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India-Pakistan Dialogue: Is It Possible?

It only matters what the Kashmiri people think. After 67 years, they have proven that they have no love for India.

Now will you allow them freedom and resolution in an amicable manner, or will you wait when Kashmir independence breaks India into hundreds of pieces. Your choice.

Go find out the meaning the jugular veins, its not about Kashmiri people but getting hold Kashmir's river system Chenab, Jhelum and Indus to secure Pakistan's water resources.
It only matters what the Kashmiri people think. After 67 years, they have proven that they have no love for India.

Now will you allow them freedom and resolution in an amicable manner, or will you wait when Kashmir independence breaks India into hundreds of pieces. Your choice.
Only a certain community thinks that.
we fought for Muslims even before u know that excuse of jugular vein. we fought for against isreal for muslims as well. we fought russians for afghans as well, we help bosania as well,

India has come up with river theory to just justify its killing and murders . Nothing to do with it in reality

So, what does Jugular veins means if not Kashmir's rivers. :girl_wacko:
Exactly the same feeling here. we dont mock a community because they are muslims. We mock them because they not only are idiots but also produce terrorists. they preach hatred.

We hate them because they have a violent minority like terrorists and silent supporters like rest of you.
terrorist is produce when as a result of injustice. Indian has been doing injustice with muslim. That i why there is rise in militancy. Islam preach self defense and standing up for rights ... obvviously when they do it , u r the vitcims becuase of ur deads
Except none of that is true. I support the right of anyone to exist, regardless of religious preference. That's because I believe in Islam. My religion teaches me that.
Your religion teaches you to convert Pakistan and Kashmir by force to worshipping Hindu idols, elephants, cow mothers, dogs, snakes, rats, and monkeys.
How successful have you been in Kashmir? How about in Bangladesh?
and still we have more muslims in India than In pakistan. Booo...go and study dude
So, what does Jugular veins means if not Kashmir's rivers. :girl_wacko:

That is only a recent issue since Indian illegal dams in Kashmir causing drought in KPK, Sindh, Balochistan, Punjab. This was a non-issue until water scarcity started effecting the lives and health of Pakistani civilians.

Believe me, you don't want to push Pakistan into open war based on illegal water theft. You will assure mutual destruction of both India and Pakistan. No one wins.

How about being just with Pakistanis and Kashmiris for once?
Except none of that is true. I support the right of anyone to exist, regardless of religious preference. That's because I believe in Islam. My religion teaches me that.

Your religion teaches you to convert Pakistan and Kashmir by force to worshipping Hindu idols, elephants, cow mothers, dogs, snakes, rats, and monkeys.

How successful have you been in Kashmir? How about in Bangladesh?
Non of them is true. I believe in universal brotherhood. I support everyone as my religion gives stress on the word " Human " and not some " Believers". And it is because I believe in Hinduism.

Your religion teaches you to oppress others. Your religion blocks religious freedom to others. Non-muslims ahave less right in an Islamic country as per your religious laws. It can be seen in Kashmir and other islamic countries. Your religion teaches hate and creates terrorists.

We are very successful in Kashmir. We are going to create 3 cities in Kashmir and establish those pundits their.
So, what does Jugular veins means if not Kashmir's rivers. :girl_wacko:
The jugular veins are veins that bring deoxygenated blood from the head back to the heart via the superior vena cava

There are things india twisted, if we wanted to say rivers. Instead of using them jugular veins we would have actually said rivers.It was used metaphorically. they other comment india use is that 1000 cults one with no historical reference . Just spread by the government to spread hatered against pakistan . Pakistan has only one issue with india since 1947, self determination for kashmir .
That is only a recent issue since Indian illegal dams in Kashmir causing drought in KPK, Sindh, Balochistan, Punjab. This was a non-issue until water scarcity started effecting the lives and health of Pakistani civilians.

Believe me, you don't want to push Pakistan into open war based on illegal water theft. You will assure mutual destruction of both India and Pakistan. No one wins.

How about being just with Pakistanis and Kashmiris for once?
Then so be it. If MAD is the option, then so be it. Either Kashmir is ours or let everything be destroyed.
That is only a recent issue since Indian illegal dams in Kashmir causing drought in KPK, Sindh, Balochistan, Punjab. This was a non-issue until water scarcity started effecting the lives and health of Pakistani civilians.

Believe me, you don't want to push Pakistan into open war based on illegal water theft. You will assure mutual destruction of both India and Pakistan. No one wins.

How about being just with Pakistanis and Kashmiris for once?

Jinnah called Kashmir as a jugular veins (because of the significance of Kashmir's rivers to Pakistan's existence). ;)
Non of them is true. I believe in universal brotherhood. I support everyone as my religion gives stress on the word " Human " and not some " Believers". And it is because I believe in Hinduism.

Your religion teaches you to oppress others. Your religion blocks religious freedom to others. Non-muslims ahave less right in an Islamic country as per your religious laws. It can be seen in Kashmir and other islamic countries. Your religion teaches hate and creates terrorists.

We are very successful in Kashmir. We are going to create 3 cities in Kashmir and establish those pundits their.

Who made you Ayatollah?
Non of them is true. I believe in universal brotherhood. I support everyone as my religion gives stress on the word " Human " and not some " Believers". And it is because I believe in Hinduism.

Your religion teaches you to oppress others. Your religion blocks religious freedom to others. Non-muslims ahave less right in an Islamic country as per your religious laws. It can be seen in Kashmir and other islamic countries. Your religion teaches hate and creates terrorists.

We are very successful in Kashmir. We are going to create 3 cities in Kashmir and establish those pundits their.
have u ever though that why so many people left hinduism . May be becuase it doesnt make sense. Im saying that in all honest. I have many hindu frnds. Most of them dont believe in any religion now. they dnt even practice religion. they do sometime give reference from holy books ... but that is all ..
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