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India on snubbed Iran over remarks:


Apr 7, 2012
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Chief Reporter
NEW DELHI: India on Friday snubbed Iran over remarks made by Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Kashmir.
New Delhi on Friday summoned Iran’s Charge D’ Affairs Reza Alaei and expressed India’s “deep disappointment and regret” over the remarks.
Sources said that Iranian envoy told Y.K Sinha; Joint Secretary in charge of Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan in India’s External Affairs Ministry; Iran considers the situation in Jammu and Kashmir is an internal matter of India.
The sources said while raising these remarks with Iran, India has asked it to be “mindful” of its “core concerns”.
External Affairs Ministry sources added that every time India has raised the issue with Iran, Tehran has told New Delhi that there was no change in its official position on Jammu and Kashmir that the situation in the State was an internal matter of India. In his address to the Haj Pilgrims in Tehran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had exhorted Islamic Ummah to support the Muslims in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Kashmir.
He said that “today the major duties of the elite of the Islamic Ummah is to provide help to the Palestinian nation and the besieged people of Gaza, to sympathise and provide assistance to the nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Kashmir, to engage in struggle and resistance against the aggressions of the United States and the Zionist regime, to safeguard the solidarity of Muslims….”.
Since July this year, Iran has on three occasions remarked supporting the “struggle” in Kashmir and bracketed the situation in the State with that in Gaza and Afghanistan.
To express its displeasure and tit-for-tat reply, India on Thursday also abstained from voting on a UN resolution on human rights violations in Iran, which was piloted by Canada and other countries. Earlier, India has always voted against the resolution.
In an official reaction, Ministry of External Affairs said “our decision on the vote was made after due deliberation”. While 80 countries voted in favour of the resolution, 44 voted against it and 57 countries abstained.
The voting pattern on the resolutions on Iranian human rights record in the past few years has shown a steady increase in the number of countries questioning Tehran’s human rights record.
However, the sources refused to treat Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s remarks as “major setback” to the overall relationship, saying that the two countries have civilisational links and share a similarity of views on many issues.
They also maintained that India attaches highest priority to its projects with Iran and these remarks will not impact the other facets of the relationship.
Earlier in October, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman condemned Indian action against protesters in Jammu and Kashmir who were provoked by clippings of alleged desecration of the Koran in the US.
Spokesperson Ramin Mehmanparast had said to counter such protests could be “interpreted as supporting acts of sacrilege.” Later, he said it was “perfectly acceptable for Muslims to react to the desecration of the Koran” and called upon the Indian Government to show “self-restraint”.

India snubs Iran over Kashmir remarks - State Times | State Times

Why we have said to USA indirectly, that as we are having shia muslims so any possible attack of Israel on Iran would be considered for the Pakistan...I'm afraid we can not just seek our own problems which are worst than other muslim coutries even Iran (like Karachi, suicide bombings, poverty, females problems, minority problems, kashmir problem, Balochistan problem which we have forgeted after participating war for others...Why we we can't be moderate...Now a days I'm seeeing the propaganda against Saudi Arab (No one of us is true angle)...we are saying it is puppet of USA and providing air-bases to Israel for attack on IRAN. Why we forgetted that in Afghan-USSR war we were supposed to be the ISRail ally among KSA and USA (though not declared but their was weapons support from Israel as well)...To remove Taliban force is not the solution, we are doing same mistake of Bengal (my opinion of course you may have differernt)...you know even our distant family friends who are missing as they were joined Taliban. you know one of them as Engineer with his wife a practing Doctor and their lil baby, because last time agencies were searching them...these people were not of Madara as well...we are using force and converting many many moderate and securlar muslims to Taliban, I'm strong convinced by the Imran khan that by every raid on Taliban we multiplying the number of Taliban...we have tried a decade with power, these people were alternatively fighting in Kashmir to liberate it so as to give them their right of determination...On other thread we are saying it SAudi Arab which is giving the funds to terrorists...we need to check out how our PM Benazir went to USA to strongly urge to stop funds to Mujahidin : she strongly opposed United States support of Afghan Mujaheddin which she labeled them as "America's Frankestein"[/B] during her first state visit to United States in 1989. Many even suspect that USA need a reason to be in this region so it is extending war and it is providing the funds through other client state (God knows best). We we always a way that lead us to the war which is not a solution to the problem of our stability...Why USA can't understand that when USSR was there then we were by all ways able to go all sincereity as our nation's soul was not involved...but when it comes a muslim to muslim war then your highnes your own revived compaign JEHAD does not flourish but more FASAAD...so we have to admit that even Govt remain...When we fight with you USSR then we were not a terrorist nation and not massacre...We don't say USA is our enemy but it must have to understand our default problems about Taliban (as pointed by Imran) whatever even if we don't own their suicide bombing strategy but we are the ordinary people who are suffered more....
But question why Pakistan must not solve its own problems when it's own stability is in stake and it is jumping into the war and flame every time...GIVE US A BREAK FROM WAR and PULL OUT ARMY FROM KILLING BUT USE IT FOR REHABILITATION OF ECONOMY OR POVERTY, WATER PROBLEMS....We must stop bashing any other nations either it is ISRAEL OR INDIA OR KSA AND IRAN ETC...I was just couple of weeks ago very very much shocked when I spoke to a friend who was back after their short visit from EGYPT...that friend was talking about problems of EGYPT and said that protest and engergy crisis was problem...I guess you people have enough gas, then why such drought of gas ...she said MUBARK given gas (oil perhaps) to Israel...I said do you have such relations with ISRAEL .I instantly jumped and given a proud speech that you know what 'we have not yet recognised Israel and my passport explicity says that 'it is valid for all countries except ISRAEL'...I was expecting my friend will be impressed by speech but converse happen
..my friend said yes now ISRAEL is there as our neighbour and we can't rub it's existance. All we can do is to stop (a moral support) it from committing attrocities on Palestinen brother which we not support either...so I talk to other egyption friend so people take them lightly, but we speak as agaist as if we will having trades (as arab doing) or any relations will make us sinnful...Why we can't negotiate ISRAEL to stop its intention to attack our brother IRAN...IRAN must give some proof that it will serve as responsible state though only its missile range will be upto ISRAEL:D

Proliferation of weapon is more than hypocrisy...at one end you keep poor nations in the state of decades of war and stimulating them to buy your weapons 'for decoration purposes' and you your self can have nuclear bomb as you are a king...when Japan try to convince back not to go for nuclear explosion in 1998 then Pakista replied good that just tell us if you were having neclear weapons eqally like USA? Do you think USA had ruined your two ciities (barbarik)...i was going through those cities genocitde and it can't be mentioned how peoples skins was ....and how they were saying water water please and then after having water died...AHA we so-called human rights protector and super powers!

I learnt the person who pushed the button (what so ever) got metally sick and died with such condition (God knows but it was said in newspaper)...
When this news has happened??? I did not hear about any of this type of incident recently...
India and Iran do not have a one point agenda mate. its not going to break due to such incidents.
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