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India-Pakistan military balance

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In straight numerical terms of population, economic might, military manpower and equipment it is almost meaningless to speak about an India-Pakistan balance.

"Imbalance" would be a more appropriate term since India dominates in every respect.

What has to be understood from the outset is that the two countries have very different military aspirations.

Indian Agni II missile
India is eager to project its power in the region

India sees itself as a rising regional actor, and it sees military power as one element in this process.

As any aspiring regional player must do, it looks around for potential partners and potential enemies.

China too has growing regional ambitions. The two countries need not be enemies, but clearly India's military planners must have at least one eye on China as they draw up their own modernisation proposals.

Pakistan is in an altogether different position. It seeks to provide itself with the military means to deter any pressure from India.

It cannot match India man-for-man or gun-for-gun. But as it modernises its armed forces, it can seek to invest in those technologies that maximise its capabilities and take an effective toll against any enemy.

India modernises

India's broader strategic goals mean that it is pursuing an ambitious modernisation programme across all of its armed services.

The air force is getting the largest share of new money, with plans for new combat aircraft, airborne warning and control systems and missiles.

The army is destined to get new tanks and new artillery.

The navy hopes to deploy new Russian-built warships, along with home-constructed vessels, new aircraft carriers and new submarines.

The plan is to spend some $95bn over the next 15 years. How far these plans actually come to fruition will depend both on economics and upon potential suppliers.

India also has huge maintenance problems, in part due to the poor supply of spares from Russia but also to inadequate local servicing facilities.

India is eager to boost its own impressive arms industry but for the foreseeable future, many "big ticket" items will come from abroad.

Russian supplies

Russia is still the principal source of advance weaponry and looks set to continue in this role.

A protocol signed between the two governments in June 2001 covers Russian supplies of some $10bn worth of weaponry and other military hardware over the coming decade.

In January, India agreed to lease four nuclear-capable Tupolev Tu-22 long-range bombers from Russia along with two nuclear-powered submarines.

India is also developing a close and little-reported relationship with Israel, whose own arms industry has much to offer in terms of cutting-edge technology

India is seeking to blend Russian, western and local technology in an effort to tailor its military equipment to its own needs. The Sukhoi Su-30 Mk I fighter is a good example.

The first squadron of these advanced fighters entered service last September. Their hi-tech control systems incorporate a number of Indian and Western built elements, incorporated into the Russian air-frame.

Interestingly, India is interested in Russian air defence systems as well, with persistent reports that India's long-term aim is to deploy an anti-ballistic missile system of its own, perhaps based upon the Russian S-300VM system.

It is not surprising then that India has responded in generally positive terms to US President George W Bush's proposals for limited missile defence.

Delhi is also developing a close and little-reported relationship with Israel, whose own arms industry has much to offer in terms of cutting-edge technology, especially in fields like unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and air-launched munitions.

India's rise is acknowledged in Washington and there is a lot of talk about a potential US-Indian strategic partnership, though nuclear-proliferation issues continue to dog relations.

I have seen that image before, first of all raw numbers alone do not account for victory in warfare. The statistic does not show you that Pakistan spends more per soldier than India, I believe Pakistan spends on an average 36 US$ per soldier and India spends 17 US$ per soldier. Another thing is India because it faces hostility from Pakistan and China, India is forced to divert it's troop deployment, tens of thousands of Indian soldiers on the Indo-Chinese border, and many more on the Indo-Pak border. This division in troop deployment is a major disadvantage to India. Also Pakistan's Nuclear capability far exceeds India's. Please see this Article. Pakistan's Nuke Outstrip India's, officials say.
First of all number dnt really matter, wt matters is the equipment and the courage a person has and how dtermined the miltary is. Pakistan military got sum crazy *** PATHANS in their, that dnt give a fuk abt their lives. These brothers are willing to do any thing for their country and religion.

plz dont divert the topic s intention,,,,,,,,,,,,,stick wid topic

There is absolutely no meaning in comparing Indian and Pakistani armed forces. We are mindlessly building our arsenals to satisfy our egoist bossess and jingoist masses by exploiting 'religion' and 'patriotism'. We should remember that we are threads of the same fabric. We should also remember that we are being pitted against each other by the mindless West, which tends to exploit this brewing hostility to its benefit. The people are no different linguistically or culturally, as I see in my visit to India. I had apprehensions before I went there, as I thought that the very tag of 'Pakistani' would antagonize me with them. But they are very hospitable and were even more endearing after learning of my nationality. I personally felt like I was wandering in Pakistan itself. We should be proud to be Pakistanis, as well as respect the nation that India is. Befriending India would indeed make us more secure, and would help us economically and politically greatly. Just by harbouring militants we're tarnishing our image around the world. Even Mr.Jinnah endorsed the view that Pakistan should never be theocratic. Let's wake up, flush out the extremist elements from our land and build fences with our neighbour and make this world a better place to live in.:cheers:
Your geographic knowledge is quite poor & stereophonic misled
Area: 3.1 million sq km (1.2 million sq miles), excluding Indian-administered Kashmir (100,569 sq km/38,830 sq miles)

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Country profiles | Country profile: India

Area:796,095 sq km (307,374 sq miles), excluding Pakistani-administered Kashmir (83,716 sq km/32,323 sq miles)

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Country profiles | Country profile: Pakistan

PAKISTAN : 307,374 sq miles + 32,323 sq miles = 339697 sq miles

INDIA :1.2 million sq miles + 38,830 sq miles = 1238830 sq miles


so INDIA is approximately "3.6" &half times & NOT 5 times bigger then PAKISTAN as you said.

thank you

And the pedant of the year award goes to........!
This message was deleted as it was adding fuel to the troll...sorry..
Your geographic knowledge is quite poor & stereophonic misled

INDIA is approximately "3.6" &half times & NOT 5 times bigger then PAKISTAN as you said.

thank you

Thats why I study engineering and not geography!!

Still the point is one country is bigger than the other and so on and so forth....

There is absolutely no meaning in comparing Indian and Pakistani armed forces. We are mindlessly building our arsenals to satisfy our egoist bossess and jingoist masses by exploiting 'religion' and 'patriotism'. We should remember that we are threads of the same fabric. We should also remember that we are being pitted against each other by the mindless West, which tends to exploit this brewing hostility to its benefit. The people are no different linguistically or culturally, as I see in my visit to India. I had apprehensions before I went there, as I thought that the very tag of 'Pakistani' would antagonize me with them. But they are very hospitable and were even more endearing after learning of my nationality. I personally felt like I was wandering in Pakistan itself. We should be proud to be Pakistanis, as well as respect the nation that India is. Befriending India would indeed make us more secure, and would help us economically and politically greatly. Just by harbouring militants we're tarnishing our image around the world. Even Mr.Jinnah endorsed the view that Pakistan should never be theocratic. Let's wake up, flush out the extremist elements from our land and build fences with our neighbour and make this world a better place to live in.:cheers:

Yor are right 100% Pakistan zindabd lets hope for peace :pakistan:
Assalamwallekum,, i am zunaid from pakistan.. :guns: all my dear friends..live in real.. as being pakistani i want to get wellfare of my country.. we cant compare to INDIA. thts not because we are much less than in number but also we are much poorer country and we cant afford so much army expenditure because as far as i known to india they are much peaceful person and they never want war at any cost.. whereas we are ever ready to get war just because of our aggression..we share same culture.. :pakistan: so its upon you what u want and if we are talking about war we should never forget in 3 major war against india we lost all of them mainly the war of 1971 ,which resulted in Bangladeshi partition to us and then in 1999 which resulted our hatred through all out world..so please dont be fool . we should shake hand of mouth to india..after all at any cost we have to get good deeds for our country ...

Pakistan Zindabad :pakistan:

Typical, indian behaviour, making fake accounts.:tsk::disagree::disagree::disagree:
Assalamwallekum,, i am zunaid from pakistan.. :guns: all my dear friends..live in real.. as being pakistani i want to get wellfare of my country.. we cant compare to INDIA. thts not because we are much less than in number but also we are much poorer country and we cant afford so much army expenditure because as far as i known to india they are much peaceful person and they never want war at any cost.. whereas we are ever ready to get war just because of our aggression..we share same culture.. :pakistan: so its upon you what u want and if we are talking about war we should never forget in 3 major war against india we lost all of them mainly the war of 1971 ,which resulted in Bangladeshi partition to us and then in 1999 which resulted our hatred through all out world..so please dont be fool . we should shake hand of mouth to india..after all at any cost we have to get good deeds for our country ...

Pakistan Zindabad :pakistan:

what exactly does this mean??
Typical, indian behaviour, making fake accounts.:tsk::disagree::disagree::disagree:

u traced his IP address to some place in gujrat?? probably Modi's residence.. lols.. Jus taking a leaf out of how Indians traced the Deccan Mujahideen's IP address to come place in Lahore!! LAWL
Typical, indian behaviour, making fake accounts.:tsk::disagree::disagree::disagree:

:pakistan: zindabad

hey brother myself zunaid hussain and i am from pak but still i am in india just for visit my tour to jaipur. and all of you are considering me as indian fake account.then i must say

May Allah bless you and give peace .. Ameen
War in Islam as regulated by the Qur'an and hadith has been subject to many distortions by Western scholars and even by some Muslim writers. These are due either to misconceptions about terminology or - above all -using quotations taken out of context.2 Nowhere in the Quran is changing people's religion given as a cause for waging war. The Qur'an gives a clear instruction that there is no compulsion in religion (Quran 2:256). It states that people will remain different (Quran 11:118), they will always have different religions and ways and this is an unalterable fact (Quran 5:48) - God tells the Prophet that most people will not believe "even if you are eager that they should" (Quran 12:103).:coffee:
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