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India-Pakistan military balance

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What's the point of these off topic posts, albeit in a rather weak thread, it has nothing to do with anything.
Typical, indian behaviour, making fake accounts.:tsk::disagree::disagree::disagree:

:pakistan: zindabad

hey brother myself zunaid hussain and i am from pak but still i am in india just for visit my tour to jaipur. and all of you are considering me as indian fake account.then i must say

May Allah bless you and give peace .. Ameen
plz stick wid topic ,,,,,,,
india pakistan military balance
Pakistan has half a million in reserves too. And by most popular articles, Pakistan has more missiles and more warheads.

I think its safe to say Pak would be missile trigger happy in any future war scenario.
germans will never offer them after pak finalize its deal there is no other subs which can be matched with u 214 not even any american sub it is state of the art only frens barracude is supperior than u 214 french never gonna offer them to india. they have to get their next new subs from russia.

i think pak also g change number of 3 to 4 of u 214 and go for atleasr 2 nuke subs from china and 2 to 3 subs from china non nuke and after few years go for destroyers beoz of financial probleums than we will be capable of giving indian aircraft carrrier veerat and its fleet run for their money and indian navy will be in tatters.

the best and effective way to kill any aircraft carrier is to attck it from beneath and more cappable weapon of doing this is submarine it will attack it silently.
I think we should all consider the fact that so called "Super Powers" work together at times to influence the balence of power in a region for their own interest. Agreements are made behind the sences we are not aware of.

Israel for example as we all know is supplied with many US weapons. The other nations in the area were supplied with Soviet weapons this we all know was done to secure a place for their own interests, and not the interest of that nation in many cases.

During the Iraqi Iranian War if I recall correctly the US was selling weapons to Iraq, while Israel was selling weapons to Iran. Both American and Israel had an interest in keeping a balance of power between the nations at war while reducing the capabilities of both nations of being an external threat to other nations in the area by reducing or mantaining a certian number of fighting men and equipment.
israel never sell anytype of any weapon to iran you are wrong it may be russia
India is around 5 times larger than Pakistan so it has a greater need for a large armed force and as Fatman has pointed out this includes factors like population etc.

Pakistan's population is around 15% of India's population, of course we can't match them numerically. But as technology progresses and weapons become more destructive, numerical superiority will play less of a role in warfare.

As long as we have our nukes, nobody can dare to launch a land invasion of Pakistan.
India-Pakistan military balance? Please don't forget China and what China can contribute to such balance.

Here is the photo of the road (喀喇昆仑公路) built in 1970s which links Pakistan and China.

From the Chinese side alone, more than 100 Chinese engineers/workers died during the construction in such extremely difficult environment. Do you really believe this road is just more economic purpose? I don't think so.

The truth is, with this road, unlimited resources can be transported to our ONLY ally Pakistan when necessary. We have large number of armed forces deployed in the Urumqi region, very close to the above road, numerous equipments can be built/maintained in that big capital city.


examples here:

RPG factory in 1980s

type-99 tank factory

when talking about such balance, India/Indians should all re-consider what they have on hand.

:pakistan::china: any invasion of the land/sea/sky of Pakistan must be regarded as declaring war against China.

nothing in the following list can be found in India

Type-05 rifle

12.7mm rifle


SY-400 guided rocket system (400km+ range can hit New Delhi from China/Pakistan)

Upgraded H6 bomber

JL-2 missile

2.5 million active troops.
thank u very much brother Shchinese, me n my Pakistani brothers really welcome ur very warm words for our China-Pakistan relations, we have been, we r, and we will always be side by side with our only true brother and ally China, may God bless China and It's People with a 1000 years of success and happiness:china::pakistan:
thank u very much brother Shchinese, me n my Pakistani brothers really welcome ur very warm words for our China-Pakistan relations, we have been, we r, and we will always be side by side with our only true brother and ally China, may God bless China and It's People with a 1000 years of success and happiness:china::pakistan:


Please invade China if anyone wants to fight with Pakistan.

Please invade China if anyone wants to fight with Pakistan.

Who has invaded China.. answer is Japan:whistle:.
Who will want to invade China.. No one..
why not..
Because its already invaded by Mao..
How many times China has helped Pakistan..
Answer is :bunny:
How will China help Pakistan?
By supplying state of the art reverse engineered/copied weapons ..:rofl:
Even "reverse engineered" weapons are sufficient to deal with the likes of India as far as Pakistan is concerned. Besides better you are able to reverse engineer something as opposed to having to buy it all because your demoestic capacity is pathetic (which yours certainly is compared to China)...
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