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India-Pakistan Standoff September 2016 - Member opinions

No it was not...do some research.
No, i will just sit and watch when you guys are going for ghazwa hind

Actually what @graphican has "elucidated" above, pre-dates the birth of Zaid Hamid, by 500+ years. So chill. Maybe a bit of research on your own on Shah Naimatullah Wali will help what the above member was stating. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shah_Nimatullah_Wali
Well in that case TTP calims that they are doing ghazwa hind, maybe you should join them
No, i will just sit and watch when you guys are going for ghazwa hind
then why did you ask.? People like you and false flaggers always run away when the nation faces a problem.
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I did not intend to discuss Ahadeeth or predictions of Hazrat Shah NaimatUllah Wali, but only wanted to indulge in the plannings of "powers that be" pertaining to Middle East (already happening) and our part of the region.

Keeping the above in mind I am of the opinion that "they" have their end objectives which "they" will or are target(ing) to achieve. Pakistan is in their plans, especially Baluchistan Province and KPK.

So maybe it's just a matter of time when the events which will precede the finale, will begin to happen (be orchestrated).

Or what we are witnessing now "are" actually those very events?

- MQM and Karachi
- BLA and Baluchistan
- TTP / ANP and KPK
- TTP and Punjab
- Economic Hitmen
- Economic Corruption
- India's current stand and Saber rattling
- Afghanistan
I would rather give up a portion of Pakistan rather then merge with Afghanistan

Thankfully Pakistanis are not stupid to give up their territory and thankfully we do not have another person like you in Pakistan. Take very good care of yourself, and don't announce your plans in public. You might be tarted harshly by common people on the street.
Actually what @graphican has "elucidated" above, pre-dates the birth of Zaid Hamid, by 500+ years. So chill. Maybe a bit of research on your own on Shah Naimatullah Wali will help what the above member was stating. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shah_Nimatullah_Wali
Actually by 900 years.
And guys like him just abuse the religion and religious people and they just want to keep robbing the country and leave the boat when they see it is sinking.... Mir Jaffers and Mir Sadiq like character (about whom i came to know recently)

I did not intend to discuss Ahadeeth or predictions of Hazrat Shah NaimatUllah Wali, but only wanted to indulge in the plannings of "powers that be" pertaining to Middle East (already happening) and our part of the region.

Keeping the above in mind I am of the opinion that "they" have their end objectives which "they" will or are target(ing) to achieve. Pakistan is in their plans, especially Baluchistan Province and KPK.

So maybe it's just a matter of time when the events which will precede the finale, will begin to happen (be orchestrated).

Or what we are witnessing now "is" actually those very events?

- MQM and Karachi
- BLA and Baluchistan
- TTP / ANP and KPK
- TTP and Punjab
- Economic Hitmen
- Economic Corruption
- India's current stand and Saber rattling
- Afghanistan
TTP has been dealt with but the problem lies with your establishment that is not willing to deal with the core of these problems and that's PMLn-mindset
We saw the maps and then we saw what happened in the Middle East and is still happening.

The plans were laid down several years ago and are currently in execution.

For those who understand what's being referred to above, I put the question, is the war between Pakistan and India, only a matter of when, rather than If.

Your views.

Sadly, the 'if' has already been decided by one side.

The 'when' will be decided by the other.

No one but Allah , knows what will happen tomorrow.
A mere human cannot know what will be his / her next meal

As for the comment about, current events - I think the issue of Kashmir is independent from the current events happening in Middle east.

It is a independent issue from 1947 , that has become a crisis becasue Indian Politicians have failed to view the issue as will of people , of an independent state, and have insisted that they should not practice their "Right of vote"

Documented evidence

a) Hyderabad state (Taken by military force by India 1948 Operation)
b) Kashmir (Attempt were made we thwarted it partially issue open)
c) Goa

Now , do we need a prediction from someone to defend the honor of Kashmiri people


We will protect the civilians , women and children and elderly that are being abused by Indian forces , and we will also protect the Young Kids

Kashmir will not become a Human Rights violation center the criminal parties in India will be brought to court (International court of law for their violation of basic principles of Human rights)

This is 100% India's own political party caught with their own hands covered in blood

It is amusing to see the pretence that repeating something parrot-like will sweep aside all the trivial detail in front. It was not the will of the people, then, it was not an independent state and there was no restriction of their right to vote.

Deliberate distortions may impress the impressionable and weak-minded.
I think OP is referring to this

View attachment 336004

No, he was referring to Indo-US-Israel alliance and the map of the new world order where India gains a regional power status. And the change of maps means what has happened in the ME, the fall of Iraq, Libya, the Arab Spring in Egypt, etc, etc.

By the way, from the map, it shows Afghanistan as part of Pakistan. I seriously doubt the Pakistanis want the crap-shoot from Afghanistan to become a part of them. Just saying, no offense!
Yes, I believe that it's only a matter of when Pakistan and India will go to war for the final time. The next few months are critical.
There is no "Grater Pakistan" concept out there. What NiamatAllah Shah Wali is talking about is Liberation of Kashmir and completion of Pakistan, with no further expansion to its borders.

I buy no propaganda and being a Pakistani, I know there are no expansionist designs and we as countrymen do not believe in capturing Afghanistan or any other part of India. Kashmir was Pakistan and it will unite Pakistan - that is it.

It was never Pakistan.

Pakistan is clearly defined and documented in the Indian Independence Act. I suggest you read it and refresh your memory.

As for your relationship with Afghanistan, the Durand Line was imposed arbitrarily by the British. It is for your own good that you should review it, and re-consider an unequal treaty imposed on a weak neighbour by force.

Ask your all-weather friends. They know all about unequal treaties imposed on weak neighbours by force, and keep lecturing India about it. They will be able to help you.
Ganja is a gutless, he can't defend Pakistan & Pakistans interest at any stage.
And making kabul part of Pakistan will be self destruction for it.

Quite. A childish thought, but it seems to be thought of frequently, along with other bizarre schemes.

What worries me these days is not the proliferation of kids on keyboards killing in their electronic imaginations. It is the proliferation of adults behaving like such kids.
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