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India, Pakistan troops exchange fire

Indian reaction is quite natural... after all it was Silakotis who crossed the sensitive limits, first.
Now its their problem how they defend their dareful act.
any case..... Sialkotis are clearly in hotwaters....
Batman You need to update your GK , Hindi is a language not the people of the country.

What Bharati - It's Bharatiya

Get it into Your thick head.

You would know what the short name for Pakistani people would be - Wont You ?

Arbi is a language and yet we call Arabs as Arbis!!
Second part i agree... Bharat was the name before it was conqured by Turks and officialy got renamed in foreign language and second time it officialy got renamed by English in another foreign language as India.
Bharat could very well be the most deserving name but only in your local language... you have the choice to call it Bharat or India or Hindustan.
Hind will remain a name in Arabi language for your part of world as they call Almania to Germany and Germans call them self Deutschland.
Fine..... but technically their is nothing wrong with this word.. when it is said 'hindi movies' why is that not offensive? Similarly the name we use ‘bahr e hind’
In any case hindustan is technically wrong but amazingly....accepted...!
it was name given by central asian rulers from Turk origin…. Till todate hindus hate Muslim sof subcontinent due to their possible link with Turk race…..any how, the sultanate does not exist since last 260 years ago..... Although, Muslims of subcontinent did not accepted British as their masters and hence forth kept using Hindustan for expressing their disloyalties towards occupation of English, who treated people of subcontinent as slaves…....
INDIA was a name used by British to every dark colored race they conquered, derived from color INDIGO.
Which is also contrary to the beliefs of Islam to discriminate a race on the basis of their color but expressing people with indigo color is extreme violation of civilization rules; indigo expression is for dirty looking dark.
Where as since centuries ago foreign nations used ‘Hindi’ for the people living on this part of the world, which is derived from their religion Hinduism.
This is why millions of hindus take pride in living in Islamic countries because they call them ‘hindi’ instead of racist name Indian or Hindustan which represent history of subcontinent which was foreign to this part of world.
what the heck are you talking about, its obvious why you are using the term hindi to describe Indian people. The amount of names that "India"goes by reflects on our diverse and rich history where mother India has embraced each culture that has called it home. If Hindu's take pride living in Islamic countries, millions of muslims take pride living in India which is over 80% hindu. So i wont be talking if i were you.
Arbi is a language and yet we call Arabs as Arbis!!
Second part i agree... Bharat was the name of hindu empire exisited in subcontinent centuries ago and could very well be the most deserving name but only in your local language.
Hind will remain a name in Arabi language for your part of world as they call Almania to Germany and Germans call them self Deutschland.

Neither you are an Arab nor I - what's the point in saying somthing in an Alien Language.

Pakistanis are also called as Pakis in the UK, So should be allowed ??
Don't mess with Sialkotis... Indian army's belligerence is getting high. They are testing out our border defences since another Mumbai-like-drama is coming up...

So what will they do than? start a war..... possibly, before we get our hands to blk-52 and AIM120C? ;)
seems pretty close call... in this case shall i believe Israeli army is already in Hindustan with their SUFAS!
Come on Guys, You think these news are To be believed, Indian media reports firing from pakistan and Pakistan media reports the Firing from India..... The ground truth is the firing is from the Guns of terrorists, Who are the only one having pleasure seeing Both of us Fight..... The day we Unite its there end for Sure, why would they let it happen??? Its a simple fact...
Neither you are an Arab nor I - what's the point in saying somthing in an Alien Language.

Pakistanis are also called as Pakis in the UK, So should be allowed ??

You are missing the whole point or deliberately avoiding talk sensible on technical basis.
**** is no language!
Our Language Urdu is a mixture of Parsian, Turkish and Arabic so non of those languages are alien to us... sure they are to you.
Hope you are bit more educated now.
You are missing the whole point or deliberately avoiding talk sensible on technical basis.
**** is no language!
Our Language Urdu is a mixture of Parsian, Turkish and Arabic so non of those languages are alien to us... sure they are to you.
Hope you are bit more educated now.

Actually it's you who is missing the point. Indians are not known by the name 'hindi'. You have so many words to choose from:

1. Indians
2. Bharatiyas
3. Hindustanis
etc etc

yet you insist on deliberately misspelling (and moreover insisting on that spelling).

What will be your reaction if I call you Urdi from now on?

The man is trying to correct you but you insist on your mistake.
Batman You need to update your GK , Hindi is a language not the people of the country.

What Bharati - It's Bharatiya

Get it into Your thick head.

You would know what the short name for Pakistani people would be - Wont You ?

if you are thinking what im thinking then that is considered as an offensive word for all south asians not jus Pakistan
what the heck are you talking about, its obvious why you are using the term hindi to describe Indian people. The amount of names that "India"goes by reflects on our diverse and rich history where mother India has embraced each culture that has called it home. If Hindu's take pride living in Islamic countries, millions of muslims take pride living in India which is over 80% hindu. So i wont be talking if i were you.

Dude i lived in middleast for some time and their i got this habbit of calling hindi..... nothing beyond that.
Muslims in India are your problem and i know the problem of thier rise in population is regularly controlled by indian army.
If hindus have tendency to accept cultures than why are they enimies of Muslims and Christians?
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