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India No longer a big threat to Pakistan :Ex ISI Chief

A humble advice to my fellow countymen:

1. Arrogance is unbecoming of a Muslim. Become a Muslim first and foremost, by devoting your time toward the Holy Qur'an.

2. Do not underestimate your enemy at any time, any place or circumstance.

3. Focus on achieving unity as a nation and devote your time to establishing an education system that grooms our young to combine the knowledge of this world, with that of the Holy Qur'an.

4. Without achieving unity, Pakistan cannot progress forward. Unity can only be achieved through Discipline in attaining knowledge, and Discipline can only be achieved by establishing Faith in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah. Faith can only be achieved by devoting your time to the Holy Qur'an.

5. You cannot establish Salah, without the Holy Qur'an. It is the source of our strength, it fills a Muslim with Power, the likes of which you haven't even dreamt of.

6. Do this and watch how your enemies shall abandon their arrogance and join you in Islam.

7. We draw closer to what our beloved Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam prophecized about. I yearn for the day when my fellow Pakistanis bring themselves to account and consciously care for one another.


Do not squander the opportunity Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah has bestowed upon you, Pakistan!

Why don’t you show the AMRAAM debris with which you shot down MiG-21? Oh then you’ll have to show the debris of the other AMRAAM with which you claimed to have shot down an imaginary Su-30MKI and its debris doesn’t exist.
The AMRAAM for the MiG-21 is of little value to be displayed as it clearly achieved its kill and its pilot (initially whom Indian media I vaguely recall stating is an actor) ejected from the MiG. He was taken into custody by the Pak army, not as a POW though as for that war had to be declared. He's fortunate to have made it back to his country, his people and service. Otherwise no convention would be applied, and he could've been executed as a spy....

Close your eyes and look at this neutrally, neither from an Indian and Pakistani perspective.
India never was a threat to pakistan. All wars were started by pakistan and finished by India. And for all pakistanis who think that Feb 27 was a victory for them I pity your understanding.

We pity your dream lolz of thinking so your nation's forces are cowards and your nation is a racist terrorist pathetic nation simple as that capt not everything is bollywood wake up lmao.
Militarily India is not a threat to even Nepal or Bhutan because they are really incompetent.

But by using proxies to kill innocent civilians like they killed 143 innocent children in APC school attack in Peshawar or bombing mosques in Pakistan or killing Shias to ignite Shia-Sunni sectarian violence is what India has been doing for decades now. I don't agree with General, India certainly is a threat to region and neighbours. India doesn't want peace in South Asia.
sorry for bad language! Ainda nai hoga
Bawa G control kryeo.

If India can be defeated anywhere then it is the NorthEast which belongs rightfully to China and other mountainous territories. Kashmir, Hyderabad and Junagarh should go to Pakistan. Haryana and Indian Punjab to Sikhs.....
BTW I don't like this Uncle Durrani playing nice all of a sudden. He is a DHA sharabi kababi general, not the honorable kind.
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it is still a threat, but Imran Khan manage to pull China into the game, that changes few things in favor. But look at the BLA, TTP daily activities, they had gone 10x compared to the past years.
Pakistan now needs a more worthy rival. Someone who is not just all talks. :D

Pakistan's biggest threat are the internal parasites that are chewing up the country's resources and causing moral and ethical destruction. Pakistan needs to detoxify them asap or we will never be able to get back on our feet.
You can’t take Kashmir from a so called Unworthy rival. Ok.
First we are trying solve Kashmir through peaceful manner we are not aggressor like you
And first try to capture GB/azad Kashmir why you waiting for more than 70 years, come on get it we are waiting
Their PM claimed that PAF shot down 2 MiG-21s and later they claimed that they shot down 1 Su-30 MKI and 1 MiG-21, total flip flops the whole day.
Where did we say from day 1 we claimed MKI and MIG 21 can i show you 27 Feb press conference of DGISPR claiming MKI and 21
And bring another conspiracy theories that you guys doing since Feb 27 2019 on daily basis
There are enough evidences that prove that the 26th Feb ops were a success and PAF lost on 27th Feb but their Information Warfare capabilities were unmatchable then hence they won the battle of perception. Else we all know what the truth is.

The smoking F-16 is so satisfying.
View attachment 692921
Where i didn't see any thing but just smoke
And which aircraft shot down that Sukhoi, jf17? Have you found already who that second Indian/Israeli Sukhoi pilot was who you admitted in your military hospital?
He was receiving news from multiple sources so it could be by mistake
This is just a piece of AMRAAM, only an illiterate will call it a confession, by that logic the 4 missile wreckage shown by ISPR one of which has a missing warhead confirms detonation and it is a valid argument, IAF recovered whole AMRAAM debris and presented it within 24 hours. You took 45 days to find the seeker of R-73 that shot down F-16 and then called that missile unexploded and un-fired with a detonated warhead (LoL😂).
And look the AMRAAM serial number its clearly showed that you're lying this serial number AMRAAM USA sell to Taiwan
And retard we showed your full aams MIG 21 within 3 days and at wreck site on 27 Feb all AAMs found and these pics from villagers not from PA and taken within hours after the crushed
AMRAAM self detonates after reaching Rmax.
Shut the fcuk up we don't believe Indian version of 27 Feb in fact the whole world laughing on your conspiracy theories and buys our narratives on 27 Feb
Hearing this for 73 years and counting.
And we are also counting and waiting
India was, is and will never be a threat to anyone because we are the most peaceful country on the God's green earth......
Oh my god what a lie you have you are the biggest threat/mess for the peace of subcontinent
Every country of the subcontinent is unhappy from you
Why don’t you show the AMRAAM debris with which you shot down MiG-21? Oh then you’ll have to show the debris of the other AMRAAM with which you claimed to have shot down an imaginary Su-30MKI and its debris doesn’t exist.
And where are your proofs of your imaginary kill of our f16???
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I find it funny how people are jumping the gun based on title, and no one gives a flying **** about the actual article.

Y'aĺl are off topic by miles. Special thanks to circle jerkers.

27th Feb 2019 proved that Indian Airforce is a dud.

15th Jun 2020 proved that Indian Army is a dud

Indian military sissies are no match to Pakistan's Military.
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