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India offers Vietnam $ 100-million credit for military ware

That is because US fight the war with a loosing strategy. If US invaded north Vietnam and do whatever it takes to push the Vietcong into China, the outcome would be different.

funny a taiwanese defends china? Bad propaganda PRC - Propaganda Republic of Cantonese

Even your news channel is named CCTV. Cruel joke on chinese guy.
Actually we also need Tibet and Aksai Chin (Ladakh) .. but we enforce the condition of "peaceful settlement".

So sorry... if you don't like the condition imposed.

As for Spratly Islands, you are free to declare "war" on those islands. Some of our news channel will see a boost in their TRPs telecasting the live show. :laugh:

However, don't lose.. else Taipei will be Nanking. :tup:

You should have not said that dude
Nanking is a very senstivd matter to the Chinese

Well, I'm sure the Japanese didn't rape China worse than the British in 200+ years of indian occupation.

Peaceful, that's the exact wording of China before our industrialization. Japan provoking us left right and in the rear and all we talk is peace. At the end they had to manufacture an event and not wait for response to get something.

The mark of a weak nation, we disregarded that when we went full steam ahead in industrialization.

Taiwan is much stronger than Vietnam, did you know Taiwan has a fourth Gen fighter build by Taiwan, true it is sort of a copy but uses some of its own tech. Also Taiwan is part of the developed world, which the Indians and Vietnamese are no where near.

Oh and your conditions means nothing as our army frequently goes there. If that place wasn't a hell hole, then we would have settled there.

One last thing, if China can't repel US according to some in our immediate oceans with the world's second largest defense spending and one of the best missile programs and navies, what makes you think Vietnam can repel China with a few missiles. In the case of war, even if their missiles are 100% accurate, which by the way is crazy and also need to take into account range and such, they would ran out of missiles before we ran out of ships.

Sorry for AADHAAR's statement on Nanking sir he probably does not no what it means
Sorry once again
that only you can answer..you're F@@rt!ng in this thread long enough,spewing venom against Indo-Vietnam relation while every other members are feeling that something is burning

see how dirty you cheerleadiers are!

..so,why don't you go back into the threads about "Poor India","Dirty India",Blood thirsty India as well as vietnam and let us discuss in this thread???

those are your culture and everyone in the world should know already by now and throw into the basket another one.

I already make myself clear and I dont mind repeating it one more time: india should equip all vietcongs arsenals warships ... with indian products! This is great news for us! Double up or triple it or more with your credit lines so as to make sure the deals are nailed down

Then we will celebrate on difference causes - our great confidence of peace at last in sight @ SCS!
Maybe India should allow the Vietnamese troops to protect its borders. As you said, they successfully prevents a Chinese invasion in 1979. But in 1962, India was completely creamed by Chinese troops. So let Vietnamese protect your country with their own weapon to make sure India is safe from invasion again.

you guys are still lurking 50 years back..and 50 years is a long time buddy..in 1918,France "Creamed Germany"..20 years later,Germany marched into France with minimal casualty,bypassing maginot line...I advice stop larking in 1960s and come back in 2013..if you want,I might send you a time machine..

see how dirty you cheerleadiers are!

everybody knows who is cheerleading here...
Maybe India should allow the Vietnamese troops to protect its borders. As you said, they successfully prevents a Chinese invasion in 1979. But in 1962, India was completely creamed by Chinese troops. So let Vietnamese protect your country with their own weapon to make sure India is safe from invasion again.

Right 10000 indian troops with mostly bolt action rifles vs 80000 chinese troops with assault rifles.
Surprise on your side due to sneak attack.
Before indian reinforcements can arrive china unilaterally leaves most of the territory and retreats back.
This is china's grand 'creaming'.
Another brainwashed commiekid not knowing their own history.

The Crucible of Vietnam

China and the Soviet Union supplied aircraft, air defenses, and fighter training. According to Istvan Toperczer’s definitive MiG-17 and MiG-19 Units of the Vietnam War, pilot training began in the late 1950s and continued through the war.

By the early 1960s, North Vietnam also had pilots training on the MiG-17 in China—with Chinese pilots flying and fighting in North Vietnamese airspace at the beginning of the war.

Records indicate that the first air-to-air kills by MiGs were credited to Chinese pilots. Fortunately, these were kills of the AQM-34 Firebee reconnaissance drones.

Still debated and controversial is the role the People’s Republic of China played in the US-Vietnam air losses. China served as a supplier of equipment and training, and their personnel manned anti-aircraft batteries for long periods. Chinese sources claim its crews fought 558 battles against US aircraft and had a hand in shooting down 597. Given the hundreds of attack and fighter aircraft lost to anti-aircraft fire, the numbers claimed are not outrageous.

Vietnam is on China’s border and stray drones and aircraft often met their fate at the hands of People’s Liberation Army Air Force MiGs. According to historian Walter J. Boyne, the PLAAF provided "much training and assistance" to North Vietnam and gleaned experience for their own purposes, too. "On a number of occasions, the PLAAF shot down US aircraft that had strayed into Chinese airspace," Boyne observed.
You, another false flagger who defends the Chicum at all cost. Chicum supplied North Viet Nam with antiquated AAA while the Soviets supplied North Viet Nam with 7600 SA-2 and 200 Mig21, understand? North Viet Nam had 16 fighter aces, understand? Take note

With a GDP of some 1.8 trillion dollars in 2012-2013,India is perceived a super power by herself。

100 million in aid is surely pocket change and does not reflect the closeness of the two countries(how many Vietnameses are living in India and vice verse?)

100 billion is a more likable figure。:smitten:
Right 10000 indian troops with mostly bolt action rifles vs 80000 chinese troops with assault rifles.
Surprise on your side due to sneak attack.
Before indian reinforcements can arrive china unilaterally leaves most of the territory and retreats back.
This is china's grand 'creaming'.

You mean potential American reinforcement? India was retreating in all fronts. There were zero reinforcements. Face it, India lost in 1962 and you just lose more credibility by denying this fact. Even most of your countryman would not agree with your "India won the war" fiction.
Another brainwashed commiekid not knowing their own history.

The Crucible of Vietnam

China and the Soviet Union supplied aircraft, air defenses, and fighter training. According to Istvan Toperczer’s definitive MiG-17 and MiG-19 Units of the Vietnam War, pilot training began in the late 1950s and continued through the war.

By the early 1960s, North Vietnam also had pilots training on the MiG-17 in China—with Chinese pilots flying and fighting in North Vietnamese airspace at the beginning of the war.

Records indicate that the first air-to-air kills by MiGs were credited to Chinese pilots. Fortunately, these were kills of the AQM-34 Firebee reconnaissance drones.

Still debated and controversial is the role the People’s Republic of China played in the US-Vietnam air losses. China served as a supplier of equipment and training, and their personnel manned anti-aircraft batteries for long periods. Chinese sources claim its crews fought 558 battles against US aircraft and had a hand in shooting down 597. Given the hundreds of attack and fighter aircraft lost to anti-aircraft fire, the numbers claimed are not outrageous.

Vietnam is on China’s border and stray drones and aircraft often met their fate at the hands of People’s Liberation Army Air Force MiGs. According to historian Walter J. Boyne, the PLAAF provided "much training and assistance" to North Vietnam and gleaned experience for their own purposes, too. "On a number of occasions, the PLAAF shot down US aircraft that had strayed into Chinese airspace," Boyne observed.

U must read the Truth that Mr. Mao forced us to accept ur troops when we really didn't want. Look like we had to train ur stupid soldiers how to fight efficiently. History proved that without our instruction , ur troops fought terribly and totally defeated just by Vn women militia in 1979
I said [to the Chinese]: "Yes, yes! I will do that. I will only fight at the level of one platoon downwards." After we had fought and China realized that we could fight efficiently, Mao suddenly had a new line of thinking. He said that as the Americans were fighting us, he would bring in [Chinese] troops to help us build roads. His essential aim was to find out about the situation in our country so that later he could strike us, and thereby expand into Southeast Asia. There was no other reason. We were aware of this matter, but had to allow it [the entry of Chinese troops]. But that was OK. They decided to send in their soldiers. I only asked that they send personnel, but these troops came with guns and ammunition. I also had to countenance this.

Later, he [Mao Zedong] forced us to permit 20,000 of his troops to come and build a road from Nghe Tinh into Nam Bo [the Vietnamese term for southern Vietnam]. I refused. They kept proposing, but I would not budge. They pressured me into permitting them to come, but I did not accept it. They kept on pressuring, but I did not agree. I provide you with these examples, comrades, so that you can see their long-standing plot to steal our country, and how wicked their plot is.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...-east-asia-hamid-ansari-14.html#ixzz2aUsQI4xf
here we go....

...................Sa-6 -.........................Akash -

Range-.....24 km(Maximum)..........30 km(Intercepting)

Speed-.....200–600 m/s................Mach 2.5 :lol:

Ceiling-.....500-6000 m.....................18 km :lol:

Warhead- Fragment...................High-explosive, pre-fragmented warhead

Guidence-semi-active radar homing...digitally-coded command guidance and fully automatic operation

Akash can be used against both aircraft and warhead from missiles..I don't even want to compare the radars..

from wiki....

now,nobody generally compare a missile of 1960s with a missile of 2010s,even when it's design looks somewhat connected..but then again,Logic isn't a strong point of you guys..

no matter how you twist the parametters, it's still a copy :pop: try harder

Only India can be so cheerful about their outdated Yakhont upgrade. Of course Russia do not use Brahmos as its build only for Indians.

Brahmos is way to milk India, and Indian is trying to milk back these techno-clueless Vietnameses. while Russia milk both those who ever use Yakhont or Brahmos.
no matter how you twist the parametters, it's still a copy :pop: try harder
Copy or not, Akash clearly is a potent anti-air SAM system, much better than SA-6. A couple thousands of these missiles pointing up the sky and it will be a no fly-zone for your airforce. You should be glad that Viet Nam does not have the capability to produce this system locally. :cool:

no matter how you twist the parametters, it's still a copy :pop: try harder

Brahmos is way to milk India, and Indian is trying to milk back these techno-clueless Vietnameses. while Russia milk both those who ever use Yakhont or Brahmos.
Yakhont or Brahmos clearly hurt your butt.
Copy or not, Akash clearly is a potent anti-air SAM system, much better than SA-6. A couple thousands of these missiles pointing up the sky and it will be a no fly-zone for your airforce. You should be glad that Viet Nam does not have the capability to produce this system locally. :cool:

Yakhont or Brahmos clearly hurt your butt.

Nice way to cozy with India to get cheap credit, are you gonna banckrup India as the way you did with U.S.S.R by demand more and more cheap credit :omghaha:

the missiles indeed hurt my butt because I fart out laud to boost its at supersonic speed :omghaha:
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