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India opened airspace to flights via Pak as friendly gesture to Euro & SE Asia airlines

LMAO...ohh that navy whose submarine was openly filtered out in Arabian sea hands down :D......duhhh! you guys should be thankful to us of not blowing it *** that time.:big_boss:

Haha oh buddy I so wish you could have tried doing that. Just try once! I dare you :enjoy:
Not a friendly but a bheek mangu gesture in hopes that Pakistan may reciprocate and do the same but we don't give a rats ***. LOL :lol:
Ignoring costs I can only hope Pak is using its air corridor closure decision and time to actually make efforts to close down militant camps.

Repeat of Balakot is not going to help anyone.
LOL clutching at straws aren't we, after all this you still haven't got it.
Ignoring costs I can only hope Pak is using its air corridor closure decision and time to actually make efforts to close down militant camps.

Repeat of Balakot is not going to help anyone.

This is what i call "Sasta Nasha"
Haha oh buddy I so wish you could have tried doing that. Just try once! I dare you :enjoy:

Wasn't Indians used to say same for their mighty IAF till Feb 27. You navy is no exception to this as well. But guess what, we are not immature like your Govt. Rest assured, if India pushes as that far, than brace yourself for further embarrassment and that too at astronomical levels than ;).Your submarine was just a button away from total annihilation that day.
Wasn't Indians used to say same for their mighty IAF till Feb 27. You navy is no exception to this as well. But guess what, we are not immature like your Govt. Rest assured, if India pushes as that far, than brace yourself for further embarrassment and that too at astronomical levels than ;).Your submarine was just a button away from total annihilation that day.

Not sure about total annihilation about our submarine but Karachi was definitely a button away. Total blackout for 2 days :cry::lol:
Not a friendly but a bheek mangu gesture in hopes that Pakistan may reciprocate and do the same but we don't give a rats ***. LOL :lol:


It's like the other airlines basically said "we don't give a damn about India's attempted boycott of Pak, let us through".

So what is the running total count of countries who have joined India in "isolating" Pakistan? Jeero perhaps?

This OP is just waving more used condoms around, this time India being used and discarded by transiting airlines.
Good! Also please ask your PM to stop writing love letters to Modi :lol:
Just tell me one thing why do you people keep bringing up the airspace closure to India on this forum again and again, its really hurting you isn't it :lol:.
You don't see a Pakistani create a thread on it every week, heck if it wasn't for you guys we would've already forgotten about it. Cry Us A River.

It's like the other airlines basically said "we don't give a damn about India's attempted boycott of Pak, let us through".

So what is the running total count of countries who have joined India in "isolating" Pakistan? Jeero perhaps?

This OP is just waving more used condoms around, this time India being used and discarded by transiting airlines.

Pakistan is already isolated. Looks like you didn't notice.

India did achieve its objective of getting Azhar Masood declared a Global Terrorist by UN even after all efforts by Pakistan to prevent that :tup:

You blinked :-)

Yea maybe ask your PM to stop writing love letters for peace.
Strategic move, now if pakistan doesnt allow passage to international flights ( European or SEA carriers) going via pakistan will give an opportunity to india to show that Indian is not causing loses to them its Pakistan that causing it.

If they open up to international flight, then it helps indian travellers to save time as well cost to travel to europe and ahead.

You people claim victory in every move you make no matter how embarrassing this looks to the other party.
Pakistan is already isolated. Looks like you didn't notice.

India did achieve its objective of getting Azhar Masood declared a Global Terrorist by UN even after all efforts by Pakistan to prevent that :tup:

Yea maybe ask your PM to stop writing love letters for peace.
Only took you 10 years to blacklist a single "terrorist".... could take a while this "war on terror" of yours....

Even India itself cannot boycott or isolate Pak, let alone instigate Pak's isolation by others. You could have stuck to your principled stance and told other airlines they can't go over India if their flight plan also takes them over Pak. But you folded on that one. So if you cannot even enforce the attempted airspace boycott yourselves, how can you claim you are succeeding in isolating Pakistan?? The moment your lot opened its mouth with "isolate Pakistan" as if we were Gaza and you were Israel, the world facepalmed. Now try and save your face by quietly labelling this inevitable backtracking as a "gesture".

The love letters from IK cause no material damage to Pak but they do raise IK's profile as a peacemaker, hence various dignatories of foreign nations have lauded him and raised Pak's profile on this precise issue. He is perceived as a peacemaker, while Modi is still a chai Walla. This is a good geopolitical return for the price of a piece of headed note paper, from the desk of IK with love.
Like I said before, pakistan should open airspace for non indian airlines. This will help kill indian airlines.

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