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India orders, 10,000 Excalibur Artillery guided shells along with 100 M777s and various other Manpad

lol, i remember during Kargil panic they were in a rush to buy rounds for Bofors guns (bofors was on ban list because of corruption allegations so Indian government could not do business with Bofors directly. They purchased rounds@1000 USD (1999 price) per round from black market which was otherwise 400 USD.

Also gloating about buying systems like guided shell, Mans pads and Anti tank missile just shows their level of intellect. These people live in a box without knowing our Land forces can match them in term of every capability they can bring to the field. Every time they have a border tussle they go into a buying spree. When Pakistan handed them their arse on platter on 27th feb they went on buying spree for fighter jets, BVRs and guidance kits. Now when China is in the field they go on a spree for buying howitzers. This is an army which for years had verbal diarrhea regarding cold start doctrine against Pakistan with this level of preparation.
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If Howitzers Manpads and Anti Tank missiles makes a superior power then terrorist groups like LNA Kurds and ISIS probably are super powers of this planet. As for using it against PA then know that we can match anything you Indians have in your inventory whether its guided artillery shells or guided rockets for our MRLS. You would have known this if you weren't living under a rock.
LOL Talk Sense With facts not Senseless rant

LOL Please Give me Example of kurds and ISIS having Cutting edge Weaponry like M777 or Cluster bombs

PA has Limited Budget of 5 billion $ And your forex is 12 billion $ that
Indian Military budget is more than Pakistan national budget

Every Military expert ion the planet Will Accept indian conventional suprioty over Pakistan

Now Will sing gaga of 27 feb But you Practically achieved zilch on the ground on J&K

Chinese are no Super power they are 10-15 years behind Europeans And 20 years behind US in technology

And Post Covid they Will Face protectionism from Western nations

They Still Dependent on Russian s on cutting edge Technology like S-400,Engines And others logistics

i am suprised To see that you think PA Whivh almost 5 times lower budget With Lower Huma resource can match IA

But not accept this for Chinese Who Literally have no experience in war since 5 decades
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Lol Few guns
100 ULH not few that Excalibur
RP rounds
M777 is cutting edge
WE already have ordered 145
With this order will will get
245 ultralight Howtizer

Lol it's panic buying
It's Matching Chinese

Manapads and Spike ER
These is what makes western military power superior power in war

Ultimately these weapons will be tested against PA in PHK

This is just start
I am so happy that Chinese move Awoken
ministry of Defense. babus

Military can now Buy Any Top Quality product we like
But rawatji has been saying that we are ready for two front war since 6 years. Why panic buying now, didn't he understands previously how much and what will be needed to handle Chinese alone, forget the second front for a second.
Problem is with all this procurement if there is no India China war then all these bad arse toys will be eventually turning it's direction towards LOC.
Why is it a problem ?
This will never happen. Indian dont trust American. While Russian always stood by India. Critical defense like S400 can never be bought from American as they quickly become blackmail weapon sooner or later. So S400 is done deal and money are released, production had already started and delivery is expected soon.

I dont know from where you are making such fancy statements.
Typical Indian writing. ;)

I hope they keep wasting money buying these tools. It's like an idiot buying hammer to fix a leaking damn. These low level equipment is not how war is fought until the primary fronts are secured. It starts from the top end and proceeds down as each digital front is won and then it goes down to the soldier with cannon and rifle. They think it is opposite way.
Whilst pakistanis continue to take these procurements as a joke India is improving its offensive capability in terms off mountain warfare whilst we are stuck with 122mm howitzer our generals are stupid idiots for not paying attention to improvements in mountain warfare we need those ah 4 howitzer from china and an airborne regiment immediately otherwise we will take huge casualties in upcoming war if there is one which involves taking key strategic peaks posts and ridges

Tactical nukes.
I hope they keep wasting money buying these tools. It's like an idiot buying hammer to fix a leaking damn. These low level equipment is not how war is fought until the primary fronts are secured. It starts from the top end and proceeds down as each digital front is won and then it goes down to the soldier with cannon and rifle. They think it is opposite way.
Afghanistan war and Vietnam war , they had none of above.
LOL Talk Sense With facts not Senseless rant

LOL Please Give me Example of kurds and ISIS having Cutting edge Weaponry like M777 or Cluster bombs

PA has Limited Budget of 5 billion $ And your forex is 12 billion $ that
Indian Military budget is more than Pakistan national budget

Every Military expert ion the planet Will Accept indian conventional suprioty over Pakistan

Now Will sing gaga of 27 feb But you Practically achieved zilch on the ground on J&K

Chinese are no Super power they are 10-15 years behind Europeans And 20 years behind US in technology

And Post Covid they Will Face protectionism from Western nations

They Still Dependent on Russian s on cutting edge Technology like S-400,Engines And others logistics

i am suprised To see that you think PA Whivh almost 5 times lower budget With Lower Huma resource can match IA

But not accept this for Chinese Who Literally have no experience in war since 5 decades
If Pak army has 1/5 your budget and we cant fight you then by this logic you have already lost to chinese because they have a budget 6 times your size.
Problem is with all this procurement if there is no India China war then all these bad arse toys will be eventually turning it's direction towards LOC.
You don't want your land back or you're giving it to us as a gift?
Thank you in advance if that is so.
If Pak army has 1/5 your budget and we cant fight you then by this logic you have already lost to chinese because they have a budget 6 times your size.
Indian budget in 71 billion $ for 2019-20

PLA 261 billion $ Its 4 times

That because they have Large military Hardware To maintain And Construction of Weapons And Large Salary bill than India

Most of there Budget Goes To South china sea Against US & Japan And Taiwan front not Western Front

You don't want your land back or you're giving it to us as a gift?
Thank you in advance if that is so.
Lol We are already Patrolling It Wherever we want
So You can't stop our patrols Incursion finger 4 area

For that you need a an action And That Will fail your doctrine
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