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India offers Vietnam $ 100-million credit for military ware

Forcing you to accept their troops? Darn son, you are so brainwashed that you make North-koreans to appear normal.
You are saying that your vietnamese leaders are so spinless that they cant refuse chinese? muahhhhahaha.
And we know all about your success in 79, when several of your provincial cities got sacked within days.
Try harder, son. here is 10 cent for you. :woot:

Dude, give these vietnameses some face saving, they need to be recognized as winner in 1979 in front of Indians or they will be less than nothing. I wouldn't mind to cheerleading on their side :victory:

see,told you..Logic isn't a strong point of you guys..you just proved me right..

I hold the true, you can't deny that your SAM is just merely a bad copy of SA-6, you Indians are so hilarious: people only copy modern weapons but you copied 1980's vintage technology :omghaha:...probably that technology is the only thing you're capable to imitate.:coffee:

In a first, India has offered a $ 100-million credit line to Vietnam to purchase military equipment. It will be used for purchasing four patrol boats.

The credit line was agreed upon around the time India once again expressed its resolve to remain involved in oil exploration activity in the Phu Kanh basin of the South China Sea. Vietnam says it is within its rights to invite India to explore for oil in this area. But China claims that this basin is within the “nine dotted line” or its zone of influence. The credit line is likely to be finalised by the time the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam visits India towards the end of the year.

Vietnam and India have long enjoyed strategic ties that include cooperation in the civil nuclear sector, training slots for Vietnamese military officers and frequent exchange of visits.

But this is one rare occasion when India is offering a defence-related credit line so far upfield. Usually, near neighbours squarely in India’s zone of direct influence have been the beneficiaries of New Delhi’s credit lines for the defence sector. For example, Mauritius, whose air force and navy have Indian defence hardware, was given credit lines to buy Indian patrol boats and Dhruv helicopters.

India has wanted to expand its defence ties with Vietnam to military hardware and one of the top- most items on the Vietnamese wish-list is the Brahmos missile, jointly produced with Russia, which, however, has close ties with both Vietnam and China and would not want to antagonise either.

Sources in the government wanted the credit line to be seen from the context of the overall drive to improve ties with South East Asian nations of which Vietnam’s close ties with India predate the Cold War. There has been a heavy traffic of high level visitors between the two countries that has led to a $ 45-million credit line for a 200-MW hydel project built by BHEL, offer of export of the Param supercomputer and a breakthrough for the Indian corporate sector though its Vietnamese counterparts have struggled.

The sources pointed out that India was beefing up security ties with all countries beyond its eastern flank as one of the vital components of its Look East policy. India and navies of some South East Asian countries have for long conducted the Milan series of naval exercises. The Indian Navy also conducts coordinated patrols with Thailand and holds joint exercises with Singapore and Japan.

Link - India offers Vietnam $ 100-million credit for military ware | idrw.org

Why not IAF sell them Jaguars, though IAF jaguars are nice machines but when IAF is buying something like Su-30s, MMRCA and may be some more then selling or giving Jaguars for free to friendly nation won''t be a bad idea and in 5 years time so that they will going to acquire any other thing like 150 Grippen/F-16s.
Why not IAF sell them Jaguars, though IAF jaguars are nice machines but when IAF is buying something like Su-30s, MMRCA and may be some more then selling or giving Jaguars for free to friendly nation won''t be a bad idea and in 5 years time so that they will going to acquire any other thing like 150 Grippen/F-16s.

Jaguar is being upgraded and frontline strike fighter of IAF,we aer struggling with depleting squadron strength due to mig-21 ,we don't have ability to gift any aircraft atm.We are not USA.Besides i doubt vietnam is interested in old plane like jaguar.
How is speaking facts about India cheerleading for China.

In our part of the world , ignorant comments full of stup1dity does not count as facts .

By the way , you were cheer-leading . You should not be ashamed of it .

Why not IAF sell them Jaguars, though IAF jaguars are nice machines but when IAF is buying something like Su-30s, MMRCA and may be some more then selling or giving Jaguars for free to friendly nation won''t be a bad idea and in 5 years time so that they will going to acquire any other thing like 150 Grippen/F-16s.

Jaguars are old aircrafts . When Vietnam is purchasing Su30 , there is no need for VAF to operate a second hand aircraft .

Moreover IAF squadron strength is reducing and there is no way in such a condition to sell of jaguars .
In our part of the world , ignorant comments full of stup1dity does not count as facts .

By the way , you were cheer-leading . You should not be ashamed of it .

Jaguars are old aircrafts . When Vietnam is purchasing Su30 , there is no need for VAF to operate a second hand aircraft .

Moreover IAF squadron strength is reducing and there is no way in such a condition to sell of jaguars .

So what is the possible alternative to MiG-21s which are being challenged several times in Indian Courts as MiG-23/27 were supposed to be replaced with 200 MMRCAs then what will going to replace MiG-21s as LCA is far away from operational service.

Please Don't quote that Grippen is not the option....

Jaguar is being upgraded and frontline strike fighter of IAF,we aer struggling with depleting squadron strength due to mig-21 ,we don't have ability to gift any aircraft atm.We are not USA.Besides i doubt vietnam is interested in old plane like jaguar.

So how MiG-21s are still operational in IAF???
And what are available options, please don't include LCA!!!
So what is the possible alternative to MiG-21s which are being challenged several times in Indian Courts as MiG-23/27 were supposed to be replaced with 200 MMRCAs then what will going to replace MiG-21s as LCA is far away from operational service.

Please Don't quote that Grippen is not the option....

So how MiG-21s are still operational in IAF???
And what are available options, please don't include LCA!!!

Unfortunately, however it might sound, LCA Mk1 is the only realistic replacement for operational Mig21FL and Mig21S, the LCA mk2 whenever is ready will replace Mig21 Bison. Some of the LCA mk2 will also take over CAS role from Mig27M.
I hold the true, you can't deny that your SAM is just merely a bad copy of SA-6, you Indians are so hilarious: people only copy modern weapons but you copied 1980's vintage technology :omghaha:...probably that technology is the only thing you're capable to imitate.:coffee:

LOLOLOL..your post showed your extent of your knowledge..first,SA-6 is a 1960s tech..

2nd,Though the design of SA-6 and Akash is somewhat similar from outside,but its vastly different in capability..

3rd,I decently posted about dissimilarities between SA-6 and Akash,but you guys seems to have no bound of trolling..

4th,I don't want to drag Chinese missiles in here and all the history of from which it was copied.so,better shut your mouth or I've to post all those copy paste missiles' history..
Seem like u r so idiot to understand the situation. We were too poor during VN war, we needed support from China, even weapons from USSR to Vn also needed to transport through China's land too. So, we had to accept some thing that we didn't want in order to have enough weapons and other supplies to win the war against US first.
Good that you admit your ancestors were beggars. Nothing wrong in accept help from other, though your ignorance is silly.

China didn't declare the war in 1979, they just suddently attack us, China didn't fight like the way of human being, just suddently 'bite' like animal. If u consider that a way to fight, then u r dirty animal too, and I wont talk anymore with an animal. :coffee:

Only an animal will accuse others for been animal, enough said, kid. I blame your parents not teaching you manners. tsk.tsk.
LOLOLOL..your post showed your extent of your knowledge..first,SA-6 is a 1960s tech..

2nd,Though the design of SA-6 and Akash is somewhat similar from outside,but its vastly different in capability..

3rd,I decently posted about dissimilarities between SA-6 and Akash,but you guys seems to have no bound of trolling..

4th,I don't want to drag Chinese missiles in here and all the history of from which it was copied.so,better shut your mouth or I've to post all those copy paste missiles' history..

Thanks for the update, I though SA-6 was 1980s technology, but I just gave to much of credit to India, you guys could only copy 1960s vintage weapons:lol: It's so hilarious

And It was you who started with post #58, you like mock Chinese Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V, now can't swallow that you copy a weapon from half century's ago:rofl:...
Thanks for the update, I though SA-6 was 1980s technology, but I just gave to much of credit to India, you guys could only copy 1960s vintage weapons:lol: It's so hilarious

And It was you who started with post #58, you like mock Chinese Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V, now can't swallow that you copy a weapon from half century's ago:rofl:...

so..you want to play hard..then lets play hard..we'll see what is made from what,shall we????

FN-6 ---- Cheap copy of Stinger...

HN-5- cheap copy of Sa-7 (same old like SA-6) :omghaha:

HQ-1 -- direct copy of S-75 (decades older than Sa-6) :rofl:

HQ-16 -- direct copy of soviet buk...

HQ-2 -- direct copy of S-75 (decades older than Sa-6)

HQ-2J -- direct copy of S-75 (decades older than Sa-6)

HQ-61 -- hybrid of AGM-45 Shrike, and to a much less extend, that of AGM-78 Standard ARM.

HQ-7 -- copy of Crotale missile..

HQ-9 -- S-300

KS-1 -- update of HQ-2,which is a copy of S-75 Dvina

PL-10 --Copy of AIM - 7 sparrow

PL-12 -- Copy of AIM-120 AMRAAm and uses radar and data link of Vympel-77

PL-8 -- Python 3

QW-1 -- copy of 9K310 (SA-16 Gimlet) Igla-1 missile

QW-2 -- copy of 9K310 (SA-16 Gimlet) Igla-1 missile and update of QW-1

I think I've covered entire Chinese inventory of SAM..and for you only,are you sure this small "Bash" will do the work??or may I have to post history of other missiles as well??

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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