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India, Pakistan foreign ministers trade heated barbs on ‘terror’


Aug 14, 2022
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United States
Pakistan’s foreign minister has called India’s prime minister the “butcher of Gujarat” after his counterpart accused his country of being the “epicentre of terrorism” as the nuclear-armed neighbours engage in a war of words at the United Nations.

The heated exchange between Pakistan’s Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari and India’s Subrahmanyam Jaishankar came after the UN Security Council adopted a statement on Thursday, warning of the increasing dangers of terrorism.

The South Asian rivals have strained political ties, especially over the Himalayan region of Kashmir, which was split between the two in 1947. Since then, they have fought three wars and had several skirmishes along their tense border.

New Delhi accuses Islamabad of harbouring armed fighters who launch attacks on its soil, including the 2008 Mumbai attacks that left 175 people dead, including nine attackers.

The Mumbai attackers were allegedly members of the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba armed group. Indian investigators say their actions were directed over the phone by handlers in Pakistan.

Heated accusations​

Talking to reporters after the UN meeting, Jaishankar called Pakistan the “epicentre of terrorism”.

“My advice is to clean up your act and try to be good neighbour,” he said.

“Hillary Clinton, during her visit to Pakistan, said that if you keep snakes in your back yard you can’t expect them to bite only your neighbours, eventually they will bite the people who keep them in the back yard,” he added.

Earlier, Jaishankar, without naming Pakistan, told the UN Security Council that “India faced the horrors of cross-border terrorism long before the world took serious note of it” and has “fought terrorism resolutely, bravely and with a zero-tolerance approach”.

When Bhutto-Zardari was asked to respond to Jaishankar’s allegation, he said the Indians continue to say “Muslim and terrorist together”, whether in Pakistan or in India.

Pakistan’s top diplomat said Jaishankar should remember that “Osama bin Laden is dead, [but] the butcher of Gujarat lives and he is the prime minister of India”.

India’s Hindu nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi was chief minister of the state of Gujarat when religious riots in 2002 killed nearly 2,000 people – most of them Muslims.

Modi was accused of turning a blind eye to the violence. Until his election as prime minister in 2014, he was denied entry to the United States.

Bhutto-Zardari said his country had lost far more lives to terrorism and that he, himself, was a victim, referring to his mother and former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, who was assassinated by a suicide bomber in 2007. Bhutto was the first woman elected to lead a Muslim-majority country in 1988.

“As a Muslim, as a Pakistani, as a victim of terrorism, I believe it is time that we move away from some of the Islamophobic narrative framing of this issue that took place after the awful attacks of September 11, 2001, because what we witnessed from that date up until now is that terrorism, of course, knows no religion, knows no boundaries,” Bhutto-Zardari said.

“Why would we want our own people to suffer? We absolutely do not,” he added.

Experts decode the barbs​

Abdul Basit, research fellow at S Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore, told Al Jazeera the “debate on terrorism cannot be reduced to Pakistan-bashing on platforms like the UN”.

“In bringing the attention back to counterterrorism challenges, India is focusing heavily on Pakistan as the main sponsor of terrorism in South Asia, which has been one of the usual tactics by India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP),” he said.

Qandil Abbas, professor of international relations at Quaid-e-Azam University in Islamabad, said Bhutto-Zardari’s comments “should be seen from the lens of recent differences between India and Pakistan, which emerged after India revoked … autonomy of Indian-administered Kashmir”.

“Pakistan was expecting that the Indian decision will be condemned and international community will support the stance presented by Pakistan. However, it was not to be,” he told Al Jazeera.

“Additionally, despite Pakistan’s partnership with America and the Western bloc the in so-called ‘war on terror’, India continued to receive more importance,” he added.

Abbas said public opinion in Pakistan is shifting away from the US and more in support of China and Russia. “Media commentary [in Pakistan] also shows there’s a clear criticism of pro-US or pro-Western policies,” he said.

“This is the scenario in which the [Pakistani] foreign minister has given the statements in New York, where Pakistan is taking a rather harsh stance towards India. It wants the global community and US policymakers to adopt a balanced approach towards South Asia instead of leaning towards India.”

Dhananjay Tripathi, who teaches international relations at New Delhi’s South Asian University, told Al Jazeera the “war of words” between the foreign ministers of India and Pakistan at the UN is not good for diplomacy.

“There is already a deadlock in the diplomatic relations between the two countries as nothing is going on. This [exchange] will only deteriorate it further,” he said.

Tripathi said the two sides should think about resuming dialogue between them

“No way they can say that this kind of situation will prevail forever. They have to talk. Not engaging is not a solution for both the countries,” he said.

Source: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022...oreign-ministers-trade-heated-barbs-on-terror
meh, if you got the economy to back it up, people will listen no matter how "charismatic" you are lol.
India should just ignore, this sinking ship will want to pull others down with it.
کھسرے نے کیا لڑنا کسی سے
Bilolwal has no chance

Inbred homo vs supremely well educated and blooded Tam Bram boss.

Yaha Raul Ghandy aka pappu ki ni chalti bc
IK was knocking Modi out of the park on a daily basis
By whining and going off on irrelevant rants and tangents? he just did what he was good at, making a fool of himself on in front of others.
The majority of world leaders don't care what they have to say.
No one cared about a thing Imran Khan said, he just had comedy value unlike the others.
IK was knocking Modi out of the park on a daily basis, Bilalwal and his Master Showbaz have no personality or charisma on the international stage. The majority of world leaders dont care what they have to say.
I don't think IK had any sort of reputation on world stage or any event where he was held in high esteem by world leaders. All i remember is his trips to save his nation from bankruptcy and the occasional attack on India which nobody really gave attention to.

I Like to reminds EAMI that OBL is dead but the Butcher of Gujrat lives and he is the PM of India🤣
The Smile on BB face is icing on the cake😂
Excellent Bilawal

کھسرے نے کیا لڑنا کسی سے

او کسی سور کی نسل انڈیا کے معاملے پر تو بہن نہ پیش کر حرامی
Last edited:
I don't think IK had any sort of reputation on world stage or any event where he was held in high esteem by world leaders. All i remember is his trips to save his nation from bankruptcy and the occasional attack on India which nobody really gave attention to.

Imran has more charisma in his left pinky finger than beta male incel midget virgin Modi. Look at the skirt he is wearing, looks like he wants to be a part of Imran's harem :lol:

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