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'India only gives moral support to Balochistan'

Is that the best you can bring? As I said no dreams please. Share something reasonable with us.


Is this the best u can muster after I gave u the logic ?? Dreams..heck 50% of the threads here are only dreams..far far from reality.So lets not go into that realm.
Pakistan has found concrete evidence of Indian involement in Balauchistan and westren parts of country since our forces caputred tonnes of indian made explosives and ammunition. besides that numerous Indian Gorkha battlian's millitary men have been killed in swat and Fata who disguised themselves as taliban. So do u want more evidences of ur involvement in creating insurgency in Pakistan?

Please share that concrete information (without waiting for the opportune time), since no one from Pakistan has formally shared that with India so far.

And about Gorkhas getting killed, what do you have except uncircumcised corpses?

about wanting more evidences, we havent seen anything yet, so Yes, some evidence is required.
Yes yes....wen u can show ur moral support wen only 2% Kashmiris want to join Pakistan...im sure there are more than 2% Balochis who r willing to be united with their clan in Iran..

Enuff logic for u...:lol:

when u did these logical surveys. ??
If you have somthing concrete then tell us. Other wise shut ur dumb mouth.
There r more then 100 consulates opreating near pakistan Border in Fata and Balochistan. AND spreading shitty indian terror killing civilian's and peoples of Civil Socitey.
107 Indian “Consulates” & RAW Intel Units in Afghanistan spreading terror to Pakistan Rupee News
Leaving other crap from your post. I would just stick to the bold part. Why would Iran go with India as stated in your dream strategy?

Just give me a simple reason.


Nice to have a capability to dig into crap and pick out parts that interest you ;)

About Iran, why not? It has a large border with Pakistan on the Balochistan side. It certainly has a stake there not very different from teh one Pakistan has in Afghanistan.
Is this the best u can muster after I gave u the logic ?? Dreams..heck 50% of the threads here are only dreams..far far from reality.So lets not go into that realm.

Just asked you something and you just hurled out your animosity for Pakistan. Come on dear you can do something better than that. :lol:

Nice to have a capability to dig into crap and pick out parts that interest you ;)

About Iran, why not? It has a large border with Pakistan on the Balochistan side. It certainly has a stake there not very different from teh one Pakistan has in Afghanistan.

As I said Iran isn't a dumbas*. It knows about its stake much better than you and it is stake is secured with what it has right now. You said something really dumb and I just pointed it out.
What is Baluchistan Issue????? Is it a State of Pakistan?And what is the role of India in This???

What is Baluchistan Issue?

Some low lives as*holes are creating unrest in our province. This is the Baluchistan issue.

Is it a State of Pakistan?

Obviously. It is the province of Pakistan and the integral part of Pakistan.

And what is the role of India in This???

Search this forum for more details.

Ur saying this and giving Rupee news as source.....now whoz dumb..? :lol:

Atleast i give u a source..whatever it is doesn't matter.. But where's ur source of your survey?
And ya .. You Are The Dumb one.
Shall I give u the picture of Abraham Lincoln with the words "Pakistani Terrorist killed in Mumbai Attack " written with the help of photoshop.?

Will u agree to that..? I guess U would. :lol:

it will be good if you accepet the Reality, instead of turning Abrahm lincon into an Indian Terrorist.
well India need like her

Some One should definitely Understand the consequences of giving Moral Support to Kashmir and LET aswell....

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