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India no place for foreign women

man I am here to learn too.

But look at your posts man they are completely anti Indian.

sometimes u refer to india as rapistan.so v you b think Pakistan is rape free. It is not even close to free. sometimes u say that u have done better to protect your minorities. of that is the case then y do so many hindus come running to Pakistan. I have never seen any Indian Muslim running to Pakistan.
so if you want to learn you got to be a bit neutral and get your facts right.

No offence.

I am anti India but my posts dont show it

I never said India was Rapistan. If you have proof, I said it, provide the post plz. I know Pakistan is not rae free. Im just saying Indians should worry about their own country instead of others. Hindus come to India to meet their families, same as how the old woman crossed Indian LOC into Pakistan Kashmir-- for one simple thing, to meet her family.

Indian Army went wild on that firing at the civilians, firing at Pakistan Rangers and killing one soldier. In retaliation the beheading happened.
nobody is defending criminals who shame our society. that's like saying Mainlanders who stab school children represent the epitome of Chinese mindset

you people constantly are forgetful of the terrible terrible situation of women and of other things in india when you compare with few tragic cases that unfortunately happened in my Country!
Yes.. I agree.. Sonia.. right? :laugh:

In a serious note: We couldn't even safeguard Indian women in Delhi... Foreign Women?? Long way to go... shame...
India no place for foreign women

Thanks to an abundance of travel programs on TV, travel guides and magazines, Travel Channel and Lonely Planet, and the many travel agencies, too many Westerners think that the whole world is a huge, fun playground and they lose the sight that big parts of the world are dirty, dangerous and poor. So when these, somewhat naive women in their twenties or even when they're 18 or 19 go to these kind of dangerous places with their backpack, you wind up in a situation you never expect. The world is not a nice and beautiful place. Here an account of a girl, who traveled alone, and who was told by her friends that she was going to the safest place in India. Whereas they should have told her that India maybe 10% monuments, sights, beaches and temples, and that 90% is danger and injustice against (foreign) women, especially when going alone.

'Mumbai has disappointed me,' says molested Dutch teen

Mumbai: When 18-year-old Emma (name changed) decided to travel by herself to Mumbai for a six-month-long stay, her friends and acquaintances assured her that she would be out of harm's way in the city that is touted to be the safest in the country.

But the nightmarish ordeal that the Dutch girl experienced on Christmas night came as a rude awakening, making her desperate to leave this land. On a solitary auto ride back to her Mulund residence from Dahisar at around 1 am last Sunday, two auto drivers abducted and allegedly raped her brutally in the forests near Aarey Milk Colony. While one of the accused in the case has been nabbed, another still lurks free.

"I am traumatised even at the sight of an auto rickshaw," she says, a catch in her voice. A week has passed since the brutish act, and Emma is now staying at a Juhu-based hotel, from where she spoke to MiD DAY over the phone. Her voice is laced with fear, as she admits that the horrific incidents of that fateful night have scarred her to her very core, instilling an all-pervading fear in her that she cannot easily shake off.

Her trauma is compounded by the fact that she cannot leave the country without her passport, and each day is spent recollecting the horrors of the night. "I just need my passport, and I will go far away from this country that has caused me so much pain. I have made bookings to leave on January 6," she said, choking.

Emma's trip to India began on a promising note. After completing a smooth-sailing first leg of her tour in Delhi, she came to Mumbai in September. Here, she met up with an Andheri-based boy she had befriended when he was staying as a paying guest at her aunt's house in the Netherlands.

It's not just her peace of mind that she lost in that harrowing night. As she was fleeing from her assailants, she left behind her purse that had her expensive phone and Rs. 8,000 in cash, all of which have been recovered by the cops, who have retained them as evidence. But what she misses most is her personal diary. "I want back the diary that was in my purse. It contains all the memories from my childhood."

Emma has learnt the hard way that Mumbai, touted as the safest city for women in the nation, conceals a dirty and seamy underbelly. "I had heard that Mumbai is safe for women, and so dared to travel alone. The city has disappointed me," said Emma. "I am grateful to the good Samaritans who came to my rescue, and saved my life, especially Sakpal and his friends. But I will never forget the pain this city has caused me," she signed off.

'Mumbai has disappointed me,' says molested Dutch teen | NDTV.com
@LiberalAtheist there was a news recently that in yankeestan (america aka amrika) a girl was gang ra.ped and murdered by many yankees in a party.... It happened recently.... i heard there was a news that the girl who died got blamed.... is that true? There was news that america should learn from indian people who stood against this evil incident that happened in new delhi.... Yankeestan claims to be a super power. A developed nation.... Well.... Americans not safe.... Be it rape or shooting by mad cow disease human who opens fire in schools, colledges, streets and malls.... The reason america needs guns is they are bad karmic so they always in fear and need gun to protect itself.... Yet they cant....
@on topic.... India has to change. But for change india has to kick out roman women from chest of india.... The italian women ruling and destroying india.... They are terrorists. Peace is must but for peace italian women should be arrested who done many crime against womens. List is long.... When atlantis empire was destroyed by Rama empire than atlantis declared that many europian nations will rule india.... And than he said a roman will take over india and destroy india.... Sonia gandhi doing it.... She a anti hindu. She a biggest terrorist who targeted kids and womens of india. Congress a party of terror and rapist.... India has to change. Start from the roman lady who busy destroying bharat image....
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@on topic.... India has to change. But for change india has to kick out roman women from chest of india.... The italian women ruling and destroying india.... They are terrorists. Peace is must but for peace italian women should be arrested who done many crime against womens. List is long.... When atlantis empire was destroyed by Rama empire than atlantis declared that many europian nations will rule india.... And than he said a roman will take over india and destroy india.... Sonia gandhi doing it.... She a anti hindu. She a biggest terrorist who targeted kids and womens of india. Congress a party of terror and rapist.... India has to change. Start from the roman lady who busy destroying bharat image....
This whole post... :D :D :D
@KRAIT @Hyperion @Skull and Bones @seiko
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I don't know why Op is trying too hard too to himself as a Indian?:P Please ignore him. & MODs for GOD sake please take some stringent action against this false flagger.
India really needs to change in this aspect. We need to respect women more.
India really needs to change in this aspect. We need to respect women more.

That would be a wrong emphasis. We just need tougher laws & better enforcement. Trying to change social attitudes is a waste of time. Attitudes will change if the law gives you a kick on the backside. Women have been treated this way since everyone lived in caves. In all this time, we have gotten only so far. We need to get people to fear the law now than wait for social attitudes to change, in which case we will be waiting a very long time since we simply can't get everyone on board anytime soon.
If they visit India then they have accepted the risk. They would not have visited India if they have done their research.

The only time I visited India was because I invited by a very rich kid who had an army of "slaves" (that's how he called them) and I stayed in his giant mansion.
Indians Should tell foreigners Travel at your own Risk!
Shameful. but nothing new. the sooner foreigners know india is not exactly shining, the better.
you people constantly are forgetful of the terrible terrible situation of women and of other things in india when you compare with few tragic cases that unfortunately happened in my Country!

Are you surprise with this kind of comparison (commonly) use by an indian? These are their same old usual tactics, and also the same one which a criminal (or someone who share similar traits and likes with them) will use it to bluff themselves in order to avert from any guilty feelings or just to escape the realities!
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