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India-Pakistan Sticky Fingers And Conspiracy Theories


Oct 10, 2009
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India-Pakistan: Sticky Fingers And Conspiracy Theories

September 13, 2010: While most Pakistanis believe that Islamic terrorists are responsible for all the attacks the terrorists take credit for, there are still many (including officials in the intelligence forces) who believe India is behind some of this violence, as a way to increase the disorder in Pakistan. There is never any real evidence for this, but many Pakistanis prefer to believe that all the mayhem in their country is not their fault, and must be caused by hostile foreigners (especially Americans, in addition to those evil Indians).
As billions of dollars worth of foreign donations, and reconstruction loans, pour into Pakistan, even many prominent Pakistanis warn local charities and government to not allow much of the aid to be stolen. If that does not happen, it will be a first for Pakistan.
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People believe that Islamic terrorist (read TTP and BLA) are being used by foreign intelligence agencies for terrorism. Don't spin what people are trying to say.

In addition to this, anti-ISI conspiracy theories are quite popular in India, Afghanistan, and some parts of the west. So don't single out Pakistan.

Btw, the article is questionable to begin with considering the language they are using.
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