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India-Pakistan Dialogue: Is It Possible?

Human beings grow and learn better ways of living. When was the last time you say a horse drawn chariot going to war? 5,000+ gods to One true God. Kashmiris found their destiny and peace in Islam. Neither you nor anyone else has any say in it. Kashmir belongs to Kashmiris. Your fantastic theories aside.

Religion is only a part of the argument because you treat Muslim Kashmiris with disrespect. Even without religion, Kashmiris are closer in culture to Pakistanis than Indians. Even you can't deny that.
Really.Why is it that pakistan and kashmir are not better than India in positive fields,despite having a better way of living?And what similar culture do you share with kashmiris?Eloborate please.Most of the current kashmiris are not even original kashmiris but descendants of those refugees let in 700 years ago.Kashmir belongs to kashmiris,yeah ok no prob,but kashmir will stay in India.With the kashmiri hindus back in kashmir.
Human beings grow and learn better ways of living. When was the last time you say a horse drawn chariot going to war? 5,000+ gods to One true God. Kashmiris found their destiny and peace in Islam. Neither you nor anyone else has any say in it. Kashmir belongs to Kashmiris. Your fantastic theories aside.

Religion is only a part of the argument because you treat Muslim Kashmiris with disrespect. Even without religion, Kashmiris are closer in culture to Pakistanis than Indians. Even you can't deny that.
ok then take all the kashmiri muslims to pakistan and we indians will pay for there repatriation but if it is the kashmiri land you want forget it cause your nation is in no postion to dictate terms to india any more and you tried to have kashmiri land by 4 wars now look at your nation and its obsession with india has brought it to what level ... but hay you can dream :D
well thing is after all these years we have made up owr mind to ignoare pakistan totally

No, you haven't done any such thing. Your presence here, and that of your Indian radical Hindu buddies proves it. Indians are suffering from a very unhealthy inferiority complex towards Muslims and Pakistanis.

In fact, this complex began thousands of years ago when our ancestors civilized you and made Hindustan a world power under Islamic rule (with 1/3 of the world's wealth). Remember that?
Yeah, and a large amount of 'respect, dignity, freedom, and self-determination' for disenfranchised Muslims can go a long way for peace. Without Indian oppression of Kashmiris, we Pakistanis can manage never looking to India again. It's all dirty, polluted, and feces on streets there anyways.

No Pakistani wants anything to do with India, esp Indian Hindu fanatics.
Same applies to pakistan
Indians are suffering from a very unhealthy inferiority complex towards Muslims and Pakistanis.
superiority complex actually :D

In fact, this complex began thousands of years ago when our ancestors civilized you and made Hindustan a world power under Islamic rule (with 1/3 of the world's wealth). Remember that?
yeah we can see how civilized pakistanis are :lol:
No, you haven't done any such thing. Your presence here, and that of your Indian radical Hindu buddies proves it. Indians are suffering from a very unhealthy inferiority complex towards Muslims and Pakistanis.

In fact, this complex began thousands of years ago when our ancestors civilized you and made Hindustan a world power under Islamic rule (with 1/3 of the world's wealth). Remember that?
Your ancestors?They themselves were rape products of mughals.Hindustan already had the wealth,your so called ancestors only looted it.
Human beings grow and learn better ways of living. When was the last time you say a horse drawn chariot going to war? 5,000+ gods to One true God. Kashmiris found their destiny and peace in Islam. Neither you nor anyone else has any say in it. Kashmir belongs to Kashmiris. Your fantastic theories aside.

Religion is only a part of the argument because you treat Muslim Kashmiris with disrespect. Even without religion, Kashmiris are closer in culture to Pakistanis than Indians. Even you can't deny that.

Since you are insulting again, let me reply.

There is a difference between human beings and Islamist.

Human beings grow, physically and mentally. Their knowledge evolve with time. They even send their kids to moon.

Islamists grow physically. Instead of their mind their beard grows bigger and bigger. Modern day knowledge are haram for them. They all send their kids to heaven by making them terrorists.

As long as muslim Kashmiris treat the non-muslim kashmiris with disrespect, nothing will happen. Violence will be dealt with violence and brutal force.
Most of the current kashmiris are not even original kashmiris but descendants of those refugees

This is the actual problem. Denial of the right to exist of Kashmiris by using fictional concocted stories without any basis.

Until this matter is resolved, India will continue suffering and falling behind. Peace and harmony is a good thing, you should try it once. Hatred is no way to live your life.

Your afterlife depends on it. Don't want to reincarnate as a rat. :sarcastic: Seriously, Hell is no joke.
No, you haven't done any such thing. Your presence here, and that of your Indian radical Hindu buddies proves it. Indians are suffering from a very unhealthy inferiority complex towards Muslims and Pakistanis.

In fact, this complex began thousands of years ago when our ancestors civilized you and made Hindustan a world power under Islamic rule (with 1/3 of the world's wealth). Remember that?
well the thing is we know that pakistan is a perpetual trouble maker and consider india as a mortal enemy then it is in owr interests to keep an eye on troublemakers ;)

as for wealth well having wealth is one thing and utilising it properlli is another
u know what i mean.jpg
yup .. if u have money u can buy most innovative company ... Middle east have money . Most smart or innovative indians are working for them? im not trying to degrade or anythng. im just saying if u r rich u can buy technology. this is a simple fact .. anyways as i said ealier it is a useless to fight over it we have other issues to fight about .... btw when is hocke match starting .. do u know the timings?
I want to quantize gravitational field. Can you buy me for this ?
This is the actual problem. Denial of the right to exist of Kashmiris by using fictional concocted stories without any basis.

Until this matter is resolved, India will continue suffering and falling behind. Peace and harmony is a good thing, you should try it once. Hatred is no way to live your life.

Your afterlife depends on it. Don't want to reincarnate as a rat. :sarcastic: Seriously, Hell is no joke.
Hmmm...I am atheist so I don't care what i become or where I will go.
Nobody denies kashmiris their rights.They can do what they want but they will have to stay in India.They don't have complete autonomy for nothing.India has actually been too lenient to kashmir.Some brute force like the chinese communists use is required to put some sense in them.
Isn't it true that Pakistan got bitten by its own assets created against India and backlash was severe that you had to flatten entire FATA to rubbles.
will reply after break time is over "D
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