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India On Edge with Bangladesh

This is the biggest conspiracy theory of them all. Dr Shahid Qureshi looks into future and reads a new issue of OUTLOOK magazine before it is even published.

Before it is published?

A proof reader with Outlook?

March 16, which year?

Mar 16, 2011 does not throw up an Outlook issue.

Any links as I asked before?
In such a war that you have envisioned, China is not needed. India cannot fight in two fronts, east and west, at the same time. Not only that, it cannot even fight a war in the west when east is hostile to it, even though not at war. India will have to keep more than 500,000 troops mobilized in the east if it is hostile and India is at war against the west. This is why India wants to be sure that the east remains demilitarized or a puppet at their hand.

You are reporting straight from the Indian GHQ?

Can't fight on two fronts?

Do you seriously assume that Bangladesh is some solid Rock of Gibraltar?
In such a war that you have envisioned, China is not needed. India cannot fight in two fronts, east and west, at the same time. Not only that, it cannot even fight a war in the west when east is hostile to it, even though not at war. India will have to keep more than 500,000 troops mobilized in the east if it is hostile and India is at war against the west. This is why India wants to be sure that the east remains demilitarized or a puppet at their hand.

Who told you India needs to fight a War against 2 side. Why not ? If we can ? Chinese ? The trade between India-China is more than BD GDP. Does India needs 500,000 troops for BD even if there are already 3,00,000 surrounding BD? ? What Indian Navy and IAF will do ? Sleep with 200 Air Craft? 1,000 Missile will be kept in showcase ? What BSF with 25,000 men will do ? Sleep again ? What if back-clash starts in Assam and with BD People living in India ? Nothing ? What will have impact on BD economy ? What RAW will do in BD ? Why not control your Government ? 100's such questions. lol.
In such a war that you have envisioned, China is not needed. India cannot fight in two fronts, east and west, at the same time. Not only that, it cannot even fight a war in the west when east is hostile to it, even though not at war. India will have to keep more than 500,000 troops mobilized in the east if it is hostile and India is at war against the west. This is why India wants to be sure that the east remains demilitarized or a puppet at their hand.

That counts for almost all countries doen't it ?

Pakistan with Iran/Afghanistan on its other side ...China with its huge number of bordering countries ....Bangladesh with Myanmar etc .

Now please don't imaginatively suggest these countries will all form a strategic alliance etc. Thats why scenarios of two font war are very much valid and the rules of the game can be geo-politically changed by outside powers like the U.S anytime without having to actively involve military forces ....
China will be war with bigger threat Japan + South Korea + Vietnam + Taiwan. India comes @ 5th. oops 6th. I forgot U.S. and never though Philippines and Russia to make less countries.

Pakistan will be war from three sides. East (India) - West(Afghanistan) - South (India - Our Navy is quite strong there and I am sure they won't be sleeping)

Bangladesh will be war on 3 Sides (One on Borders and other in India (back-clash) 3rd Myanmar our another supporter in need. (After all we paid on all weather)

U.S., Russia, U.K., France, Australia, Israel, Germany our alliance will sleep.

If this is what is the threat, it is polluted food and so this is a greater threat for all!

So, forget about other threats.

Quereshi from UK should concentrate on these real threats and worry less about India because he has no clue about LeT and other fundamentalist organisation that is tearing the innards of Pakistan.

Or are the daily killings in Pakistan an India US imagination at play?

Ask the hapless relatives whose kin the terrorists are killing!
offcourse this is what the threat is but then why not fixing yours one first before poking on neighbor's noses,

slum in mumbai - Google Search
We have gone through this and it has been proved.

You are a late riser!
The article was posted in 2009 soon after the Pilkhana massacre. What moron had to bring this out now? At that time Sunita Paul was quoted everywhere but then was exposed by some Indian dalals.

Mate, Sunita Paul doesn't even exist! We have discussed the matter already in Bangladesh.

In such a war that you have envisioned, China is not needed. India cannot fight in two fronts, east and west, at the same time. Not only that, it cannot even fight a war in the west when east is hostile to it, even though not at war. India will have to keep more than 500,000 troops mobilized in the east if it is hostile and India is at war against the west. This is why India wants to be sure that the east remains demilitarized or a puppet at their hand.

Bangladesh and India are not enemies. Nor allies.

The AL is now just giving India free passes in pretty much everything. Just wait after 2 years.
lol al these BD,Pakistanis having wet dreams about India....whenever Pakistanis think of a war against India they drag China in...but they forget that if a war is fought with India it too has friends and allies who will help in all possible ways....BUT if its a war with BD in the east our local policemen wit para troopers is enough....with pakistan if not nuclear war its going to be easy....if they use nukes sure our nukes wont be sleeping.....Pakistani nuclear missiles cant reach South India and all but our missiles can reach the entire land of Pakistan...before dreaming make sure you BDs are alive..
I dont think we could ever attack BD unless they provoke us...all these while i thought BD was a friend bt the posts from BD guys suggests otherwise...
these type of scrap/propoganda articles keep coming and going...
IN SUCH A WARr that you have envisioned, CHINA IS NOT NEEDED India cannot fight in two fronts, east and west, at the same time. Not only that, it cannot even fight a war in the west when east is hostile to it, even though not at war. India will have to keep more than 500,000 troops mobilized in the east if it is hostile and India is at war against the west. This is why India wants to be sure that the east remains demilitarized or a puppet at their hand.
LOL....even Bangladesh is confident to fight without China....but Pakistanis call Chinese even for pissing:hitwall:
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