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India, Pakistan may stumble into large-scale war, warns US intel report

Similar reports were published when trump came into power. looks like US intelligence or lobbies dont know what is happening in real time.

when trump was elected, they rinsed and repeated the propaganda of 2008-12 that Pakistan was in danger form terrorists and its nukes were in danger, when in reality, since 2013, nearly all of the terrorists had been pacified.

Similar reports will be published when the next US president takes over from biden. Nothing new, looks like they love to live in the past.
But sir, a man of equal knowledge and understanding is also required to keep the conversations going and add more to it.
I hope we will have such conversations soon. Wishing you a speedy recovery even if they say it is impossible.

PanzerKiel is a soldier who is in active service, and even the most gifted amateur student of Military History cannot match his insight and practical point of view. However, there are three of us humble students who might put up a scenario to get you members interested.

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