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India, Pak should start joint anti-militancy operations'

You people and your freaking selfmade assumptions! I hereby declare that even if an ant dies in india or even if a stone rolls down the hill india ITS FREAKING PAKISTANS SCAM AND SAZISH! !!

Reality alert, Pakistan is too busy to care about india and terrorist designs because we are busy in cleaning the crap USA left for us and oh I don't know why indians are selfcentred enough to believe that all Pakistan thinks of is THEM.. BTW WHO ARE YOU..
I think u people are suffering schizophrenia!
I think its in their Water :D:D
All these Shia groups are coming up with these "anti-terrorism" slogans and statements cause of the situation in Iraq. The groups operating out of Pakistan administered Kashmir do so with the support of Pakistani establishment, why on earth would they want to do a joint operation against these groups :lol:.

Same old rhetoric, never proven, never validated and yet you continue to hark on to the same statement. However, when the media said that the airport attack terrorists had Indian support, I remember you quite passionately declaring the need to be objective and fact based, not driven by knee jerk reactions. Double standards much?

I'm paraphrasing so please don't grab on to a single word and ask me to produce a link that shows you calling the matter a knee jerk reaction.
Same old rhetoric, never proven, never validated and yet you continue to hark on to the same statement. However, when the media said that the airport attack terrorists had Indian support, I remember you quite passionately declaring the need to be objective and fact based, not driven by knee jerk reactions. Double standards much?

I'm paraphrasing so please don't grab on to a single word and ask me to produce a link that shows you calling the matter a knee jerk reaction.

I have seen many Pakistanis on this very forum, openly brag about how Laskhar(Now Jamaat ud Dawa) runs training centers and recruits people from their village and towns. This is in Punjab mind you, not the lawless north west of Pakistan. Allowing these terrorist groups to operate freely, and there is plenty of evidence of that, is as good as supporting them.
I have seen many Pakistanis on this very forum, openly brag about how Laskhar(Now Jamaat ud Dawa) runs training centers and recruits people from their village and towns. This is in Punjab mind you, not the lawless north west of Pakistan. Allowing these terrorist groups to operate freely, and there is plenty of evidence of that, is as good as supporting them.

Used to, last time I saw an active Lashkar training camp was back in 2002, after which state policy with regards to armed groups changed under Musharraf. Haven't seen any active groups or recruiting since.
Used to, last time I saw an active Lashkar training camp was back in 2002, after which state policy with regards to armed groups changed under Musharraf. Haven't seen any active groups or recruiting since.

You were working in '02 ? :o:

I had probably just been promoted to class 8 or something ! :ashamed:

Should I call you Uncle Icarus then ? :D
Earlier days, please do.

Oh come on I ain't gonna call you Icarus Uncle ! :disagree:

Icarus Bhai is the most I can go for ! :)

Possibly because if we ever meet face to face I'd look older than you do; Pahariii/Kashmiri skin jaldiii aging ! :ashamed:
Oh come on I ain't gonna call you Icarus Uncle ! :disagree:

Icarus Bhai is the most I can go for ! :)

Possibly because if we ever meet face to face I'd look older than you do; Pahariii/Kashmiri skin jaldiii aging ! :ashamed:

Lol, rocks to be dark in this regard. I hardly age.
Mukti Bahini is proof enough of 1970.

1948 was an internal matter, we sent in lashkars into our own country which you illegally occupied as the then Army Commander, who was a British, refused to fight against another British commander in India.

1999 - How conveniently you speak of Kargil and forget that you had done it to us earlier in Siachin. You have always been a step ahead of us in terrorism and enmity.

Mumbai Attack, Parliament Attacks were all false flag operations, there are Indian intelligence officers on record stating such......all these were to pass internal terrorism amendment bills etc., just think what we had to gain with these attacks? On the other hand, the Indian sponsored attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team ensured the end of international cricket in Pakistan, the recent Indian sponsored TTP attacks on Karachi airport was to ensure the end of international flights to Pakistan.....even the attack on Kamra airbase ensured that only those assets were destroyed that were meant to keep an eye on India, the P3 Orion maritime Surviellience aircrafts instead of the JF-17's that are actually used to bomb the TTP terrorists. It's not too hard to put 2 and 2 together if you really wanted to.

Finally, I can confirm that Pakistan has not supported anything against India ever since Musharraf assumed power as it was not his policy. However, ever since, you have had a one sided advantage and you have been on the offensive ever since. Is this how peace is achieved?

Well then they aren't only stupid, they are ignorant as well.
lol....from where do u read all those fancy stories...
Kashmir was meant to be a free state but jinnah short sightedness and anxiety to have Kashmir , he send lashkar there ... and because of that the then Maharaja of Kashmir hari Singh singed the paper of annexation with india....and we intervened only once the paper was signed....now we have that letter why should we give our land to u .... once the letter was signed it became Indian land and Pakistan has nothing to do with it....u are illegally occupying our land as Azad Kashmir..

kargil was ur Musharraf plan to occupy Indian posts when indian solider leaves those post in winter...how shameful...u stabbed us in back.... on the one side our PM tried to have peaceful relations with u on the other ur army was ready to stab us in our back...:yuk:

siachin was a no mans land ..the glacier which was not to be occupied ....but what u did....u people planned to occupy it so as to use it against us....somehow our RAW got this information and we went there before ...thanks god... u people left no stone unturned to use every opportunity to harm us every moment...

u have no proof of srilanka cricket team attack was done with indian help, neither for karachi attack, nor for karama base attack...if u would have any proof u must have shown it to us...but u never gave us any proof....its the same terrorist who grew up in ur backyard but instead of biting india they biteoff their master...
and as for your parliament attack and Mumbai attack ..we gave u every proof and even to the world....thats why many terrorists organization were teamed as terrorist organizations by US like LeT , jamat ul dawa..and other...u must be knowing hafeez sayeed carries head prize....

1970 war and mukti bahini was the outcome if ur heinous and terrorist crime on bengalis....di not blame us for ur fault....u tried to denied the right to the Bengalis.... when mujhibur rehman won election, then why didn't u made him ur PM... when u will oppress other they will surely revolt...and the outcome was mukti bahini..
lol....from where do u read all those fancy stories...
Kashmir was meant to be a free state but jinnah short sightedness and anxiety to have Kashmir , he send lashkar there ... and because of that the then Maharaja of Kashmir hari Singh singed the paper of annexation with india....and we intervened only once the paper was signed....now we have that letter why should we give our land to u .... once the letter was signed it became Indian land and Pakistan has nothing to do with it....u are illegally occupying our land as Azad Kashmir..

Before I say anything else, I must state that we have deviated from the topic at hand.

Kashmir was never supposed to be an independent state, as per the partition policy, Muslim majority areas were supposed to go to Pakistan and the 80% Muslim populated of Kashmir wanted to be annexed to Pakistan. Maharaja Hari Singh supposedly signed the letter of accession to India which was very conveniently lost by India and has not been discovered since! And most importantly, should the wish of 1 man be held above hundreds of thousands???

kargil was ur Musharraf plan to occupy Indian posts when indian solider leaves those post in winter...how shameful...u stabbed us in back.... on the one side our PM tried to have peaceful relations with u on the other ur army was ready to stab us in our back...:yuk:

siachin was a no mans land ..the glacier which was not to be occupied ....but what u did....u people planned to occupy it so as to use it against us....somehow our RAW got this information and we went there before ...thanks god... u people left no stone unturned to use every opportunity to harm us every moment...

We had an agreement on Siachin but what did India do, it illegally occupied the peaks just because we were sending international tourist expeditions from this side. We weren't sending in the military!!

We did to you in Kargil exactly what you did to us in Siachin. So stop whining about it because you started it first.

u have no proof of srilanka cricket team attack was done with indian help, neither for karachi attack, nor for karama base attack...if u would have any proof u must have shown it to us...but u never gave us any proof....its the same terrorist who grew up in ur backyard but instead of biting india they biteoff their master...

One needs but common sense to make sense of it all, the dots are there for everyone to connect, the pattern all too similar to benefit 1 enemy of Pakistan overall!! And as I said, you will very soon realize whether we were being bitten by those who grew up in our backyards or those whom were engineered by your side.

and as for your parliament attack and Mumbai attack ..we gave u every proof and even to the world....thats why many terrorists organization were teamed as terrorist organizations by US like LeT , jamat ul dawa..and other...u must be knowing hafeez sayeed carries head prize....

A single proof would have sent HS to the prison or the gallows! No proof was provided, let alone proof you even refused access to the only alleged terrorist Ajmal Kasab despite inviting our Joint Investigation Team to India twice!!! Your own intelligence officials have admitted on record that your agencies were involved in atleast 1 of those attacks. Dig deeper and you will find that your agencies were carrying out false flag operations for their own benefit.

1970 war and mukti bahini was the outcome if ur heinous and terrorist crime on bengalis....di not blame us for ur fault....u tried to denied the right to the Bengalis.... when mujhibur rehman won election, then why didn't u made him ur PM... when u will oppress other they will surely revolt...and the outcome was mukti bahini..

We could have taught you a befitting lesson but instead gave you the details that wiped out the Khalistan movement within days! Even today there are many more independence movements in India of which any can become a massive headache if only Pakistan were to support them. Bangladesh was an internal matter and you intervened, we can do the exact same and break India into many little parts, but it was never our agenda!
You are right in that way Our Generals first started Insane Operations.....1965 ...Operation Gibraltor
If you track back the roots of ORIGINAL SIN....they done in 1947
Allegation 1:
India occupied Kashmir illegaly, that area wont belong to you
- Ethinically - Religiously - Geographically -Morally its Muslims dominated (UN reso by india)
Allegation 2:
Original Sin mistake number 2, Ayub khan offered India to have Joint Military Alliance (That the best time to change the course of history) which Nehru denied by his famous Statment "" Join Alliance ! against whom ??""
Allegation 3:
May be your Country Politicians Lack INTELLECTUAL SENSE....I mean considering next 50-100 years in mind
Why Indians ....Behave like Child ?? why
You're a Big Country, Instead of act like BIG, your Diplomats try to Score against us,
You took advantage of every difficult Political Chaos of Pakistan
Small Country have different Mentality & Big Country act like BIG.. ...e.g look USA / UK / China / Russia
Always Big Country have to take Initiative towards Peace bcoz Public of small Country always raise fingers on Gov Actions as COWARD, Unable to sustain Outside Pressure...like Allegations....
remember childish behaviors like (Banning Cricket with pak, or flaying Plane in our Pakistan territory, propagating internationally for Political isolation, convincing US to cut / stop Foreign AID assisstence, / Indian Political inspiration from Media Hype / Everything is done by ISI / Over reaction on Mumbai attacks of 2008 when all world knows 1 year back in 2007 we lost our Prime minister Benazir Bhutto ....)
1). kashmir was meant to be a free state and we never interfered untill ur lashkar came plundering and looting the villages.... it was then the maharaja singed the letter if annexation with us....once it was signed ..it became our land and we were responsible for everything there...so we intervened to protect it...india is a diverse country north doesn't matches south...east doesn't matches west....ethnicity and religion has to do less with the business of state...
2). after the lashkar incident and the the UN resolution...and the closeness of Pakistan with america india was slightly in prejudice over Pakistan... any way it was against the Chinese and if it would have taken place u would be fighting the Chinese forces...also keep in mind...at that time sino-india relations were good ..if not in best state...so, india declined the offer....nehru was confirmed ,..china will never go against him...
any way what happened then can't be undone...
3). the thing is not about being big or small... in todays contemporary world. size doesn't matter much ..leverage will be always with the country with bigger economy...Pakistan always remained a better economy due to American support in early days...till 1991 both countries has more or less same economy and GDP... + with greater population india spendings were greater....only once we opened our economy that we we became what we are today... being a bigger country is a recent phenomenon.... + we always setelled for the peaceful resolution be it 1965 , we went to Tashkent and setelled the dispute without any grievances or any apology...even in 1971 we had one of the biggest leverage over u...we had 93000 POW and if we have demanded Kashmir ... ur govt. would have given it... u know that...but what we did...u freed ur army without any conditions...but just demanded to solve the issue mutually.... ur president when returned with POW was treated as a hero because he was came back without giving in kasmir ...
even un 1999 we started peace process but again what we got..kargil...with si many backstabbing and failure ..how do u want our govt. to treat Pakistan...
we tried to settle every issue peacefully...and with mutually with concent ...
none of the move were childish..there could have been full fledge war after mumbai...it was no small attack...but we only setelled for cricket... and u know we are constantly requesting GOP to take action against the anti india element in Pakistan but we are getting no serious commitment....what would u do in those conditions....all the steps taken were to hit back economically so that under pressure some how ur govt. stop these terrorists... we gave every proof dir these attacks to ur govt.. but till this day we await for firm action...
anyhow with new govt. in chair lets see how the relationship further unfolds....
U must be knowing that Benazir provocation was one of the main reason why so many kashmiri pundits were killed and driven out of their home state ....
That is all I NEEDED TO READ! :agree:

2 wrongs dont do a right!

Mind you what started 2 and half decades ago was America wanting to crush USSR and it managed....now it is them whose getting their *** licked and lately Russia just woke up again ...
i know two wrong never makes a right...
but the point is atleast after this time u must stop... but still insurgencies are happening often... once it is stopped from ur side i am sure...funding will stop from our side too...
this enmity will lead us to no where...
i am in full support of india Pakistan working together to wipe out terrorism in both india and Pakistan.... just think of it , if both military hold a joint operation and if it turns out successful ...how big boost it will be for indo pak relations.... but i know its not gonna happen...
we need more trade and exchange...
this madness need to end...
but again as many analysts says Pakistan civilian govt. want to end indo pak tussle but pakistanii military doesn't.... we had always wanted peace...its for u decide what to be done next....
I want to remind you that the Militants have left their foot prints all over Pakistan,I don’t think the Militants will refrain from attacking any place or territory in Pakistan even if it is KOSHER on paper. Once given a command they will MARCH like ROBOTS with guns to attack.

We will see about that. For now AJK is the most peaceful region of Pakistan.
Indians have always been fed wrong and manipulated information by their own state
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