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India - ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ slogan at India Gate lands woman in Jail.

Yeah I just vaguely remember a convo you had explaining all this before to someone else and it struck me then...because yours is not all that common view among Pakistanis I have interacted with mostly.

Trust me, I too have much admiration for some of the higher loftier goals that communism set out to do....but as you have doubtless seen yourself, there are real issues that get in the way that communism just treats too simply (by sweeping authoritarianism on it...like you mention with over-suppression of religion/elder culture)....mostly because it assumes complete human uniformity is to be desired (past mere equal opportunity which I am in favour of as gold standard).

I dabbled with socialist thought (only later would I realise thats what it fit more into for certain concepts and ideals I held esp for new independent countries etc) too when I was much younger too....even though my dad is avowed anti-socialist...he always said, son, you also have to listen to their side as they present it and think things through and gather the evidence and debate etc....I much admire his open frankness and attitude for political debate.

Thanks for your post. You are right about the past and future....though I do truly love a lot of the great stuff USSR brought to us in the musical realm. Such passion and such memorable tunes.

May I ask, when you say you lived in Russia, do you mean during the post-soviet era in the 90s etc? That must have been quite an interesting experience, I suppose you are fluent in Russian?

Interesting turn to the discussion.

He will simply come and say Libya did it best, Gaddafi is perfection.

I love him like a brother from another mother....but he is just too uni-dimensional on the communism talk :D

good try ,
let us hope in next fifty years pakistan becomes free from shadow of deep state .then it will become democracy.

Pakistan is like Israel ... Surrounded by bloodthirsty neighbors... & Has a nation south of us that wishes to exterminate us and push us into the sea.

Like Israel Pakistan needs a strong military establishment coupled with a vibrant democracy. Security and freedom combined.
Pakistan is like Israel ... Surrounded by bloodthirsty neighbors... & Has a nation south of us that wishes to exterminate us and push us into the sea.

Like Israel Pakistan needs a strong military establishment coupled with a vibrant democracy. Security and freedom combined.

strange comparison with israel ,
better you keep away from disturbing us , you will be fine .
If you're talking about Afsal, he left PDF long back, used to be my roommate. Given you following me around seems, you two rubbed nose pretty bad. Elsid can say anything he wants, given it must be a Pakistani's opinion, the hierarchy of worthiness is at the rock bottom. So, save it. Listen to his preaching and continue to be in your delusions.
you are the one who lives in delusions but i am not surprised
have you checked list of most ignorant countries i bet you didnt
you are the one who lives in delusions but i am not surprised
have you checked list of most ignorant countries i bet you didnt
You're a country who shutdown your own capital at the wish of few mullah brigade, later military was seen distributing money to them. And you call us ignorant.

Yeah, there are a lot of such pointless surveys. Does it reflect anything? Assuming Pakistan is not in the list, have you done things better than us? Technologically, or on simple economics, development etc... We must be ignorant but we're getting the job done.
You're a country who shutdown your own capital at the wish of few mullah brigade, later military was seen distributing money to them. And you call us ignorant.

Yeah, there are a lot of such pointless surveys. Does it reflect anything? Assuming Pakistan is not in the list, have you done things better than us? Technologically, or on simple economics, development etc... We must be ignorant but we're getting the job done.

tumhare pas PDF hai ? .........................:D:D:D
You're a country who shutdown your own capital at the wish of few mullah brigade, later military was seen distributing money to them.

it seems you are somuch obsessed with us you've forgot what happens in your own country, once again proves my point

we gave them money to shut up and now they are jail
same cant be said about your country which is ruled by hindutva fanatics
i'd chose give them money anytime over sending to parliament

Yeah, there are a lot of such pointless surveys
anything you dont like is pointless, got it, no wonder India secured second position its quite an achievement

but we're getting the job done.
not there yet with 600 Million subhuman defecating on roads and more poor people than entire sub saharan Africa
it seems you are somuch obsessed with us you've forgot what happens in your own country, once again proves my point

we gave them money to shut up and now they are jail
same cant be said about your country which is ruled by hindutva fanatics
i'd chose give them money anytime over sending to parliament
Neither of which happened in my country. There was no shutdown, never police or army distributed money during a protest. Oh, and Army was never seen in mob control in NCR, it's the job of local police.

You gave them money to shutup? LOL, they are in Jail when they did that again. Not when they shutdown the first time.
anything you dont like is pointless, got it, no wonder India secured second position its quite an achievement
Tell me, has this survey taken in face value by any agency? Have you seen any country getting investments based on ignorance survey? Oh and btw I just looked it up and guess what Taiwan is more ignorant than Brazil. China is doing worse than both Brazil and Taiwan.
These are the world's most ignorant countries
I understand your desperation, but bringing up closet surveys like these is simply comical.
Neither of which happened in my country. There was no shutdown, never police or army distributed money during a protest. Oh, and Army was never seen in mob control in NCR, it's the job of local police.

You gave them money to shutup? LOL, they are in Jail when they did that again. Not when they shutdown the first time.
ofcourse there was no shutdown you just let angry mob lynch people while your police stands by
shut downs are lot better than riots you lot are used where hundreds of people die in single day

just last year devotees of rapist guru took your country for a free rides I guess over 50 were killed but thats not a big deal for you or is it?

You gave them money to shutup? LOL, they are in Jail when they did that again. Not when they shutdown the first time.
so they did went to jail thats the point although they didnt kill anyone but I understand your point you are used to situations where state ministers garland rapists and murderers

Tell me, has this survey taken in face value by any agency? Have you seen any country getting investments based on ignorance survey? Oh and btw I just looked it up and guess what Taiwan is more ignorant than Brazil.
These are the world's most ignorant countries
I understand your desperation, but bringing up closet surveys like these is simply comical.
i wasnt expecting you to understand it either so leave it
you just equated this survey with investment what more proof do we need to justify Indias position
ofcourse there was no shutdown you just let angry mob lynch people while your police stands by
shut downs are lot better than riots you lot are used where hundreds of people die in single day

just last year devotees of rapist guru took your country for a free rides I guess over 50 were killed but thats not a big deal for you or is it?
In a remote area and no police was standing by watching it.

I specifically said NCR, blocking vital roads, not some isolated incident in Sirsa, Haryana where protests happen and unlike you guys, we didn't distribute money. We distributed bullets and send them straight to hell, shot them down and the riot ended in a day. No army was called in. Things went back to normal in a day.

so they did went to jail thats the point although they didnt kill anyone but I understand your point you are used to situations where state ministers garland rapists and murderers
Yeah, for something different. After they cost billions in business coz of vandalism. You failed to arrest them first, and rewarded them money for the shut down, then later arrested when they did once again. No regard for public.

i wasnt expecting you to understand it either so leave it
you just equated this survey with investment what more proof do we need to justify Indias position
haha now hide behind such comments. It doesn't take a genius to pick this survey apart. So, tell me why Chinese are more ignorant than South Africans and Mexicans? Maybe even Pakistanis for that matter. Go figure.
Yeah I just vaguely remember a convo you had explaining all this before to someone else and it struck me then...because yours is not all that common view among Pakistanis I have interacted with mostly.

Trust me, I too have much admiration for some of the higher loftier goals that communism set out to do....but as you have doubtless seen yourself, there are real issues that get in the way that communism just treats too simply (by sweeping authoritarianism on it...like you mention with over-suppression of religion/elder culture)....mostly because it assumes complete human uniformity is to be desired (past mere equal opportunity which I am in favour of as gold standard).

I dabbled with socialist thought (only later would I realise thats what it fit more into for certain concepts and ideals I held esp for new independent countries etc) too when I was much younger too....even though my dad is avowed anti-socialist...he always said, son, you also have to listen to their side as they present it and think things through and gather the evidence and debate etc....I much admire his open frankness and attitude for political debate.

Thanks for your post. You are right about the past and future....though I do truly love a lot of the great stuff USSR brought to us in the musical realm. Such passion and such memorable tunes.

May I ask, when you say you lived in Russia, do you mean during the post-soviet era in the 90s etc? That must have been quite an interesting experience, I suppose you are fluent in Russian?
Yes you are right my views are different than most pakistanis on this forum and in general and that,s the reason you can see me having fights on this forum specially with the right wingers.
Communism was not perfect just like any other ideology and school of thought but there were some serious drawbacks in it.But apparently the modern day russia is changing very fast and heading in the right direction.
First the governments get extremely rich while the deserving ordinary citizens get little appreciation and rewards for their hard work.Secondly if the ruling government get corrupt then the ordinary citizens are at their mercy because you cannot question or challenge the rulers like you do in a free market democracy.And if you try to raise your voice they can easily suppress it by sending you to a jail.
As it,s evident these days the most billionaire russians are the ones who got contacts in the USSR government and by using those contacts they got hold of the state controlled assets when the USSR was dissolved.On the other hand most american and western billionaires these days are mostly self made and got rich on the basis of their hard work and capability.
Yes i lived in post soviet russia and know russian but i am not fluent in it.I can read it,write it and can convey my message verbally but dont know the language like a native russian.
strange comparison with israel ,
better you keep away from disturbing us , you will be fine .

Not strange at all... Just compare about the creation of both nations. The parallels are undeniably.
Where is @jamahir, absconding when he should be present at the bar of history?

he was here on some thread , saw his comments .

Am here, sirs.

As joe shearer said it,s somehow contradictory for secularnationlists to become communists because communists are some how related to atheism.We accept and respect all kinds of religions but communists try to discourage the religion and even persecute them like in china and former soviet union.
Yes i was a commie in my teenage years but just like anyone else i evolved as i grew mature and understood whats right and whats wrong in the current day context.The modern world has seen two super powers USSR and USA and the former did not abuse their position of power like the latter did and overall they left a little negative impact on the world as compared to USA. Secondly red army defeated the evil nazi empire and did a great favour for all of us.Those are the reasons why i am fond of USSR.Finally i lived among the russians in russia and i see them differently unlike many people who are brainwashed by stereotypes like mafia,evil commies,prostitutes and gangsters etc.

Well written.

And you can be a Communist without losing belief in God. USSR was just one of the models of Communism/Socialism.

Also, if you still have contacts in Russia why not you invite them to PDF ??

But eventually the reality is communism was a past capitalism is the future.

I disagree.

Communism is natural and brings harmony. How else ??

Capitalism is artificial clothing and brings disharmony to society.

He will simply come and say Libya did it best, Gaddafi is perfection.

I love him like a brother from another mother....but he is just too uni-dimensional on the communism talk :D

Thank you for the first part of the second paragraph. :)

Well, Gaddafi wasn't perfection but he did show the way to an almost ideal society. I say "almost" because I don't know what an ideal society is.

All past and current Socialist/Communist societies have been experiments. We can take what is good from them and use them to shape newer societies.

For example, the Indian party AAP ( Aam Aadmi Party ) has the "Swaraaj" political model which is similar to Libya's Jamahiriya direct democracy system.

Jamahir over and out.
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world knows where bachabazi is rampant , see on youtube "pakistan's hidden shame " .
Dumb Indian BachaBaazi is an Afghan problem that their namak haram refugees brought over to my country.

meanwhile this what the world is saying about you mentally sick Indians. Indian men raping children every 15 mins of the day. Aukkat dehko apni child molesters
In India a child is sexually assaulted every 15 minutes
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