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India, Pakistan foreign ministers trade heated barbs on ‘terror’

I Like to reminds EAMI that OBL is dead but the Butcher of Gujrat lives and he is the PM of India🤣
The Smile on BB face is icing on the cake😂
Excellent Bilawal

او کسی سور کی نسل انڈیا کے معاملے پر تو بہن نہ پیش کر حرامی

He is a true diplomat and no doubt well educated. IK on the other hand sounds like a typical gali mahala cricketer who has no clue what he says one day after the other. In fact under him the country messed up its relationship with a lot of countries so out goes the argument 'charasmatic'
Imran has more charisma in his left pinky finger than beta male incel midget virgin Modi. Look at the skirt he is wearing, looks like he wants to be a part of Imran's harem :lol:
Given Imran's past and current homosexual tendencies I'm not sure if Modi wants to be part of Imran's harem or Imran wants him to be part of his harem
Given Imran's past and current homosexual tendencies I'm not sure if Modi wants to be part of Imran's harem or Imran wants him to be part of his harem

If Modi wasn't PM nobody would notice this ugly dothead midget in a room.

Indians butts started burning as soon as Imran became PM, before that they were making out Modi to be this charismatic inspirational world leader. :lol:

He is nothing more than a murderer. I remember Gujrat 2002 very clearly.

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Your turn Pakistan !
You seem to be enjoying this thoroughly, sir.

Bilolwal has no chance

Inbred homo vs supremely well educated and blooded Tam Bram boss.

Yaha Raul Ghandy aka pappu ki ni chalti bc
Already forgetting when India was requesting via back channels for IK to go easy on Modi g?

Bilawal's response is the only good thing he has ever said in his life, but even then he sounded like he is transitioning genders.
For real. It could have been delivered in a better manner.
By whining and going off on irrelevant rants and tangents? he just did what he was good at, making a fool of himself on in front of others.

No one cared about a thing Imran Khan said, he just had comedy value unlike the others.
No by calling out India's human rights abuses in Kashmir, since when did the Sharifs ever do that or Bilawal. You clearly only watched his whining and nothing else. I didnt see IK make a fool of himself anywhere, but the current PDM leadership has done it countless times with Erdogan, Putin, in the recent climate meeting in Egypt no one wanted to talk with Showbaz. The Indians didnt like IK for this, he literally bashed them everywhere he went.
No by calling out India's human rights abuses in Kashmir, since when did the Sharifs ever do that or Bilawal. You clearly only watched his whining and nothing else. The Indians didnt like IK for this, he literally bashed them everywhere he went.
Kashmir is a Kashmiri issue only, it is their internal matter and their dispute is with the Indian establishment. Pakistan has no business to whine about or interfere in Kashmir, imagine if Indian journalists, ministers, and diplomats started bothering Imran Khan on the world stage about Balochistan and how Pakistani cities are illegally occupied land which belongs to India, i'm sure you would be as annoyed. Pakistani ministers and diplomats are only good for whining and making a fool of themselves in front of others.
Kashmir is a Kashmiri issue only, it is their internal matter and their dispute is with the Indian establishment. Pakistan has no business to whine about or interfere in Kashmir, imagine if Indian journalists, ministers, and diplomats started bothering Imran Khan on the world stage about Balochistan and how Pakistani cities are illegally occupied land which belongs to India, i'm sure you would be as annoyed. Pakistani ministers and diplomats are only good for whining and making a fool of themselves in front of others.
Surprised with your response, an Indian General or maybe their defence minister recently said how they are ready to take Pakistani part of Kashmir. Kashmir isnt an internal Indian problem or one for Kashmiris as they are not self governed or autonomous, Pakistan see's it part of its territory as does India. The people of Kashmir on the indian side have suffered allot and continue too, Pakistani leaders and anyone else who cares for human rights should be talking aloud against violations.
Surprised with your response, an Indian General or maybe their defence minister recently said how they are ready to take Pakistani part of Kashmir.
Because they too see the Kashmiris as their own, just like the Pakistani establishment. Besides, most residents in "Azad Kashmir" aren't actual Kashmiris but Punjabis.
Kashmir isn't an internal Indian problem or one for Kashmiris as they are not self governed or autonomous
So Kashmir isn't a Kashmiri problem? nice logic. Point still stands that Pakistan has no business or say on Kashmir as most aspire independence. I could care less about what India has to say as it is between them and the people of Kashmir. What goes on in Pakistan controlled Kashmir is between them and Pakistan and what goes on in Indian controlled Kashmir is between them and India, simple.
Pakistan see's it part of its territory as does India.
Which it belongs to neither.
The people of Kashmir on the indian side have suffered allot and continue too
Same goes for whatever is remaining of the Kashmiris in "Azad Kashmir".
Pakistani leaders and anyone else who cares for human rights should be talking aloud against violations.
Exactly, Pakistan should be concerned about human rights in Pakistan such as oppression of people belonging to minority religions, ethnicities, military atrocities, suppression of free speech and basic rights, etc.
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So Kashmir isn't a Kashmiri problem? nice logic. Point still stands that Pakistan has no business or say on Kashmir as most aspire independence. I could care less about what India has to say as it is between them and the people of Kashmir. What goes on in Pakistan controlled Kashmir is between them and Pakistan and what goes on in Indian controlled Kashmir is between them and India, simple.
Point doesn't stand. Its disputed territory so ofcourse a leader of a country who is contesting that land should talk about it and mention it at global forums. Ofcourse Pakistan has business on Kashmir they fought numerous wars over it, tens of thousands of people have died in conflict over it. The reason why both countries don't get along is because of Kashmir. The Kasmiris dont govern themselves, its not an independent country, they are ruled through Delhi, Islamabad and Beijing. What go's on in Indian side of Kashmir cant be just ignored, if it could they would have come to a settlement already.
Kashmir is a Kashmiri issue only, it is their internal matter and their dispute is with the Indian establishment. Pakistan has no business to whine about or interfere in Kashmir, imagine if Indian journalists, ministers, and diplomats started bothering Imran Khan on the world stage about Balochistan and how Pakistani cities are illegally occupied land which belongs to India, i'm sure you would be as annoyed. Pakistani ministers and diplomats are only good for whining and making a fool of themselves in front of others.
Kashmir is not just a Kashmir issue otherwise it wouldn't be discussed in the UN with a resolution surrounding it.

Same goes for whatever is remaining of the Kashmiris in "Azad Kashmir".
It is one of the most peaceful places in the whole of Pakistan, army men, locals, everyone walks around with no care in the world because they are happy and comfortable. There is no vicious insurgency that requires it to become the world's most militarised zone just to keep it within Indian grasp. The local houses in Azad Kashmir literally have Pakistan flags hoisted outside.

This is why it is so hilariously funny when a Pajeet says "PòK" just come visit your "PòK" and say this
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Bilolwal has no chance

Inbred homo vs supremely well educated and blooded Tam Bram boss.

Yaha Raul Ghandy aka pappu ki ni chalti bc
hsi one remark flamed india today delhi streets were blocked and people were protesting . BJP announced whole india protests . :rofl:

"back channels" ki tujhe full khabar hai

back channel se hi paida hua tha kya ?
one news was opened back then when imran khan refused modi to overfly pakistan . at many times indian FO was beggeging from paksitani FO to let modi go .
hsi one remark flamed india today delhi streets were blocked and people were protesting . BJP announced whole india protests . :rofl:

one news was opened back then when imran khan refused modi to overfly pakistan . at many times indian FO was beggeging from paksitani FO to let modi go .
"BJP" maa cxzxda gai BC

Modi ko apnay lan ke paas bhi ni fatakney du

that out the way

ab bol, bosDK

; )
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