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India, Pak to sign US $7 billion gas pipeline deal

India never showed interest in Iran pipeline project after US,European and Israels objections.It's the Iran Gvt. gave us the option of under sea pipeline and we rejected that offer to sign this deal.

India is still confused over Iran pipeline project. India one hand wants to join it and on the other she is just looking at US pressure too.
Bad move. I was never in favour of this pipeline business. If someone blows himself up on the pipeline for the Khidmat of Jeehad, who will take responsibility? Not to mention the fact that we are simply giving them a blackmail tool!
Not a bad move really,
If someone blows of the pipeline, it will be rebuild in a matter of hours........ will not cause a major hurdle
India never showed interest in Iran pipeline project after US,European and Israels objections.It's the Iran Gvt. gave us the option of under sea pipeline and we rejected that offer to sign this deal.

India was always interested in Iran deal that is why they remained on their tables for almost 15 years.... They only stepped back in 2008...

They are still interested in sea-pipeline that i believe should not be very feasible for both Iran and India

This TAPI should be suitable for both Pakistan & India, if they can offer cheaper tariff than comparing to Iran
I can only laugh on the ignorance of few pakistanis. they think GoI is fool. for your kind information, we got the nuclear deal by maintaining uncertainty about the pipeline. now, as we got the clearance from NSG and we already have signed nuclear deal with 8 countries, we donot need to remain dependent on US. now , we can do whatever we want. this is called diplomacy
I can only laugh on the ignorance of few pakistanis. they think GoI is fool. for your kind information, we got the nuclear deal by maintaining uncertainty about the pipeline. now, as we got the clearance from NSG and we already have signed nuclear deal with 8 countries, we donot need to remain dependent on US. now , we can do whatever we want. this is called diplomacy

lol, only you are looking ignorant to me :rofl:

Will you cook your food on Nuclear plants :rofl:

Natural gas is very important and one of the most precious gift of God...Its a gold...anybody would want to buy more gold :)

India is lacking Natural gas too, it can fulfil her energy demands from Nuclear electricity instead but Natural gas can be helpful in many other sectors.... You need natural gas to run your factories, you need gas for central heating, you need gas to make your food etc

Time is moving fast, if India did not buy gas from TAPI or Iran, they will be looking to import Oil instead...that will cost more money

Nuclear reactors can eliminate your electricity worries but Gas can be used in too many ways.

PS: For example, you can drive your car on CNG (compressed natural gas) but you cannot drive a car with same speed on electricity..... If you build heavy plants you need natural gas to run those machines, electricity will only lighten your tube lights :rofl:
Bad move. I was never in favour of this pipeline business. If someone blows himself up on the pipeline for the Khidmat of Jeehad, who will take responsibility? Not to mention the fact that we are simply giving them a blackmail tool!

When signing an agreement for a project as expensive as this, the countries involved would decide on whose responsibility it would be if the pipeline is damaged. They may come to a solution where it is the responsibility of the country to repair and pay damage if the damage occurred in the said country.

Secondly, Indian government would be a fool indeed if they do not have any backup plans in case Pakistan decide to block the oil. But I do not think they are this foolish. And I am pretty sure they would have thought of this before hand ;)
lol, only you are looking ignorant to me :rofl:

Will you cook your food on Nuclear plants :rofl:

Natural gas is very important and one of the most precious gift of God...Its a gold...anybody would want to buy more gold :)

India is lacking Natural gas too, it can fulfil her energy demands from Nuclear electricity instead but Natural gas can be helpful in many other sectors.... You need natural gas to run your factories, you need gas for central heating, you need gas to make your food etc

Time is moving fast, if India did not buy gas from TAPI or Iran, they will be looking to import Oil instead...that will cost more money

Nuclear reactors can eliminate your electricity worries but Gas can be used in too many ways.

PS: For example, you can drive your car on CNG (compressed natural gas) but you cannot drive a car with same speed on electricity..... If you build heavy plants you need natural gas to run those machines, electricity will only lighten your tube lights :rofl:
lol.............what make you think that we lost on natural gas?? another ignorant pakistani. we just delayed so that we can get nuclear deal. ask ur FM, how he cribs about nuclear energy. we haven't compromised on anything.
When signing an agreement for a project as expensive as this, the countries involved would decide on whose responsibility it would be if the pipeline is damaged. They may come to a solution where it is the responsibility of the country to repair and pay damage if the damage occurred in the said country.

Secondly, Indian government would be a fool indeed if they do not have any backup plans in case Pakistan decide to block the oil. But I do not think they are this foolish. And I am pretty sure they would have thought of this before hand ;)

We are talking about Natural Gas Sir,
and you are right about the division of responsibilities, it works that way
This Pipe line is not going to become life line of India . Although India can get some gas in cheap prices and other countries will get money. So It is mutually interested business. Every one will be having their own stake.
Every one should be happy about it .
Congrats to all four countries.
lol.............what make you think that we lost on natural gas?? another ignorant pakistani. we just delayed so that we can get nuclear deal. ask ur FM, how he cribs about nuclear energy. we haven't compromised on anything.

Come on, there is a limit of stupidity now
When did I say that India lost anything?

India stepped back from Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline cause it didn't suit their requirement and it is totally understandable to me. Nobody asked them to quit, they did it as per their own will

India is signing this gas deal because it perhaps fulfil their requirements....what are you even talking here?

You mean you delayed Iran's gas pipeline deal? oh well yes it was delayed and caused economic losses to both India and Pakistan so I don't understand what you are talking here... (if the gas pipeline would have been built by now, we would be selling to the public and/or fulfilling our energy demands and making profit in returns that all shareholders of IPI incurred a loss in my opinion)
This Pipe line is not going to become life line of India . Although India can get some gas in cheap prices and other countries will get money. So It is mutually interested business. Every one will be having their own stake.
Every one should be happy about it .
Congrats to all four countries.

Finally a sane member here :)
Thank you

Exactly, It is not the life line of any nation (including India or Pakistan) but it is one of the cheapest alternatives available... and every country will go/opt for cheaper alternatives to gain more profit and provide relief to its public....
Come on, there is a limit of stupidity now
When did I say that India lost anything?

India stepped back from Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline cause it didn't suit their requirement and it is totally understandable to me. Nobody asked them to quit, they did it as per their own will

India is signing this gas deal because it perhaps fulfil their requirements....what are you even talking here?

You mean you delayed Iran's gas pipeline deal? oh well yes it was delayed and caused economic losses to both India and Pakistan so I don't understand what you are talking here... (if the gas pipeline would have been built by now, we would be selling to the public and/or fulfilling our energy demands and making profit in returns that all shareholders of IPI incurred a loss in my opinion)
look, first see the context of my first post, some people were posting that india is in dilemma or confusion, to go ahead with these or not and talking about the US pressure on us. i was answering that india haven't lost anything because we have the nuclear deal with 8 countries to fulfill our demand of electricity and and the option of gas pipeline is open to us anytime, even pakistan never objected to that. if we went for the pipeline that particular time, we couldn't have the nuclear deal. now its a win win situation for us. we are never in confusion of any type. do you understand now??
India was always interested in Iran deal that is why they remained on their tables for almost 15 years.... They only stepped back in 2008...
I'm quoting here my previous post.
"India never showed interest in Iran pipeline project after US,European and Israels objections."
so what was your point? trying remind me my own words.:what:

We are talking about Natural Gas Sir,
and you are right about the division of responsibilities, it works that way

Ah ok :oops:

This is what happens when you are multitasking AND running late for work :p
What happened to the IP project and if the project is on track, why would Pakistan need to be involved in another project involving Afghanistan and India, both countries historically unfriendly to Pakistan???? We need to keep our focus on IP project because it is sufficient for our needs.
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