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India offers Vietnam $ 100-million credit for military ware

You mean potential American reinforcement? India was retreating in all fronts. There were zero reinforcements. Face it, India lost in 1962 and you just lose more credibility by denying this fact. Even most of your countryman would not agree with your "India won the war" fiction.

Never said won,we lost.But chinese 'creaming' that some trolls brag about to prove PLA superiority was just that -80000 vs 10000.Assault rifles vs bolt action.And surprise.It takes 7:1 ratio to succeed in mountain warfare against defender,PLA achieved 8:1 in 1962,plus had huge advantage in infantry firepower due to assault rifles AND had surprise[which negates a defender's ability considerably].2nd is impossible now,and other 2 are equally unlikely as huge military buildup is near impossible to go undetected in age of satellites.
U must read the Truth that Mr. Mao forced us to accept ur troops when we really didn't want. Look like we had to train ur stupid soldiers how to fight efficiently. History proved that without our instruction , ur troops fought terribly and totally defeated just by Vn women militia in 1979

Forcing you to accept their troops? Darn son, you are so brainwashed that you make North-koreans to appear normal.
You are saying that your vietnamese leaders are so spinless that they cant refuse chinese? muahhhhahaha.
And we know all about your success in 79, when several of your provincial cities got sacked within days.
Try harder, son. here is 10 cent for you. :woot:
Only India can be so cheerful about their outdated Yakhont upgrade. Of course Russia do not use Brahmos as its build only for Indians.

A taiwanese cheer-leading for china . You have beat your pakistani brothers here .

no matter how you twist the parametters, it's still a copy :pop: try harder.

A chinese accusing others of copying ...... What has this world come to ..... :lol:
Forcing you to accept their troops? Darn son, you are so brainwashed that you make North-koreans to appear normal.
You are saying that your vietnamese leaders are so spinless that they cant refuse chinese? muahhhhahaha.
Seem like u r so idiot to understand the situation. We were too poor during VN war, we needed support from China, even weapons from USSR to Vn also needed to transport through China's land too. So, we had to accept some thing that we didn't want in order to have enough weapons and other supplies to win the war against US first.
ice bomb said:
And we know all about your success in 79, when several of your provincial cities got sacked within days.
Try harder, son. here is 10 cent for you. :woot:
China didn't declare the war in 1979, they just suddently attack us, China didn't fight like the way of human being, just suddently 'bite' like animal. If u consider that a way to fight, then u r dirty animal too, and I wont talk anymore with an animal. :coffee:
they should use that $100 mln to buy binoculars for their stupid soldiers, so they don't confuse planets as drones.
A taiwanese cheer-leading for china . You have beat your pakistani brothers here .

A chinese accusing others of copying ...... What has this world come to ..... :lol:

How is speaking facts about India cheerleading for China.
They bought it from the original source... russians... yakhont...:lol:


Brahmos..Can be launched from any platform against any target...

now how can I teach these blinds what an elephant looks like..

Brahmos..Can be launched from any platform against any target...

now how can I teach these blinds what an elephant looks like..

Dude first of all you cant seel brahmos with russian consent... second.. right now ... no air launched version... and can be used in anti ship n surface to surface roles...
Dude first of all you cant seel brahmos with russian consent... second.. right now ... no air launched version... and can be used in anti ship n surface to surface roles...

Theoretically any canister launched missile can be easily adapted to drop launch mode.
Several countries... including USA use seperate CM for both roles... think about tht.

Theoretically any cannister launched system will house a gas generator to eject the missile, where the propellant motor takes over,

the the canister ejection mode can be replaced by drop ignition sequence, as long as platform is capable of carrying the missile.

Air launched delivery shouldn't be complicated as su-30 airframe has been previously modified to carry moskit which almost weighs twice of the brahmos.

And yes you are correct there are nations which use seperate CM's for both roles, but there also exist variants which have found dual use, Like the P270 Moskit, MBDA Exocet etc...
Theoretically any cannister launched system will house a gas generator to eject the missile, where the propellant motor takes over,

the the canister ejection mode can be replaced by drop ignition sequence, as long as platform is capable of carrying the missile.

Air launched delivery shouldn't be complicated as su-30 airframe has been previously modified to carry moskit which almost weighs twice of the brahmos.

And yes you are correct there are nations which use seperate CM's for both roles, but there also exist variants which have found dual use, Like the P270 Moskit, MBDA Exocet etc...

But indian su-30s have been modified yet... nor is there an air laucher version in operation or even tested.. in short maybe in future.
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