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India Pakistan Military Comparison

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Dec 19, 2008
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Conventional Force Comparison
The conventional military balance is tilted far in India's favor. India has achieved numerical and qualitative superiority in many military categories, particularly in mechanized ground forces and in attack aircraft. It has a two-to-one advantage in tanks and a three-to-one advantage in modern tanks. India also has true infantry fighting vehicles, giving its mechanized infantry much more firepower and mobility than the Pakistani infantry. The two-to-one overall advantage in aircraft grows to almost a six-to-one advantage when one compares just the most modern and capable aircraft - a category in which Pakistan lost its earlier edge after over a decade of U.S.-led international sanctions.[2] This disadvantage is very significant because Pakistan has little strategic depth; that is, many of its strategic assets are close to its border with India.

Both India and Pakistan have offensively oriented conventional military doctrines. India has developed an offensive-defensive military doctrine that calls for aggressive offensive action to pre-empt or counter-attack the enemy. Currently, India is exploring the concept of limited conventional war based on the notion of strategic space between low-intensity conflicts and full-scale conventional war. This concept is fueled by political and public pressure within India to launch conventional military strikes against Pakistan in retaliation for Pakistan's alleged support of terrorism.[3] The Pakistani army also relies on an offensive-defensive strategy, which is characterized by retaining adequate reserves at successive force levels, surprise, and aggressive leadership. This strategy calls for the Pakistan army to detect the initial enemy thrust, take effective counter measures to limit penetration, and simultaneously attack the adversary to capture or threaten a strategic objective.[4]

Strategic Nuclear Balance
Each country possesses a stockpile of nuclear weapons components and could assemble and deploy several nuclear weapons within a few days to a week.[5] The size, composition, and operational status of each nuclear arsenal are closely guarded secrets, but sufficient public information exists to make general assumptions about the strategic balance in South Asia.[6]

Assuming that the Cirus and Dhruva research reactors produce 25-40 kg of bomb-grade plutonium annually, by the end of 2002 India could have stockpiled between 280-600 kg of weapon-grade plutonium.[7] Although India also has a program to produce highly enriched uranium (HEU), it is not known if the program has managed to produce weapon-grade HEU. Experts assess that India could require as little as 5 kg and as much as 7 kg of plutonium per weapon. Considering the worst- and best-case assumptions about Indian weapon design, it could possess enough fissile material for between 40 and 120 weapons, with 70 as the median estimate.

Unlike India, which relies on plutonium for its weapons, Pakistan's nuclear program is based on HEU. If Pakistan's Kahuta enrichment plant is able to produce 80-140 kg of weapon-grade uranium per year, Pakistan today could have 815-1230 kg available for weapons production. The amount required for a bomb is believed to be 12-25 kg, depending on the weapon design Pakistan employs. In addition, an unsafeguarded heavy-water research reactor recently constructed at Khushab produces plutonium that could be reprocessed to make a few nuclear weapons annually. Adding together its possible plutonium and HEU inventories, Pakistan could have enough fissile material to produce between 35 and 95 weapons, with 60 as the median estimate.

Each state has various aircraft and ballistic missiles that could be used to deliver nuclear weapons. In 2001, DOD assessed that India would most likely employ fighter-bomber aircraft for delivery because its ballistic missiles probably were not yet ready. The air force has several aircraft that could be employed for this mission, but the best suited would be the Jaguar, Mirage-2000, MiG-27, or Su-30. India has deployed short-range Prithvi 1 missiles that are capable of carrying a 1000 kg warhead (the presumed maximum size of a nuclear device), but because of Prithvi's restricted range, India will probably turn to its new solid-propellant Agni 1 missile, which has a 700-900 km range and was rushed into development after the 1999 Kargil conflict. The Agni 1 and the 2000-3000 km-range Agni 2 missile are likely to become India's preferred missile platforms when they become operational.

Pakistan has placed a high priority on acquiring ballistic missiles to offset India's conventional military advantages and to ensure reliable delivery of nuclear weapons. Although the Pakistan Air Force F-16 and Mirage 5 aircraft probably are capable of nuclear delivery, the liquid-fuel Ghauri 1 and 2 missiles developed with North Korean assistance, and the solid-fuel Shaheen 1 and 2 missiles developed with Chinese help, are more likely choices.[8]

India's draft nuclear doctrine, published in August 1999, is based on a retaliatory, no-first-use policy.[9] The doctrine casts Indian nuclear forces principally as a deterrent against a nuclear attack on India. Pakistan has not publicly announced an official nuclear doctrine, but it is concerned with deterring India from taking advantage of its conventional superiority. Pakistan appears to have adopted a nuclear first-use policy to deter India from using its conventional military superiority.[10]

Survivability at Risk
Large-scale conventional warfare between India and Pakistan has the potential to threaten the survival of Pakistan's strategic nuclear forces. However, limited Indian attacks, such as a retaliatory strike on the ground or through the air, would not serve as a real threat to Pakistan's strategic weapon systems.

The asymmetries of strategic depth and offensive military capability give India an operational advantage, and may create a situation in which India's conventional ground or air forces come into contact with Pakistan's strategic nuclear forces. Pakistan's shorter-range Hatf 3/M-11 ballistic missiles must be stationed fairly far forward to reach strategic targets in India, perhaps leaving them vulnerable to both air and ground attack. The same is true of Pakistan's forward airbases, which are within easy striking distance of the border. This is a very troubling scenario because Pakistan places great emphasis on its strategic nuclear forces to deter a large-scale conventional attack by India. The survival of Pakistan's strategic forces is critical to Pakistan, and a threat to them could place pressure on Pakistan to launch a nuclear attack while the strategic forces are still intact and capable of making a credible impression upon India.

India's greater strategic depth allows it to disperse its strategic nuclear forces to areas beyond the normal range of enemy ground and air operations. Longer-range platforms, such as the SU-30 aircraft and the Agni 2 missiles, further decrease Indian vulnerability. When combined with India's presumed retaliatory-only nuclear doctrine, this would seem to minimize the possibility of Pakistan degrading India's strategic deterrent capability so severely that India is pushed into a "use them or lose them" situation.

Command and Control Threatened
Large-scale conventional warfare between India and Pakistan also could threaten vital strategic command and control functions. This is particularly true for Pakistan since India has made a major investment in intelligence gathering and precision-strike capability.[11] There also may be a significant overlap between Pakistan's normal conventional operational command and control structures that would be subject to attack in a large-scale war and its strategic command and control structure. If Pakistan lost command and control of its strategic forces, would national command authorities consider ordering the use of remaining strategic nuclear forces while they could still affect some degree of deterrence?

Pakistan's presumed inability to identify and attack India's C4I probably precludes any appreciable loss of command and control over India's strategic force during a conventional war. This is reinforced by a several factors, including India's reliance on negative control features, and its greater strategic depth. A conventional attack on India's command and control structures probably would cause only a delay in retaliatory nuclear strikes, and not lead to the inadvertent use of nuclear weapons.

There are no indications that India has pre-delegated nuclear release authority. However, New Delhi might find that its strategic command and control functions are unable to cope with the effects of a full-scale conventional war. Under such circumstances India's senior leadership may have to cobble together a system while under pressure. There are no indications that Pakistan has pre-delegated nuclear release authority. However, it too may find that its strategic command and control functions are unable to cope with the effects of a full-scale war. Pakistan would be under tremendous pressure to create a workable system if its strategic command and control system is at risk. Pakistan's reliance on nuclear deterrence could force it to adopt pre-delegation of nuclear release authority if there were no other method to ensure delivery.

Fear of Pre-emption
Large-scale conventional warfare between India and Pakistan almost certainly would include air and ballistic missile attacks. Attacks by these inherently dual-use systems have the potential to be interpreted as pre-emptive attacks to destroy or neutralize the adversary's nuclear capability. This is especially true for Pakistan since India has invested heavily in improving its intelligence gathering and precision-strike capability. India also has made a major investment in defensive measures, including a limited ballistic missile defense.[12] Pakistan may believe that India is trying to gain the ability to launch a pre-emptive attack and deny Pakistan the ability to counter with an effective second-strike with a reduced force. Could this concern lead Pakistan to adopt a launch-on-warning or launch-under-attack posture where any Indian air- or ballistic missile attack could be interpreted as a pre-emptive strike and cause Pakistan to launch its nuclear weapons?

Pakistan's limited ability to identify and attack India's strategic nuclear assets probably precludes any appreciable loss of India's retaliatory capability even if Pakistan launched a pre-emptive attack. This condition is reinforced by India's greater strategic depth, and its superior air and ballistic missile defenses. An air- or ballistic missile attack on India probably would elicit a strong response, but probably not a nuclear response.

India and Pakistan do not want war; and they certainly do not want to fight a nuclear war. As strong as this desire is, however, New Delhi and Islamabad are caught in a spiral of tension and mistrust that could cause the next regional crisis to flair into armed conflict. If India and Pakistan do find themselves engaged in a large-scale conventional war, escalation to a nuclear exchange probably would be averted because of the strategic balance that now obtains. However, their asymmetrical conventional force capabilities and doctrines could create pressures for one side to launch nuclear weapons, even if they would prefer not to. The three scenarios of inadvertent war outlined above show how India's superior conventional military power might so seriously degrade the Pakistan national command authority's confidence in its nuclear deterrent that a nuclear war begins that nobody wants. Even if the risk of inadvertent nuclear war is judged to be low, steps should be taken to ensure that India and Pakistan do not become embroiled in even a limited war. The United States can play a constructive role in the region by taking steps to help keep the peace and reorienting its arms transfer policy to help stabilize the military balance.
this has already being discussed many times in this forum:cheers:
This is a very good balanced realistic assessment.

None of this chest beating paitrotic statements that bear no resemblance to the real situation.

In simple terms india is a far bigger better equipped conventional military. That is expected having 5 times the budget and 8 times the economic might over pakistan.

India will almost certainly get the upper hand even in a short war.

BUT NOBODY CAN AFFORD FOR PAKISTAN to pull the nuke trigger which is always the danger if pakistanis got desperate and where cornored.

The conclusion there may be a brief border skirmish or air strike but india will not trigger a full scale onslaught.

HIS IS NOT BECAUSE AS they are scared or lack the military Knowledge or the TOOLS " CAUSE THEY HAVE BOTH" but they do not want to cornor pakistan to do something that could cause a catastrophic nuclear exchange.

USA IN PARTICULAR wil not let this happen.
Large-scale conventional warfare between India and Pakistan also could threaten vital strategic command and control functions. This is particularly true for Pakistan since India has made a major investment in intelligence gathering and precision-strike capability.[11] There also may be a significant overlap between Pakistan's normal conventional operational command and control structures that would be subject to attack in a large-scale war and its strategic command and control structure. If Pakistan lost command and control of its strategic forces, would national command authorities consider ordering the use of remaining strategic nuclear forces while they could still affect some degree of deterrence?

I have read this article before, but always found it surprising and incomplete. I wanted someone to verify this...does India retain a serious capability to neutralize our command and control infrastructure? I mean, isn't that a little too presumptuous… Surely Pakistan has made great strides in the acquisition of precision guided weapons too (i.e. Babur and I've heard Americans are providing us with bunker busters as part of WoT), Pakistan (PA and PAF) are in the process of acquiring some serious UAV capabilities along with military satellite access as well which should help with intelligence gathering. Besides don't you think it would take a little more to seriously compromise Pakistan’s C&C than just precision weapons, i.e. air superiority which is still a long shot for the Indians at best according to most observers. I’d love some serious feedback, this article is pretty old though I know that, maybe more than 10 years. Since then the Hiz-Israeli war proved that with all the air superiority in the world, the Israelis and their technical superiority couldn't destroy the irregular outfit Hizbullah's C&C which kept raining conventional rockets on them to the very end. Is it really completely reasonable to suggest that Pakistan would ever feel so threatened to lose its sophisticated array of nuclear weapons?
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“To me, I confess, [countries] are pieces on a chessboard upon which is being played out a game for dominion of the world.”Lord Curzon, viceroy of India, speaking about Afghanistan, 1898

to be honest i still dont think that india will do such a mistake .... of launching a full scale war
but the option of a short term milletary scenario is 500% inevitable
i beleive their r some other elements in this whole game of INDO-PAK tention .
Our true enemy who is till hiden from most of us is playing the card of india and wnats of to measur
1 how much united we are
2 How would our politicians and our armed forces will react
3 and they will be watcing our every move . If we activate any Nuclear Missile they will certinly know whre our nuclear arsenell is placed even, if they dont know they will probabally guess it out .

4. wat will be the rection of taliban
5 wat will be the reaction of CHINA , IRAN , Saudia Arabia , Bangladesh and SIRILANKA and perhaps Russia
The enemy of which i m talkin abt is also behind the killing of Benezir Bhutto and is responicible for Bankrupting our Nation so that we could go to IMF.

Our Enemy is in the process of getting information abt us so that they could role the dice and play their big cards efficiently . India is one of their Cards . and they are playing it very well

There is millteray terM called " EXTERIOR MANEOVER "



Numerically Indian can outnumber Pakistan but we have to see can it attack pakistan and sustain it for alon time. I doubt that.Plus both countries posssess nuclear capabilities, I think india is only thinkng about limited strikes over azad kashmir on suspected terrorists camps to appease its people thats it.
This is a very good balanced realistic assessment.

None of this chest beating paitrotic statements that bear no resemblance to the real situation.

In simple terms india is a far bigger better equipped conventional military. That is expected having 5 times the budget and 8 times the economic might over pakistan.

India will almost certainly get the upper hand even in a short war.

BUT NOBODY CAN AFFORD FOR PAKISTAN to pull the nuke trigger which is always the danger if pakistanis got desperate and where cornored.

The conclusion there may be a brief border skirmish or air strike but india will not trigger a full scale onslaught.

HIS IS NOT BECAUSE AS they are scared or lack the military Knowledge or the TOOLS " CAUSE THEY HAVE BOTH" but they do not want to cornor pakistan to do something that could cause a catastrophic nuclear exchange.

USA IN PARTICULAR wil not let this happen.

You certainly aren't the brightest Indian around let me tell you this.
This "Indian onslaught" of which you are talking about will never see daylight, no matter how much that would satisfy your heart.
Pakistan will only use its nukes if there are no other options available, and once they're used, trust me, your country can start rebuilding everything from scratch, no economic growth, no "superpower" prospects anymore.
Your country will be back right where it started, and so will Pakistan be placed back to the start.
Hell, your government will have quite a hard time feeding all hundreds of millions of remaining Indians when Indian crops / lands are full of radioactive material and nuclear fallout is all over the place.
Use your brains for a change, Pakistan is no pushover, you guys are enjoying this dangerous game the Indian government is playing, but once war breaks out, you'll regret you ever had this little feeling inside that you actually didn't mind if Pakistan was toned down a little by India.
India has to strike at Pakistan to show 1.1 billion indians that its GOVT can protect them. " in a year of a election"


PUSH pakistan to hand over some heavy weight terrorists that are on india,s hit list to show indian public they are in control.


INDIA does not have option of doing nothing.

Pakistans BLUFF.

Some indians firmly believe Pakistan will not escalate a war if india makes limited strikes. Believing Pakistan are not in a position to fight a full scale war without Massive outside money & weapons. ie USA
Pakistanis nuke option is bluff. USA will never allow things to get to that level.

USA is keeping pakistan afloat and from bankruptcy by giving you aid.

India knows this this has comminicated to india by RICE & BUSH.

Thats why the indians are so bullish about this whole mumbai terror attack.

THEY ARE SQUEEZING ZARDARI to do more and so is USA...

NO ONE IS GOING TO NUKE no one " thats fantasy" esp pakistan.


AFTER ALL usa is bombing PAkistan everyday virtuaklly
India has to strike at Pakistan to show 1.1 billion indians that its GOVT can protect them. " in a year of a election"


PUSH pakistan to hand over some heavy weight terrorists that are on india,s hit list to show indian public they are in control.


INDIA does not have option of doing nothing.

Pakistans BLUFF.

Some indians firmly believe Pakistan will not escalate a war if india makes limited strikes. Believing Pakistan are not in a position to fight a full scale war without Massive outside money & weapons. ie USA

India HAS to strike Pakistan?
Are you reading your own post?
You WANT India to STRIKE Pakistan.
There is always the diplomatic option.
Some Indians MAY believe Pakistan will sit down and do nothing while India conducts limited strikes INSIDE Pakistani TERRITORY and hereby neglecting Pakistans borders and sovereignty, you MAY believe that, but reality will surely be a ****** when you find out that the PA will simply not let any Indian assault go unpunished.
You people seem to believe alot, well keep believing i'd say, you've always been living in your own fairytale.
India has to strike at Pakistan to show 1.1 billion indians that its GOVT can protect them. " in a year of a election"


PUSH pakistan to hand over some heavy weight terrorists that are on india,s hit list to show indian public they are in control.


INDIA does not have option of doing nothing.

Pakistans BLUFF.

Some indians firmly believe Pakistan will not escalate a war if india makes limited strikes. Believing Pakistan are not in a position to fight a full scale war without Massive outside money & weapons. ie USA

China and Saudi Arab ; espically Saudi Arab is more concern about Pakistan than Pakistan itself.India has always underestimated its enemy and always learned a hard lesson ; more upcoming lessons soon !

Pakistan Zindabaad :pakistan:
The only lesson learned here will be the same as IRAQ & AFGHANISTAN.

Get your house in order.

Abolish your terror schools & camps.

Stop your anti west anti indian & anti jews atitude

Learn to live in peace.

IF PAKISTANI army will not let anyone bomb their country then where are they whilst USA bombs your country daily.

where is your pride your courage etc.

IRAQ is being destroyed by USA a once powerful islamic country far richer than pakisan.

" surely you don,t want that to happen to your country
Pakistanis nuke option is bluff. USA will never allow things to get to that level.

USA is keeping pakistan afloat and from bankruptcy by giving you aid.

India knows this this has comminicated to india by RICE & BUSH.

Thats why the indians are so bullish about this whole mumbai terror attack.

THEY ARE SQUEEZING ZARDARI to do more and so is USA...

NO ONE IS GOING TO NUKE no one " thats fantasy" esp pakistan.


AFTER ALL usa is bombing PAkistan everyday virtuaklly

1. So it is USAs aid that keeps Pakistans economy driving?
2. India knows this and has comminicated? Get some English education.
3. Wait what? Indians are bullish about what? This Whole mumbai terror attack? The Indians should be bullish about their own government which has failed to protect them from these attacks, your so called super country with its fantastic economy has failed to deter this attack even when being warned.
Be bullish about your own government, do not blame the Pakistani government for your own faults.
4. India is not exactly squeezing Zardari, infact, you have provided your so called evidence, which actually cannot be called evidence, and the Pakistani government has clearly said that this letter does not belong to a Pakistani, they want to see ID and more information.
We're not gonna be blamed so easily for your countries mistakes.
5. Hell no! No Nukes at all, but India knows very well it should not consider ANY strike, since us Pakistanis, and the Pakistani armed forces will most likely be furious, and serious retaliation will be on its way.
You seem to think that India is invincible, please for petesakes WAKE UP.
6. A surgical strike is defo on? Are your pants wet by any chance? You'd love to see surgical strikes inside Pakistan by India right?
Won't happen, India wouldn't dare since stakes are high, and they cannot foresee Pakistans response to their limited strikes, IF there will be strikes that is.
7. the U.S.A. is not bombing Pakistan everyday, if you're referring to the drone strikes, that is done under the agreement which will end later this month.
You live in Dreamworld if you think India will do attacks on borders and paksitan will sit back with popcorns and watch it lolzzzz Keep dreaming
India has to strike at Pakistan to show 1.1 billion indians that its GOVT can protect them. " in a year of a election"


PUSH pakistan to hand over some heavy weight terrorists that are on india,s hit list to show indian public they are in control.


INDIA does not have option of doing nothing.

Pakistans BLUFF.

Some indians firmly believe Pakistan will not escalate a war if india makes limited strikes. Believing Pakistan are not in a position to fight a full scale war without Massive outside money & weapons. ie USA

1. First of all, you forgettin you coward airforce ran away when it came into our airspae, so just to let u kno pakistan not goin to sit and watch.

2. Pakistan asked india for proof for the mumbai blast wich they failed to provide, now how can u punish sum 1 when hes innocent??

3. First of Zardari said that we will not hand any alleged terrorisy to india, and if we have then we will only exchange for the person who was responsible for samotha express bombing which killed 60 pakistanis.
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