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India, Pak should start joint anti-militancy operations'

Nope thats what media said, not the people as much as indians believing Pakistan is responsible for their problems I believe they are the sole reason of our problems. The media on both sides is useless manipulators and duh the knee jerk crap came from

.that is considered Indians sympathizer!
Should start military exercises like we do with China, at least in lower numbers.
And even claiming neutrality u can't keep ur itching self from allegations. Theres nothing wrong in accusing someone when theres proof..and who's the big guy here, Pakistan has always been exceptionally tolerant of all the accusations alleged by India in I dont know like 6 decades but india can't cope with even one?
Thats because we always are more tolerant and prefer peas instead of show case of power.And india has been making infinite efforts to undo Pakistan but it never succeed either!
And you indians are rolling on ground with pain on some incidents while our army has been alone in fighting India, Afghanistan, USA and all those terrorists who are bombing us everyday and at the same time our army world in all natural calamities, and provide security to every single citizen.
Of course there's no reason why not winning a disputed state would show our army as worse.
And wasn't it india in 1965 who attacked us with full might when we had nothing on the name of resources still we showed you your Oqaat, but obviously India is someone who can't accept Reality.
Are you giving guarantee?
I don't have that power....If I had I would certainly gave u the guarantee....:(

No one allows it...someone or another causes trouble on either side!
I know ...every time I can't keep blaming PA for firing at the border....Indian side too sometime violets the cease fire....
but its better to end this then to harbor hatred for each other...india spends massive 40 billiion $ on armed forces......which can be used somewhere else like infra, research, technology, renewable and other...but we are wasting that money on these things...

They just want to make their own businesses rise! Nothing for the people just their bellies!
civilian govt. may be corrupt...but u can choose better nohh... I will tell u this armed forces are no less corrupt....they want to harbor enmity as this the chief thing on which they feed....this is the thing on which their existence is based on...just think of it..If we have no fight then whats the use of those shiny machines and jets and naval ships....they will become useless.... army will loose its importance.... as will hardly will be in news ...

Hissss! I will paint the world with your blood!
are u slytherine ...:unsure::unsure:
civilian govt. may be corrupt...but u can choose better nohh... I will tell u this armed forces are no less corrupt....they want to harbor enmity as this the chief thing on which they feed....this is the thing on which their existence is based on...just think of it..If we have no fight then whats the use of those shiny machines and jets and naval ships....they will become useless.... army will loose its importance.... as will hardly will be in news ...

are u slytherine ...:unsure::unsure:

Yes I agree everyone is corrupt but when you see our army helping where our governors/ CM/ PM or anyother M failed you feel that even if army is corrupt it will still do the little that the rest refused :(

Yea Slytherine ;)
Pakistan and India should have joint dancing drills on the border. Oh, we already have the Wagah crossing.
Jahil bharati boosting about only 55% of erstwhile Kashmir state.

Alele jahil pakistani know about reality that they dnt even have 40% of Kashmir and not gonna have more then that in their life time.
Alele jahil pakistani know about reality that they dnt even have 40% of Kashmir and not gonna have more then that in their life time.

Jahil bharati doesn't that a huge part of the atoot ang or integral part of his bharat mata has been snatched brutally and forcefully.
Before I say anything else, I must state that we have deviated from the topic at hand.
Kashmir was never supposed to be an independent state, as per the partition policy, Muslim majority areas were supposed to go to Pakistan and the 80% Muslim populated of Kashmir wanted to be annexed to Pakistan. Maharaja Hari Singh supposedly signed the letter of accession to India which was very conveniently lost by India and has not been discovered since! And most importantly, should the wish of 1 man be held above hundreds of thousands???
lol....again ur own cooked up story....
when British Govt. decided to free india ...they offered 3 solution to the princely states...
1. to merge with Indian Union.
2. to merge with pakistan.
3. to be independent.....

Maharaja Hari Singh wanted Kashmir to be Independent....that is the reason kashmir neither went to india nor to pakistan till ur Quid decided to send Lashkar. once kashmir was attacked from ur side the maharaja signed the annexation paper with India..

if u want the answer for 1 man wish, then do know Balochistan History and how iit never wanted to be with pakistan...but just because it signed the annexation paper it is still with pakistan..

We had an agreement on Siachin but what did India do, it illegally occupied the peaks just because we were sending international tourist expeditions from this side. We weren't sending in the military!!
We did to you in Kargil exactly what you did to us in Siachin. So stop whining about it because you started it first.
really International Tourist.....common who sends international tourist in disputed war zone.... U must be knowing that India too brought the clothes and equipment from same british company from where the pakistan purchased.... so, we had a good knowledge of whats cooking in Pakistan Army mind....
And no one is whining its okay...if this agenda suits u....we have no problem ...

One needs but common sense to make sense of it all, the dots are there for everyone to connect, the pattern all too similar to benefit 1 enemy of Pakistan overall!! And as I said, you will very soon realize whether we were being bitten by those who grew up in our backyards or those whom were engineered by your side.
Ur proof against India is welcome....If u found our involvement then its great u know..because most of us in india think of RAW as a useless organization.... anyway...u tell me why a muslim organization will link up with hindu organization....why will they seek our help to destabilize pakistan.....infact they are ur people ur men , who want sharia in ur country..give them that and they will be happy..

A single proof would have sent HS to the prison or the gallows! No proof was provided, let alone proof you even refused access to the only alleged terrorist Ajmal Kasab despite inviting our Joint Investigation Team to India twice!!! Your own intelligence officials have admitted on record that your agencies were involved in atleast 1 of those attacks. Dig deeper and you will find that your agencies were carrying out false flag operations for their own benefit.
lol...really on record.....please enlighten me with the evidence....I would like to know....If Ajmal Kasab was Indian how come ur media found his village in Pakistan..... I know who are doing this....

We could have taught you a befitting lesson but instead gave you the details that wiped out the Khalistan movement within days! Even today there are many more independence movements in India of which any can become a massive headache if only Pakistan were to support them. Bangladesh was an internal matter and you intervened, we can do the exact same and break India into many little parts, but it was never our agenda!
if u ever provided us with the detail abt Khalistan was not because u wanted to help, but because it suited ur agenda.....khalistanis had plans against ur country too..and thats the sole reason u acted against them...so, save ur charity stuff... U are free to fuel any independence movement in india ...Ur nation is doing it from ur summoning .. but u never succeeded.....
may be bangladesh was ur internal matter but as soon as the refugees started pouring in India we too got involved in it.....we asked ur govt. several time to stop refugees but u didn't ..millions of Bangladeshi came into india ...and from that time to this date they still remain a headache... if ur govt. had acted swiftly then matter never would have escalated....
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