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India - ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ slogan at India Gate lands woman in Jail.

Look at the excessive emojis u r using. It conveys ur emotions.

As for the answer to ur question...like I said before go ahead and read my posts...u will find ur answer.

I will not go into long details again...so here it is in short.
- The woman arrested for throwing a slipper at the memorial being a public nuisance and arrested for that...that is fine.
- The woman arrested for chanting Pakistan Zindabad...that is not fine

If u wish to debate logically, setting aside nationalistic rhetoric...based solely on freedom of speech and the constitution...then go ahead and read my other posts in this thread. Otherwise u can agree or disagree or troll or whatever...just don't bother quoting me.

Could u provide me with a link to that discussion, if it's not too much work? Lol u have admitted one too many times that u r lazy.

Forget what she did or said and keeping emotions and rhetoric aside, both my question and answer were just plain and simple.

It is a standard practice of police of any nation to arrest and remove the protester(s) from the site of protest and later let them go. I guess the Delhi police also did the same in this case, so what is the big deal in that ??? And who is it completely against freedom of speech and expression to begin with ???

I humbly request, do you have a reasonable answer for that. :-)
Forget what she did or said and keeping emotions and rhetoric aside, both my question and answer were just plain and simple.

It is a standard practice of police of any nation to arrest and remove the protester(s) from the site of protest and later let them go. I guess the Delhi police also did the same in this case, so what is the big deal in that ??? And who is it completely against freedom of speech and expression to begin with ???

I humbly request, do you have a reasonable answer for that. :-)
Dude for the nth time...read my posts. I ONLY brought up that chanting "Pakistan Zindabad" shouldn't be a big deal to warrant an arrest and it SHOULD be covered by her right to free speech.

I didn't say anywhere that the Police was wrong to arrest her for being a public nuisance. U understand the difference? I'm only taking issue with a part of the whole situation and NOT the whole situation. AGAIN go and read my posts on this thread before discussing anything further.
Dude for the nth time...read my posts. I ONLY brought up that chanting "Pakistan Zindabad" shouldn't be a big deal to warrant an arrest and it SHOULD be covered by her right to free speech.

I didn't say anywhere that the Police was wrong to arrest her for being a public nuisance. U understand the difference? I'm only taking issue with a part of the whole situation and NOT the whole situation. AGAIN go and read my posts on this thread before discussing anything further.

Well I do agree with that. Why should "Pakistan Zindabad" be a big deal ??? Did I supported the arrest for such silly stupid reason anywhere in my posts. I was merely saying that the Police action was absolutely normal in such circumstances . Read the same in my post #51. And there is a reason for that. It was not for you rather one of your fellow nationals. So please don't bother me. It's not me rather you who started quoting me. Peace. :)

She has a democratic right to protest.

However that only applies in free countries.

India is a fascist Hindutva state.
dialectical materialism
  1. the Marxist theory (adopted as the official philosophy of the Soviet communists) that political and historical events result from the conflict of social forces and are interpretable as a series of contradictions and their solutions. The conflict is seen as caused by material needs.
Sure she has. And in every democratic or non democratic country the protesters are arrested and vacated from the site of protest and neither India nor Pakistan is an exception.

Remember 2014 Lahore Model town those poor souls too had the democratic right to protest. But yeah, you are never a Fascist state. LOL :sarcastic::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
They are model democracy.

Didn't some pakistani guy get arrested for raising an Indian flag coz he was Indian cricket team fan or something?
Poor boy was kohli fan , arrested by pak police.
Not Qasim, but to Ghazi 'Bajwa'!!! Or to the Sipah Salar e Aajm of ummati lashkar, Ghazi 'Reel' Shareef!!!

BJP ploy, nothing else!!!


Will she write in Urdu?
Already mentioned that in my previous reply. Actually it has been a few cases. They have been ruled on the basis that a clear call to tort-based action (given its tort consequences) crosses over to the realm of expression rather than mere speech.

You simply cannot make pre-emptive laws in the US that curtail free speech (expression is different and can be delineated by tort and other means).

No other constitution in the world says a government CANNOT do something....the wording is always fundamentally additive, not subtractive....the rights end up being negative and positive respectively in their inherent inalienable nature.

For example, in any other country, the govt simply needs to have enough votes to pass legislation that restricts free speech pre-emptively (I have brought this up before with @Joe Shearer regarding the story of "Minority Report")....it is a consensus thing in the end....it has already happened and is continuing to happen (example being numerous cases of what "harmful" speech should be illegal and prevented from ever happening...and this is not tort expression stuff like yelling fire in a crowded theater etc.).

The US is the only one that has stipulated, no matter what the consensus is in the govt of the day....people have fundamental rights that can never be taken away from them...period. Because those people had those rights before the govt came into existence...they were invested by an all together different (and arguably higher) authority.

You would need to read deeply into the works of Locke, Burke (both somewhat ironically not from the US themselves but from the colonial power that was rebelled against) and all the federalist papers (esp the debates on federalism vs non-federalism) to get why the US is a special case regarding this.

The very way the Magna Carta was merely "devolved" from imperial "god given" might and right (at essentially the imperial forces fancying/claiming them being the representation of the godhead morality on "thy kingdom come"), left a very sticky foul taste in a lot (in fact most) of the American founding fathers mouths...because they saw (firsthand) how it had built up in their case to excessive, quite unrestricted and unbounded tyranny.

Thus even before they could finally liberate themselves from its clutches....they went right to the root of the issue and how to expunge that from ever happening again as best they could (if you see what is actually required now to remove a US amendment without a complete revolution/rejection/refounding process)....by founding the rights on something far beyond the reach of men. This is why the US constitution in the end, specifies what the govt can never be able to do. No other constitution before or after it was written in this specific way.

@VCheng @Hamartia Antidote @KAL-EL @RabzonKhan @Desert Fox @jhungary @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Vibrio @LeGenD @gambit @GeraltofRivia @Atlas @bluesky @Skies @Signalian @The Sandman

@Indus Pakistan asked me once what was the difference between the two large cousin-countries of North America "ideologically" (given how similar they seem to be on the surface on many things)....well here it is in greater detail....but still somewhat of a nutshell (this is an extremely long topic to get into).

You have described elegantly what I have often expressed as the foundation upon which my firm belief in the present and future of USA rests, unfashionable it may be on PDF to admit these days.
As per bhartis, Pakistan is not democracy, so why comparing? But this incident proves bhart is hypocrisy(as explained by Pakistani minister) and not democracy.
Living in sham democracies like Pak I don't blame the minister for not understanding what democracy is and the difference between freedom of expression and hatespeech/bigotry.:D

I'm not comparing India with Pakistan coz there is no such comparison. I'm just saying what's norm in every country.
Living in sham democracies like Pak
thats rich and mighty coming from vermin who until recently used to call himself Muslim and didnt had moral decency to embraced his own religion\identity
I'm not comparing India with Pakistan
you cant even if you want
as the El Sidd says india is mob masquerading as nation
The one and only of its kind
They are model democracy.
Indian democracy where a US listed global terrorist who was banned from stepping foot in United States for 12 whole years is made PM of the country.

You can keep this democracy and shove it where the sun doesnt shine :lol:

chai wala made India the laughing stock of the world.
Indian democracy where a US listed global terrorist who was banned from stepping foot in United States for 12 whole years is made PM of the country.

You can keep this democracy and shove it where the sun doesnt shine :lol:

chai wala made India the laughing stock of the world.

lol...............world knows which country is laughing stock with begging bowl .........:D
thats rich and mighty coming from vermin who until recently used to call himself Muslim and didnt had moral decency to embraced his own religion\identity

you cant even if you want
as the El Sidd says india is mob masquerading as nation
The one and only of its kind
If you're talking about Afsal, he left PDF long back, used to be my roommate. Given you following me around seems, you two rubbed nose pretty bad. Elsid can say anything he wants, given it must be a Pakistani's opinion, the hierarchy of worthiness is at the rock bottom. So, save it. Listen to his preaching and continue to be in your delusions.
dialectical materialism
  1. the Marxist theory (adopted as the official philosophy of the Soviet communists) that political and historical events result from the conflict of social forces and are interpretable as a series of contradictions and their solutions. The conflict is seen as caused by material needs.

They sure adopted some most excellent music and made it their own....I will give them that.

Stand to attention comrade @SecularNationalist
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