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India Need to Break Pakistan into Four or India will Bleed and Bleed This Decade:BJP MP

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The only reason india can celebrate the so called braking pakistan into 2 is because east pakistan was geographically divided with huge enemy in the middle and east pakistanis rebelled against the west pakistan. Just like if indian occupied kashmir was geographically split from i india then today the occupied indian kashmir would be with pakistan.
Today india can only live in the past and mentally jerk 044 to event that happend 50 years ago cuz today they cant even defend its own territorry without bitching and whining to its western masters.
He is scared, he should be. :D

Those who had a good number of their people floating dead in their river, unlucky ones eaten by stray dogs, shouldn't even talk about concept of "failed state".
Hardliner BJP MP Subramanian Swamy has again uttered the idea of breaking Pakistan into four. He has been daydreaming about this fantasy for years, with the usual outbursts. This time he is fearing a MASSIVE payback for Indian terrorism in Pakistan and hence the outcry.
In the past he has uttered the same NONSENSE on numerous occasions.

Subramanian Swamy has a huge following and many of his delusional followers hail him as their GURU, as they think many of his past prophecies have come true. Although he wants Pakistan to break up, but deep down in his heart he knows his HINDU RASHTRA days are numbered.

Only God is the ultimate decider, arrogant has a fall, Pakistan might end up mounting green flag on red fort
an intellectual will never waste his time even reading what he says.....
  • he is an Indian politician, economist and statistician
  • he serves as a member in Rajya Sabha
  • he was a professor of Mathematical Economics
  • was a member of the Planning Commission of India
  • was a Cabinet Minister
  • Swamy was Chairman of the Commission on Labor Standards and International Trade
  • served as president of janta party
  • bachelor's degree in Mathematics
  • master's degree in Statistics
  • went to Harvard University on a full Rockefeller scholarship
  • received his PhD in Economics
  • was an economics lecturer at Harvard (fired for being anti-Islam in 2011)
  • was made an associate professor in india (though it was cancelled at the last minute for being against socialism)
  • was a full Professor of Mathematical Economics
  • served on the Board of Governors of the IIT
yup definitely a nobody :haha:
I don't fight it odd. I mean US wanted the same. Balkanisation of Pak, so to arm twist small states against China with India. Swami is transparent in his intention, however, he can be max a good economist (he gave 2020 super power prediction) but not a policy makers. The diplomacy is not that straight and blunt as he states.

If enmity remains, then Yes, Pak can easily downsize India, especially in connectivity. I dream a day when the contracts to rebuild Iraq are given to Pak, China, Iran, SA.

In case of war, Pak must make hindi belt suffer. It will make them more poor. So may be, marashtra, gujjrat and Rajhistan, and S.India can separate themselves from rest of India. Weaker UP, Bihar, MP, Orissa can make Naxals bold and also easy to be separated from hindi belt.

China can take Himacehl and Arunanchal.
Anyway, it will be a big fight. A quick and surprise attack on IA (2 front war) can do this job, killing IA assets in camps/HQ etc.
This is how ISI victory in Afghanistan impacts on gobar eaters
I pray and really hope peoples like swami and modi stay in power for an other 4-5 years.
Why only 4 pieces?
Shoopa pawah India can shatter Pakistan in a million bazillion pieces.
Anyone who talks about breaking up Pakistan is a bas*ard and don’t deserve any attention on this forum
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