheaper way of trade for India not only with Iran but also with Afghanistan and Central Asian states. APTTA, India and Afghanistan wants trade Chaman to Wagha border through Pakistan, Pakistan is bridge between Afghanistan and India, APTTA has serious consequences for Pakistan this is other story, but Pakistan geo-strategic location is very important for these states. Pakistan geo-strategic location, some times had made trouble for Pakistan as during cold war United States use Pakistan in proxy war against Soviet Union, in 1979 Soviet attack on Afghanistan, United States (US) did utilize Pakistan location because Pakistan shares border with Afghanistan and now in global war on terror (WOT) Pakistan had to pay a lot because of its border with Afghanistan, US did choose Pakistan’s land for fight against WOT. US interests in the region are to contain the growing China, nuclear ambition of Iran, terrorist/terrorism in Afghanistan, and to benefit from the market of India. Security and Business are two main objectives and interests of US in the region while Pakistan is playing a front line role in war against terrorism and by utilizing Pakistan’s strategic location US can get its objectives. For US, Pakistan geo-strategically important because US is sole super power, and to prevent the rise of any rival, China or any European power, the United States desires to dominate in the Middle East and Central Asia, because they are rich in oil and gas resources. So through Pakistan US can dominant in these regions and can minimize the influence of other competitors. Saudi Arabia had both the geo-strategic and as well as geo-political interest in Pakistan. Saudi Arab saw Pakistan a strategic balancer of Iran. The United States and Saudi Arabia viewed Pakistan as a catalyst for any military strikes on Iran.

Pakistan is near with Central Asian Republics (CARs) and CARs are rich in oil and gas resources, they are landlocked states and need a corridor for export of their energy resources and a transit route for trade and commerce, Pakistan can provide them rout for trade with other states, so for Afghanistan and CARs Pakistan’s geo-strategic location is very important for trade purposes. Pakistan’s strategic location is also crucial for China because China finds way to Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea through Korakaram. China is economic power and china’s economy is rapidly growing, so to maintain it economic growth China need access to other states for trade purposes, Pakistan’s Gwadar Port is very important for China because it can provide China trade rout. China needs Pakistan because Pakistan strategic location can provide China, transit trade route for western region, energy corridor to import oil from the Gulf region, naval facilities on the Arabian Sea coast to protect its energy supply line from the Middle East. China is expanding its cooperation with Pakistan in Saindak project, it can make trouble for Pakistan because US is not happy for presence of China in Pakistan while for China Pakistan’s strategic location has importance to enhance its economic growth.

Bangladesh’s location within the ‘geo-strategic frontier’ of India, which is South Asia’s most powerful country, Bangladesh being in close proximity with China, which is Asia’s largest power, and also considered a strategic rival of both the US and India.

Bangladesh is bounded with India almost entirely on three sides except for a small but significant border in the southeast with Myanmar. Border with Myanmar makes importance of Bangladesh’s location. More important thing about importance of Bangladesh geo-strategic location is that it is very important for two strategic rivals China and India, because in the north Bangladesh is separated from the Himalayan kingdoms of Nepal and Bhutan by a strip of India’s territory, which is known as Shiliguri Corridor; the Shiliguri Corridor is regarded as a very sensitive strategic land for India, it being the only land connection with the insurgent-infested Northeastern states of India, known as the Seven Sisters, if this land connection will block in future by any internal or external elements, India would find itself cut off from its strategic part Seven State Sisters, so in that situation only alternative way for India to reach its important part of land is strategic corridor through Bangladesh. The importance of such an alternative route through Bangladesh first realized during the 1962 Sino-Indian war, when China threatened to cut off India’s Line of Communication in the Seven Sisters, particularly in NEFA (North East Frontier Agency) now called Arunachal Pradesh. India has threat and also well aware of this fact that China is capable of cutting off the vital communication line between the Northeastern Seven Sisters with the rest of the Indian Union, so India admits the strategic importance of Bangladesh, and the Bangladesh is strategically very important for India because of this alternative rout. Seven state Sisters is land-locked and has shorter route to the sea through Bangladesh. Bangladesh geo-strategic location is also important for China, because China enjoys access to the Bay of Bengal through Myanmar. Bangladesh’s proposal to connect Kunming with Bangladesh by road through Myanmar could be an alternative route for China; India is incredulous about Sino-Bangla understanding and possible cooperation in nuclear energy sector. Bangladesh is with in close proximity with Arunachal Pradesh, which is still disputed land between China and India, that’s why Bangladesh strategic location is important for both China and India.

Nepal and Bhutan are also geo-strategically important; they both have energy resources. Bhutan shares border with India, so India is getting benefit from Bhutan’s location, in 2003, Bhutan exported 70% of its hydroelectricity to India, which continues to be Bhutan’s biggest trading partner. As India’s electricity demands are expected to double over the next decade, so Nepal and Bhutan are very important for India. As these states has hydro power potential, in return of APTTA, Pakistan wants from India trade rout to these states, because India shares border with these states so trade rout through India is cheaper way for Pakistan. Bhutan by developing its hydropower capacity can increase its exports to other South Asian countries and can support a strong regional energy alliance but Bhutan needs India’s land for import and exports purposes. India’s geo-strategic location is also important for Bangladesh because Bangladesh’s energy security strategy relies on import of hydro based electricity from Bhutan or Nepal, so Bangladesh needs rout access through India.

Nepal shares close geographic proximity with the two acknowledged nuclear weapons states in Asia; Nepal is sandwich between two major powers India and China, Nepal is near to Tibet which is disputed area between India and china, and Nepal is home of 12,000 Tibetans refugees. Nepal geo strategic location is beneficial for China and India but it is threat for Nepal, because Nepal lay between two powerful rivals, Nepal is most unlikely to face direct foreign military invasion because of its geopolitical location.

South Asian states are prominent and very important because of their geo-strategic location, instead of getting benefits, their geo-strategic location become intricacy for these states. A famous Kenyan proverb says “when elephants fight, it is grass which has to suffer” South Asian states become battle field between strategic competitors because of their strategic location, Nepal is between two rivals, in event of any conflict between these two states, Nepal will has to suffer. Pakistan because of its geo-strategic location has to involve in WOT; Pakistan shares border with nuclear Iran, it has negative consequences for Pakistan, US wants to counter Iran and using Pakistan territory, US also wants to minimize China’s influence in the region, so US using Pakistan’s land to get long term objectives.
Thrive ??? India's economy is taking a dive to the bottom of the Ocean so how can India be thriving ?
Sensex gains most since January on rate cut hopes
MUMBAI: The Sensex provisionally rose 2.5 percent, posting its biggest daily percentage gain since January 3, as hopes the RBI would cut interest rates sparked a rally in sectors that could most benefit such as autos and banks.

The Sensex rose 2.5 percent to end at a provisional 16,424.21 points, marking its third consecutive daily gain.

The Nifty rose 2.8 percent, to a provisional close of 4,997.10 points.

Banking shares, as measured by the NSE banking index, rose for a third consecutive day. HDFC Bank gained 3.5 percent.

Autos, which would benefit from lower financing costs should interest rates be lowered, gained as well. Tata Motors rose 5.4 percent, recovering from recent steep losses.
@ Hafizzz ^^^ We are talking about current SCO countries ... except China no one need your land :tup:
Go ahead and laugh because you know who will be laughing at the end ? Not India !

Hafiz, I"ve challenged and provide you an attempt to prove your patriotism , why aren't you posting that evidence to the address?

Imagine, if thanks to your effort India doesn't get included in SCO, :lol:

Uncle Zaid and his brigade will shower you with honors,

Common Hafiz, do it for Pakistan :pakistan:

India will not have a SCO membership and Uncle SAM will also not support India's bid for per. U.N. membership.

The above is not Mutually exclusive in nature,

Indian bid in UNSC depends upon unanimous vote by UNSC members to change the UN charter.
but strategically we are exactly equal, we can nuke the whole India in a few days, and certainly you have that capacity too.

We are a large nation with nearly 200 million people, Russia's less populous even. Would you say you are stronger than Russia?

Sorry to say that, but world doesn't think that way, and certainly you are not India's equal. As far as nukes are concerned, they are show pieces. Where were the nukes during Kargil?

Indians don't get it. The only thing on their mind is : "India has a larger economy than Pakistan".

We are not only larger than you in economy(By large means we are almost 10 times your economy)

We have 7 times more population than you
We have 6 times more land mass than you
Our defence budget is 10 time larger than you
We have 15 times more coastal line than you
We have 15 times more Forex reserves than you
and I can go on

The underlying point is India and Pakistan are in the same league
BEIJING: China, the host of the next Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit, today welcomed the proposed accession of India and Pakistan to the security grouping, but said no timetable should be set to grant them full membership.......
You think like a Indian Baniya, but tell you what India is not into grouping or allying feats for pleasing or annoying this or that nation it works on its foreign policies which are mostly based on its own national interests. we can have ties with America & still manage bussiness ties with China due to diplomacy we have & trust we ensure in international affairs

Well even though I don't like what India does, its foreign policy team is one of the best in the world.

It supports militancy in Afghanistan but its no issue, it deals with Russia and yet friends with the US, it is the second closest ally of Israel but yet better at relations with the Arabs than Pakistan. It votes against Iran, Pak votes for Iran but Iran still loves India over Pakistan.

They are the best at making the whole world ullu. Thats why I think Pak foreign policy makers should not go up against India on the SCO, their biggest victory would be to keep distancing themselves from India, don't make any comment on whether or not they are for or against India's inclusion. If Pakistan objects to India, India would object to them, the rest of the SCO would be like "Oh man these two are a headache" and not include both of us. India already doesn't really want to be a part of the SCO, Pak does want to be a part of it.

There shouldn't be any mixing of India's inclusion with Pakistan's. They are separate issues. India wants to join SCO? Welcome.
BEIJING: China, the host of the next Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit, today welcomed the proposed accession of India and Pakistan to the security grouping, but said no timetable should be set to grant them full membership.......

To be honest, India is not interested in SCO. The only reason India would want to join SCO because of Pakistan, lest Pakistan turn SCO into a India bashing forum on Kashmir like it did to OIC
Well even though I don't like what India does, its foreign policy team is one of the best in the world.

It supports militancy in Afghanistan but its no issue, it deals with Russia and yet friends with the US, it is the second closest ally of Israel but yet better at relations with the Arabs than Pakistan. It votes against Iran, Pak votes for Iran but Iran still loves India over Pakistan.

They are the best at making the whole world ullu. Thats why I think Pak foreign policy makers should not go up against India on the SCO, their biggest victory would be to keep distancing themselves from India, don't make any comment on whether or not they are for or against India's inclusion. If Pakistan objects to India, India would object to them, the rest of the SCO would be like "Oh man these two are a headache" and not include both of us. India already doesn't really want to be a part of the SCO, Pak does want to be a part of it.

There shouldn't be any mixing of India's inclusion with Pakistan's. They are separate issues. India wants to join SCO? Welcome.

if what u said was true, why couldnt India gain exempt for US led Iran sanctions like Japan and SK?
The only thing that gets in and out of that gate way is terror if you dint notice.

A gateway is a free for all, everybody goes in and out - in and out, :D no one takes a gate seriously, Its just a rest stop on the way. :D and when someone closes the gate, the traveler's just find another route around the gate.
Well even though I don't like what India does, its foreign policy team is one of the best in the world.

It supports militancy in Afghanistan but its no issue, it deals with Russia and yet friends with the US, it is the second closest ally of Israel but yet better at relations with the Arabs than Pakistan. It votes against Iran, Pak votes for Iran but Iran still loves India over Pakistan.

They are the best at making the whole world ullu. Thats why I think Pak foreign policy makers should not go up against India on the SCO, their biggest victory would be to keep distancing themselves from India, don't make any comment on whether or not they are for or against India's inclusion. If Pakistan objects to India, India would object to them, the rest of the SCO would be like "Oh man these two are a headache" and not include both of us. India already doesn't really want to be a part of the SCO, Pak does want to be a part of it.

There shouldn't be any mixing of India's inclusion with Pakistan's. They are separate issues. India wants to join SCO? Welcome.

Boss I Partially agree with your stand...however from Pakistani point of view your are fully correct.

But its all about diplomacy & gaurding own interest first at which pakistani policy makers fails most of time...its not making other ULLU its just bussiness and way help each other prosper... I dont think SCO membership of India will effect Pakistan's interest if they plan & take wise steps in making policies. And problem with India is that it will do anything possible to safegaurd its interest in Asian politics so its eagerness for SCO membership is obvious.
Lot depend on the policies that India & Pak make ..India has played its card...... even If india doesnt join SCO its again loss to other members except Pak.....Rest Time will tell !

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