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India orders, 10,000 Excalibur Artillery guided shells along with 100 M777s and various other Manpad

Indians are in a panic mode and buying like Idiots as if Few Guns and Artillery rounds will change the calculus in their favor. In Short Phat kay haath mein aa gae hai India ki :rofl:.
India procured SU-30 MKI after Kargil.
But India buys first Su-30 in late 90s and than converted/ replaced By MKI, and he is talking right Kargil war was held in 1999 and he is talking about Military standoff of Pakistan and India (2002) and MKI intrude in Pakistani airspace over Lahore (2008)
I don't think situation is that tense now.... it must be like IA must have realized during this stand off that if war erupts then they might run out of critical ammo..... in my opinion it's just a preparation for future similar kind of situations.....

BTW can our homemade Kalyani artillery fire guided shells?
Not sure. But there is no special design need for firing guided shells

why emergency order if Chines3pull out?
@scorpionx @silent_poison
To be prepared for future
India selected IglaS for their VSHORAD competition, Raytheon had opted to sit that out, so which Manpads are they going for now? And Igla-S order has been cancelled?

Excalibur was testing back in 2019 and order had been placed for it, no surprises there.

Igla-s will be cancelled.
We'd have to give away S-400 if we opt for THAAD...US previously offered both THAAD & Patriot and most recently NASAMS as well but we still went ahead for S-400.

In terms of Excalibur shells and M777s, that was previously being considered as well...so no surprises there. Spike ATGM deal might still be on since Rafael & Kalyani group did setup a manufacturing facility in Hyderabad but that was cancelled favoring DRDO's Nag ATGM...this has been going back n forth though

It's better to be safe than sorry and it'd be extremely foolish of us to trust the chinese and pull back our forces in entirety. Both sides have pulled back in most locations except for Galwan which is still being contested. Also in case of an armed conflic, chinese have an overwhelming rocket artillery force which couldn't even be matched by Uncle Sam

China has not pulled back. Its all disinfo by Indian media that China has pulled back, China aint going back without its terms accpted. 10000 excalibur rounds@68000 USD a piece is very expensive. On the other hand China makes its own GPS/Laser guided ammunition, if it came to war Indian economy will go back 100 years by importing the required amounts of ammo

Was FGFA an aloo matar deal?
India is confused, no long term planning
China has not pulled back. Its all disinfo by Indian media that China has pulled back, China aint going back without its terms accpted
I don't intend to correct you since y'all tend to stick to your narrative...there are several threads on this forum where you can discuss em or look into my previous replies on this thread.

10000 excalibur rounds@68000 USD a piece is very expensive. On the other hand China makes its own GPS/Laser guided ammunition
The order for 100 M777s isn't new. We ordered a total of 145 M777s and received 45 of em...probably GoI might've asked Uncle Sam to expedite the rest. Also, the order for excalibur rounds were being tested since 2019 and IA was planning on ordering em ever since


if it came to war Indian economy will go back 100 years by importing the required amounts of ammo
You mean to the level of pakistan's current economic situation...I think we'd be fine with that. Y'all are still surviving right

Was FGFA an aloo matar deal?
Except for the design collaboration, there was no other participation further along due to differences in sharing the work. Also, Russians were not willing to give out ToT on certain tech

As I confirmed many weeks ago, S-400 and MMRCA deals will be cancelled and replaced with THAAD+F-35
You confirmed!! Are you an official from MoD? MMRCA might very well be cancelled and additional Rafales (maybe 36 more) along with LCAs will be procured but we're quite skeptical on adopting US platforms as frontline fighters. Both THAAD & Patriot were offered to derail the S-400 deal but we still went ahead with the S-400. We even dropped outta the NASAMS-II deal due to it's high price tag
Indians are in a panic mode and buying like Idiots as if Few Guns and Artillery rounds will change the calculus in their favor. In Short Phat kay haath mein aa gae hai India ki :rofl:.
Lol Few guns
100 ULH not few that Excalibur
RP rounds
M777 is cutting edge
WE already have ordered 145
With this order will will get
245 ultralight Howtizer

Lol it's panic buying
It's Matching Chinese

Manapads and Spike ER
These is what makes western military power superior power in war

Ultimately these weapons will be tested against PA in PHK

This is just start
I am so happy that Chinese move Awoken
ministry of Defense. babus

Military can now Buy Any Top Quality product we like
Lol Few guns
100 ULH not few that Excalibur
RP rounds
M777 is cutting edge
WE already have ordered 145
With this order will will get
245 ultralight Howtizer

Lol it's panic buying
It's Matching Chinese

Manapads and Spike ER
These is what makes western military power superior power in war

Ultimately these weapons will be tested against PA in PHK

This is just start
I am so happy that Chinese move Awoken
ministry of Defense. babus

Military can now Buy Any Top Quality product we like

If Howitzers Manpads and Anti Tank missiles makes a superior power then terrorist groups like LNA Kurds and ISIS probably are super powers of this planet. As for using it against PA then know that we can match anything you Indians have in your inventory whether its guided artillery shells or guided rockets for our MRLS. You would have known this if you weren't living under a rock.
Indians are in a panic mode and buying like Idiots as if Few Guns and Artillery rounds will change the calculus in their favor. In Short Phat kay haath mein aa gae hai India ki :rofl:.
lol, i remember during Kargil panic they were in a rush to buy rounds for Bofors guns (bofors was on ban list because of corruption allegations so Indian government could not do business with Bofors directly. They purchased rounds@1000 USD (1999 price) per round from black market which was otherwise 400 USD.
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