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India paying price for Modi’s myopic China strategy


Jan 23, 2019
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India paying price for Modi’s myopic China strategy

By ignoring the lessons from the 1962 Sino-Indian war, Modi has set his country on the road to disaster
by Bhim Bhurtel June 17, 2020June 21, 2020

Indian soldiers erect a military bunker along the Srinagar-Leh National highway during the conflict with China in Ladakh. Photo: AFP / Faisal Khan / Anadolu Agency
“Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” That famous quote from the Spanish philosopher George Santayana resonates in Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s new China policy. Modi appears reluctant to remember a blunder committed by his country in the 1962 Sino-Indian war.

Modi is doomed to repeat the mistakes committed by then-prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru on his China strategy as he over-relied on the advice of his pro-Russian strategic aide V K Krishna Menon. Modi relies on Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, his external affairs minister, an ardent believer that an alliance with the US can best fulfill India’s strategic interests.

Modi bent many of the traditions and norms of India’s foreign policy and strategy in the 2019 general election. To secure his seat as prime minister for a second term, he used foreign affairs as the instrument to attract voters. He used territorial nationalism as an electoral agenda by manipulating the Pulwama terror attack and subsequent surgical strike on Balakot, Pakistan. Modi vowed to take back Pakistan-administrated Kashmir during the election.

Despite failure on every front in domestic affairs, Modi successfully amplified his popularity with his foreign policy. He successfully concealed his internal policy failures from voters by impressing them with his engagement with the superpowers’ leaders, such as US President Donald Trump, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian leader Vladimir Putin, and others.

Economic theory says that whatever goods and services are offered in the market, they must be paid for by their consumers, meaning no one gets something for nothing. The theory is best represented by a famous dictum, “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.” The maxim equally holds in international relations and strategy.

Every hug and handshake with the leader of a superpower is associated with a specific price. These prices are sometimes expressed in monetary terms. Modi paid the price of US$43 billion for the S-400 missile defense system for hugging and hand-shaking with Putin. With French President Emmanuel Macron, it was $30 billion for the Rafale deal. These were explicit monetary costs, not strategic costs associated with hugging Putin and Macron. However, Modi needed to pay a high strategic price in the cases of Trump and Xi.

For instance, Modi held the “Howdy, Modi!” event with fanfare in Houston, Texas, on September 22, 2019, and about 50,000 people of Indian origin from across the US attended it. Trump’s participation was the center of the event’s attraction, and he spent one hour with Modi.

Similarly, Trump participated in an event attended by 125,000 people in the world’s largest cricket stadium, in India’s Gujarat state on February 22 this year. Modi displayed an effusive bonding between him and Trump, and the US president delivered a speech portraying the Indian PM as an “exceptional leader … and a man I am proud to call my true friend.”

But Trump’s participation in these events and professed admiration for Modi were not for free. Modi needs to pay by playing the role of trusted ally and friend of the US strategically.

Trump a trusted ally?
The United States’ most recently issued national security strategy said it still holds to the “one-China policy” and categorically stated that the US does not look for regime change in China. However, Modi sent two members of Parliament to participate in the Taiwanese president’s virtual swearing-in ceremony.

Neither the US president himself nor any of India’s friends and allies, including Quad countries, issued statements in favor of India on the Sino-Indian military standoff in Ladakh. There was not even any mention of Ladakh in the joint statement issued after the heavily hyped virtual summit between Modi and his Australian counterpart Scott Morrison on June 4.

If a full-scale war with China breaks out, India will find no one is backing it. The US was in crisis even before the pandemic. Its public debt is about 125% of gross domestic product, and a Wall Street report suggests it could reach 2,000% of GDP.

One of the world’s leading experts on Asia, Stephen Roach, warns that a changing global power balance combined with a galloping US budget deficit could spark a dollar crash soon.

The US itself wants a better trade deal with China. After the November presidential election, the deal will likely happen. Modi’s calculation of India gaining from China’s losses as a consequence of the pandemic and realignment of global power seems absurd.

Modi has a false expectation that India will be able to build economic muscles rapidly and ruthlessly after the pandemic. He believes the post-pandemic world will witness a realignment of global supply chains.

Modi hopes the United States, Australia, and many European countries will delink their economies from China. They will seek India as a partner and ally. Their factories will relocate to a new destination, India.

However, India entered the Covid-19 crisis just recently. Indian public health experts estimate a total of 670 million infections and 500,000 fatalities by the end of this year.

As well, the economy is projected to decline. The consumers of Indian exports are low- and middle-income families of advanced economies. They have been hit hardest by the Covid-19 pandemic, and will suffer from a further plunge in effective demand next year.

Before the pandemic, India’s foreign trade was favorable with the European Union, and that with the US was also positive. And Modi’s target is the EU and US as key trading partners after American companies relocate to India from China.

But there is no guarantee that US firms will shift to India, because fewer than 5% of companies relocated to India after the US-China trade war started in March 2018. And even if they do relocate, that won’t guarantee India’s economic growth, because the effective demand for Indian goods in the international market is not likely to increase for a few years.

Economists like Michael O’Leary and Carlos Rodriguez believe a V-shaped recovery of the advanced economies is unlikely. The sluggish recovery from the 2008 economic meltdown suggests a strong likelihood of an L-Shaped post-pandemic recovery in the developed economies.

Chinese suspicion
Modi announced on May 12 the concept of Atmanirbhar Bharat (Self-Reliant India) along with an economic rescue package of more than $260 billion to stimulate a post-pandemic recovery.

Beijing perceived that Modi’s intent was to tighten its policy on foreign direct investment from China. India’s welcome to American companies that want to relocate from China is a selective target against Chinese investment.

China wants to decouple India from the US. It has severe concerns about India’s move because of the two countries’ shared 3,400-kilometer border. Chinese strategists think India is a proxy of the US to contain China in the Himalaya and the Indian Ocean.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian, without referring to any particular agreement, has been repeating what he expressed last month, “We urge the Indian side to work together with us, abide by our leadership’s important consensus, comply with the agreements signed, and refrain from unilateral actions complicating the situation.” He was hinting at the agreement and consensus between Modi and Xi during their two informal summits in Wuhan and Mamallapuram.

Beijing also perceives that Modi looked toward the US despite an agreement to work with China in making “the Asian Century.” Modi is reluctant to see the “importance of respecting each other’s sensitivities, concerns, and aspirations” as outlined in the joint statement issued after the first summit.

Modi and Xi agreed to seek a fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable settlement on the India-China boundary issue. However, after revoking Article 370 of the Indian constitution, India issued a new map that included Pakistan-administrated Kashmir.

In excitement, speaking at the Lok Sabha, lower house of Parliament, Modi’s henchman and home minister Amit Shah said he would take back Aksai Chin, China-administrated Ladakh. Then Jaishankar flew to Beijing and reassured China that India had no intention of expanding its territory.

China initially understood the incident as a domestic political issue in India. However, after a succession of later events – policy changes on the issue of Taiwan, on tightening China’s investment in India, restructuring of the World Health Organization, the Covid-19 probe, the Quad, and the defense deal with Australia – Beijing’s suspicions intensified.

Chinese strategists think that Modi has changed his mind on his agreement on “building an open, multipolar, pluralistic, and participatory global economic order,” and that he has abandoned the partnership with Beijing and wants to deter its increased footprint in its own back yard and the Indo-Pacific rim at the behest of the US.

China wants to send a clear message to Modi to abide by the consensus and agreements reached with Beijing during the two informal summits or prepare for a worse consequence than in 1962 from the military face-off in Ladakh.

If Modi fails to reset the course toward fulfilling the consensus and agreement reached during the two summits, China will punish India much harder than in 1962. Then Modi’s fate is likely to be as depicted by 19th-century Russian historian Vasily Klyuchevsky, who said, “History teaches us nothing, but only punishes for not learning its lessons.”

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Tagged: ArchiveIndia-China relationsLadakhNarendra ModiS JaishankarSino-Indian WarUS-India ties
Bhim Bhurtel
Bhim Bhurtel is visiting faculty for a master's in international relations and diplomacy, Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu, and faculty for a master's program of Development Economics, Nepal Open University. He was the executive director of the Nepal South Asia Center (2009-14), a Kathmandu-based South Asian development think-tank. Bhurtel can be reached at bhim.bhurtel@gmail.com. More by Bhim Bhurtel

While it is true that Modi has been opportunistic in his dealings with China. China's actions, especially leading to the killing of Indian soldiers, have been pretty stupid as well. I don't think China's leaders are anywhere as smart as they think they are. They don't have a good grasp of understanding other societies. They might've thought they were showing Modi a strong face, instead they've destroyed any prospects of workable Sino-Indian ties for at least 20 years.

Obviously the Trump administration has been aggressively pushing a containment of China and other countries, like India, have been persuaded to go along with some of his policies. But China's own reactions are solidifying these commitments that may not have been set in stone before, thus creating even more enemies for itself.
If US won’t attack N Vietnam because of China’s reaction during Korean War. US will not commit any troops to help India. That is for sure. It seems like only Modi do not realize that. What is he smoking?

Of course the US won't send ground troops to help India fight China. At the same time, China is being contained on all fronts, it doesn't need the entrenched enmity of a country of 1.4 billion to its West. It is one thing to counter Modi's moves, it is another thing to cause the deaths of 20 soldiers that would lead to an entire population becoming extremely hostile to you.

China's leaders are truly boneheaded when it comes to image building, PR and soft power. It is probably because China is an authoritarian state, so they don't have to learn these skills.
Of course the US won't send ground troops to help India fight China. At the same time, China is being contained on all fronts, it doesn't need the entrenched enmity of a country of 1.4 billion to its West. It is one thing to counter Modi's moves, it is another thing to cause the deaths of 20 soldiers that would lead to an entire population becoming extremely hostile to you.

China's leaders are truly boneheaded when it comes to image building, PR and soft power. It is probably because China is an authoritarian state, so they don't have to learn these skills.
And India is really smart to make an enemy of 250 million Pakistanis on its West and 1.4 billion Chinese to its East.
All the provoking had been done by India and China had shown extreme refrain.
Else there would have been war at Doklam with the brazen Indian army intrusion.
Such kindness is SEEN AS WEAKNESS and has invited further endless provocation from the Indians.
Revocation of article 370 is the result.

China had shown the Indians GREAT MERCY in 1962, and yet the INCALCITRANT Indians have not learned their lesson.
Indians should direct their frustrations onto getting the HENDERSON BROOKS-BHAGAT report to get to the truth of INDIAN AGGRESSION against ALL ITS NEIGHBORS.

Go read how Indian Aggression against all its surrounding states since independence
1947 Annexation of Kashmir
1947 Annexation of Junagadh
1948 Annexation of Hyderabad
1949 Annexation of Manipur
1949 Annexation of Tripura
1951 Annexation of South Tibet:
1961 Annexation of Goa:
1962 Annexation of Kalapani, Nepal:

1971 Annexation of Turtuk, Pakistan:
1972 Annexation of Tin Bigha, Bangladesh
1975 Annexation of Sikkim (the whole country):
1983 Aborted Attempted to invade Mauritius
1990 Failed Attempted to annex Bhutan:
2006 Annexation of Duars, Bhutan:
2013 Annexation of Moreh, M260386

2017 (Failed) Second Attempt Annexation of Bhutan:
1962 Failed Attempt to grab land from China:
Book on Annexation of Sikkim
Smash and Grab : Annexation of Sikkim
And India is really smart to make an enemy of 250 million Pakistanis on its West and 1.4 billion Chinese to its East.
All the provoking had been done by India and China had shown extreme refrain.
Else there would have been war at Doklam with the brazen Indian army intrusion.
Such kindness is SEEN AS WEAKNESS and has invited further endless provocation from the Indians.
Revocation of article 370 is the result.

China had shown the Indians GREAT MERCY in 1962, and yet the INCALCITRANT Indians have not learned their lesson.
Indians should direct their frustrations onto getting the HENDERSON BROOKS-BHAGAT report to get to the truth of INDIAN AGGRESSION against ALL ITS NEIGHBORS.

Go read how Indian Aggression against all its surrounding states since independence
1947 Annexation of Kashmir
1947 Annexation of Junagadh
1948 Annexation of Hyderabad
1949 Annexation of Manipur
1949 Annexation of Tripura
1951 Annexation of South Tibet:
1961 Annexation of Goa:
1962 Annexation of Kalapani, Nepal:

1971 Annexation of Turtuk, Pakistan:
1972 Annexation of Tin Bigha, Bangladesh
1975 Annexation of Sikkim (the whole country):
1983 Aborted Attempted to invade Mauritius
1990 Failed Attempted to annex Bhutan:
2006 Annexation of Duars, Bhutan:
2013 Annexation of Moreh, M260386

2017 (Failed) Second Attempt Annexation of Bhutan:
1962 Failed Attempt to grab land from China:
Book on Annexation of Sikkim
Smash and Grab : Annexation of Sikkim

If that's how you want to see it. China could've stood firm against Modi without escalating the conflict violently. India is not the country being contained by the world's strongest superpower, China does not need more enemies. Sure, Modi is being opportunistic, but nothing that China can't rebuff. By escalating the conflict into violence, China is entrenching hostilities that will remain far beyond Modi and destroying the viability of Chinese brands in the Indian market. It's like killing a fly with a hammer.
If that's how you want to see it. China could've stood firm against Modi without escalating the conflict violently. India is not the country being contained by the world's strongest superpower, China does not need more enemies. Sure, Modi is being opportunistic, but nothing that China can't rebuff. By escalating the conflict into violence, China is entrenching hostilities that will remain far beyond Modi and destroying the viability of Chinese brands in the Indian market. It's like killing a fly with a hammer.
I didn't know you have INSIDE INFORMATION on what actually happened at Galwan Valley.
Are you with the CIA?
I didn't know you have INSIDE INFORMATION on what actually happened at Galwan Valley.
Are you with the CIA?

Do you? From what I understand, cold sharp objects were agreed upon by both sides for decades not to be used in these border conflicts. But the Chinese side used spiked clubs and that was the main reason why there were many casualties.
Do you? From what I understand, cold sharp objects were agreed upon by both sides for decades not to be used in these border conflicts. But the Chinese side used spiked clubs and that was the main reason why there were many casualties.
You took the fairy tale story from the Indians HOOK LINE AND SINKER.
The kind of people who were JUMPING FOR JOY when they watch 20 of their INDISCIPLINED SOLDIERS were lynching a SINGLE CHINESE SOLDIER.
Where they are seen in many videos armed with RIOT GEAR and batons but keep saying they were UNARMED.

Why do Indians tell so many lies?
You took the fairy tale story from the Indians HOOK LINE AND SINKER.
The kind of people who were JUMPING FOR JOY when they watch 20 of their INDISCIPLINED SOLDIERS were lynching a SINGLE CHINESE SOLDIER.
Where they are seen in many videos armed with RIOT GEAR and batons but keep saying they were UNARMED.

Why do Indians tell so many lies?

so what weapons were used by each side in the conflict then?
I didn't know you have INSIDE INFORMATION on what actually happened at Galwan Valley.
Are you with the CIA?

It's best just to ignore him. He may have Chinese ethnicity but he does not have Chinese nationality. He's one of those "banana" types that love to ride the moral high horse. It appears that he became all-knowing, much the same way the Indian media is.
so what weapons were used by each side in the conflict then?
Why ask me?
You were the SMART ALEC with inside information from the CIA.
Most of us here don't know including me.
I am here enjoying the entertainment and the rumours and play the game of guessing how many dead on the Chinese side.
From what I know, one of the confirmed dead is well known pugilist Shaolin hero FANG SIYUE 方世玉.
While it is true that Modi has been opportunistic in his dealings with China. China's actions, especially leading to the killing of Indian soldiers, have been pretty stupid as well. I don't think China's leaders are anywhere as smart as they think they are. They don't have a good grasp of understanding other societies. They might've thought they were showing Modi a strong face, instead they've destroyed any prospects of workable Sino-Indian ties for at least 20 years.

Obviously the Trump administration has been aggressively pushing a containment of China and other countries, like India, have been persuaded to go along with some of his policies. But China's own reactions are solidifying these commitments that may not have been set in stone before, thus creating even more enemies for itself.
Yes, Chinese leaders are not as smart as you.
Do you? From what I understand, cold sharp objects were agreed upon by both sides for decades not to be used in these border conflicts. But the Chinese side used spiked clubs and that was the main reason why there were many casualties.
Hundreds of Indian soldiers silently crossed the LAC and approached Chinese camp under the cover of night darkness. You don't need a wild imagination to figure out what had just happened.
so what weapons were used by each side in the conflict then?
The "spiked clubs" you saw is another Indians' propaganda trick. Indians didn't capture any Chinese weapon. So there is no actual Chinese weapon that could be seen by Indian media.The spiked clubs look very heavy and not suitable for hand hold.
So what are they? They are probably the mesh wire poles at China-Indian border. Indians just pulled them out from ground and used them as the "Chinese evil weapons"

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