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India nuclear test 'did not work'

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India nuclear test 'did not work'

By Sanjoy Majumder
BBC News, Delhi

India's nuclear tests shocked the world

A retired atomic scientist who was closely associated with India's 1998 nuclear tests has said they were not as successful as was claimed.

K Santhanam said one of the tests - on a hydrogen bomb - had not worked, and that India would have to carry out more tests for a credible nuclear deterrent.

His statement has been dismissed by the government and his former colleagues.

The Indian tests led to similar tests by Pakistan, raising fears of a nuclear conflict between the two countries.


K Santhanam is a respected Indian atomic scientist who was project director of the 1998 nuclear tests.

He now says that one of the five tests that were carried out, in which a thermonuclear device or hydrogen bomb was detonated, did not perform as well as expected.

He also said that everyone associated with the tests immediately recognised that something had gone wrong.

If his statement is accurate it points to a massive cover-up by India and also confirms what many in the West suspected at the time - that the nuclear devices India tested were not as powerful as had been thought.

India's government has dismissed Mr Santhanam's claim, which has also been disputed by senior officials of the BJP-led government which carried out the tests.

The scientist says that India is coming under pressure to sign up to the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, a move he says would be disastrous since he contends that the country does not yet have a credible nuclear deterrent.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India nuclear test 'did not work'

Why are you hiding behind a false flag?
So world needs india to test a 5Megaton nuke to consider us nuclear capable..
India hasn't signed CTBT so we can test..
May be the this guy was in comma for long time and just woke up or he didn't received a proper welcome on this forum thus he just wants some attention.. Ok. Welcome to defence.pk :welcome:
'khalistan'? what is that? :lol:

It is talking about hydrogen bomb. that pakistan does not have. according to govt and those conducted the test. it was successful.

first of all stop bringing Pakistan in this, and secondly Pakistan has more nukes than india, Jai Pakistan <<
If any country can hone its nuclear technology, it is India. With all the dual use technology at its feet, life is good. I don't know what happened when the tests were conducted but surely what we should be clear now is that India has access to the world best designs in Civilian nuclear technology. From here on, India should focus more of power generation from nuclear energy rather that bombs. It has enough fissile material to deter event he maniacs to keep at distance.
I am thinking about the reason, why I use to see few good guys with few good threads and few good debates on PDF... nOW i AM GETTING CONCLUSION... gUYS LIKE K.P. doing the mess in such a good forum(in past), by posting articles which has been discussed and ended in troll wars thousand times
Well, friends let me tell you one thing... there is trend going on in Punjab now a days.... Punjab Police doesn do anything to Retards, who uses to brag about Khalistan , but do overhaul of their engines by oil lubricted sticks.
Sorry to use harsh language.
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