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India offers incentives to boost trade with Bangladesh

The question you SHOULD ask yourself is do Indians/Pakistanis/Israelis/Mauritians or anyone else for that matter give a rats a$$ about what banglas think?

Na they don't, then what you doing here?
So anyones sole purpose of joining a public forum is to figure out what others think about his country? I'm discussing an issue related to my country, not seeking a sense of adequacy from banglas.

Really you could have fooled me!! If “sense of adequacy from banglas” is so inconsequential to you, why don’t you guys just ignore us. SIMPLE …..On the one hand you say what we think is irrelevant, yet you Indians just can’t keep away from what we think.
Bangladeshis always hated us. They were the first to support the idea of Pakistan when the western side didn't support. The first riot started in Kolkata during the direct action day. It is a historic hatred. They just used us in 1971 to get rid of Pakistan from massacring them.

Not only what you have said, we have also formed All-India Muslim League in Dhaka in 1906. The muslim leaders from all over India, after a long and painful journey, came to Dhaka at the invitation of Nawab Salimullah and in order to defend the interest of the Muslims they formed this League, that, at a later time, established Pakistan.

Now, you have to find out the background so as to why the Muslim leaders had to establish ML. Read the history to know how our elite Hindu Bangalis were treating us since after the Battle of Plassey. These Hindus were borrowing power from the colonialist British and were bullying us.

History forced us to demand a separation from these Bangla speaking cousines of us. These Calcutta elites are distrusted by us, and unfortunately, this distrust extends also to other Indians as well. It is because these Babus belong to India.

On the matter of Muslim separation efforts from the Hindus, once Rabindra Nath Thakur commented, "Why to complain when a person you hate also starts hating you.?" As far as I know, these west Bengal Babus are equally hated by also other Indians, too.

Finally I must say that the attitude of Bangali Hindu Babus was responsible for the partition of India and Bengal. So, do not blame us, because we wanted only to save our skin.
Sri Lankans and Nepalis have some issues with us but they don't hate us. Their mistrust is common because they are overshadowed by India's size and because India is the major player in the region. But Bangladeshis hate us because of our religion. Nothing is going to change it. I have seen anti Hindu comments posted by you too.

Then Why did BD fight against PK in 71, since they were Muslim? It was for our assumed rights. There is no Muslim or Hindu issue for hatting you in general. U want to be regional superpower and want us to do what ever in convenient to you, even though that is not beneficial to us. That is the main problem. Yes, this is true that one Muslim generally prefers another Muslim's offer, and one Hindu generally.............another Hindu's offer...but that is not the main issue here. The pivotal problem is the lack of trust here.
If bangladeshis cannot be greatful then should also not blame india and hindus of their country's backwardness and plight.

1) Afghanistan people should be ever grateful to Pakistan for ousting the superpower Soviet Union.

2) Soviet Union, England, France and all other should remain grateful to USA for ever for helping them get rid of Germany.

3) Vietnam should remain also ever grateful to China and Soviet union for helping them fo 30 years to oust USA.

4) Vietnam should also be punished for waging a very dangerous border war against its benefacctor China after USA was ousted.

5) Saudi Arabia should also remain grateful to England for ousting Turkey from there. Remember Lawrence of Arabia?

If I write similar grateful histories I will need at least a 500 page to write. Now, I have one proposal. Allow the Kashmiri Muslims to get rid of your control. We will know then for certain thjat India cares for freedom of people. Also do not forget Arunachal of China. People there are crying to join China.

To get our trust India must do something that we can perceive as generosity. We are generous people, poor may be we are. But, our perception is Indians and their country India are not generous. It is not that Indians are Hindu, therefore we dislike Indians. It is the grabbing everything character of Indians that does not suit us. Once india starts to respect us, it will certainly be reciprocated.
1) Afghanistan people should be ever grateful to Pakistan for ousting the superpower Soviet Union.

2) Soviet Union, England, France and all other should remain grateful to USA for ever for helping them get rid of Germany.

3) Vietnam should remain also ever grateful to China and Soviet union for helping them fo 30 years to oust USA.

4) Vietnam should also be punished for waging a very dangerous border war against its benefacctor China after USA was ousted.

5) Saudi Arabia should also remain grateful to England for ousting Turkey from there. Remember Lawrence of Arabia?

If I write similar grateful histories I will need at least a 500 page to write. Now, I have one proposal. Allow the Kashmiri Muslims to get rid of your control. We will know then for certain thjat India cares for freedom of people. Also do not forget Arunachal of China. People there are crying to join China.

To get our trust India must do something that we can perceive as generosity. We are generous people, poor may be we are. But, our perception is Indians and their country India are not generous. It is not that Indians are Hindu, therefore we dislike Indians. It is the grabbing everything character of Indians that does not suit us. Once india starts to respect us, it will certainly be reciprocated.

We are generous too, don't you remember we fed and protected ten million of you when you had no where to go..when you were being slaughtered in your own country by your own govt.
Besides no body in Arunachal wants to join China.
The question you SHOULD ask yourself is do Indians/Pakistanis/Israelis/Mauritians or anyone else for that matter give a rats a$$ about what banglas think?

dont know about pakistanis and israel though, some indians here always cry about this :undecided:
Guys, let's move past these pathetic verbal volleys in every thread. This is a positive thread about increasing trade and co-operation.

Let's keep it that way.
We are generous too, don't you remember we fed and protected ten million of you when you had no where to go..when you were being slaughtered in your own country by your own govt.
Besides no body in Arunachal wants to join China.

We are talking generosity in terms of BD-India relationship. Pakistan is still feeding 5 million Afghanis in their own country. We are feeding 2 million Rohingyas in our own country for the last 20 years. No one other than a mean-minded Indian will come out with such a pissy claim of generosity. Learn the meaning of this word. We are not beggers. we want a generous big-minded India that can match its own geographical size. But, unfortunately, india is just as little as you (read Hindu) are. A bloody nasty-minded little cockroach!
We are talking generosity in terms of BD-India relationship. Pakistan is still feeding 5 million Afghanis in their own country. We are feeding 2 million Rohingyas in our own country for the last 20 years. No one other than a mean-minded Indian will come out with such a pissy claim of generosity. Learn the meaning of this word. We are not beggers. we want a generous big-minded India that can be compared to its own geographical size. But, unfortunately, india is just as little as you (read Hindu) are. Bloody nasty-minded mouse!

If you don't consider protecting and feeding 10 million people from an enemy country(considering you were still part of pakistan) in your hour of need, as a generous action..I don't what is?.. Even we are feeding millions of Bagladeshis in our country for better parts last 40 yrs
Let see what are your acts of generosity?..When was last time Bangladesh showed any generosity to any of its neighbors or even their enemy?..what was it ?
We are talking generosity in terms of BD-India relationship. Pakistan is still feeding 5 million Afghanis in their own country. We are feeding 2 million Rohingyas in our own country for the last 20 years. No one other than a mean-minded Indian will come out with such a pissy claim of generosity. Learn the meaning of this word. We are not beggers. we want a generous big-minded India that can match its own geographical size. But, unfortunately, india is just as little as you (read Hindu) are. A bloody nasty-minded little cockroach!

Many of you converts are just pathetic.

No sense of shame and even humanity! And you claim to be final and perfect.

Forced conversion didn't make you Arabs, remember that.

Not that anyone holds the Arabs very high anyway.
1) Afghanistan people should be ever grateful to Pakistan for ousting the superpower Soviet Union.

The points you have written are all stupid. Afghanis hate Pakistan as Pak is the reason that there is so much bloodshed in Astan.
2) Soviet Union, England, France and all other should remain grateful to USA for ever for helping them get rid of Germany.
And Soviet union should be grateful to USA ??? LoL. Get your history right kid. It was the Soviet attack that marked the starting of the end of German power especially their attack in Caucasus region.

3) Vietnam should remain also ever grateful to China and Soviet union for helping them fo 30 years to oust USA.
Vietnam Hates China as they had war with them where even though the main Vietnam Army didn't fight but the Chinese sufferen more than 20,000 casualties which is pretty high.

4) Vietnam should also be punished for waging a very dangerous border war against its benefacctor China after USA was ousted.
You are an idiot or one who does not give a damn to history. Read history before commenting.
5) Saudi Arabia should also remain grateful to England for ousting Turkey from there. Remember Lawrence of Arabia?
What do you want to prove by putting such stupid points.

If I write similar grateful histories I will need at least a 500 page to write. Now, I have one proposal. Allow the Kashmiri Muslims to get rid of your control. We will know then for certain thjat India cares for freedom of people. Also do not forget Arunachal of China. People there are crying to join China.
Again you are showing your "Intelligence" by writing about Kashmir without knowing it's history. Moreover India likes freedom of those people who are oppressed through naked military power and who suffer cold bloodied murder. And those are the people of Baochistan, FATA, Sindh, Serikai, P_O-K, Tibet, Xinxiang. Moreover you people are a shame in the name of Islam. China is one of the biggest persecutors of muslim people in the XinXiang province where local people are unemployed and the Chinese Hans have the top jobs but still you people praise China and don't raise a voice against it. Similarly about the innocent Balochs being killed regularly . You are a shame in the name of Islam. Remember it.

To get our trust India must do something that we can perceive as generosity. We are generous people, poor may be we are. But, our perception is Indians and their country India are not generous. It is not that Indians are Hindu, therefore we dislike Indians. It is the grabbing everything character of Indians that does not suit us. Once india starts to respect us, it will certainly be reciprocated.
people were fed up with BNP corruptions. . . . They wanted to teach BNP a lession. . . So there was no other option left xcept voting BAL. Me and my family being hardcore BNP supporter voted Awamileague!! I was also so much disgusted with Tarek Zia. . . . And now the main cause Awamileague is losing ground so early is INDIA. Saw a voting on facebook couple of days ago. . . . Which country u hate most. . .Pakistan got 2100 votes, India got 2000 votes, Israel 200 votes. . .

Where is the polling link brother. I am dying to vote.. LOL
Yes, India should be more generous to Bangladesh and other smaller neighbors. I agree with that.

However, generosity can never be demanded! It is not a right, not an obligation.

It is the right thing for us to do and we will hopefully be up to it as we grow and improve relations with our non hostile and rational neighbors.

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