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In a wartime clock from start to finish how long will it take Pakistan to conquer India - 2yr, 5yr or 10yr campaign

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This exact mindset caused the blunders in strategic decisions taken in 1948 1965 and 1971 wars. Neither of these countaries can conqier each other without losses of such massive scales you cannot even dream of.
So leave these fantasies and work on developement of your countries.
The reviewer, Siddharth Varadarajan, editor of the esteemed current affairs portal, quotes Asthana as suggesting that instead of pouring vast sums of money into expensive weapons imports, India would be better served by finding solutions to the security challenges both Pakistan and China present by strengthening itself internally and pursuing non-military solutions, including diplomacy.
There is a serious logical case for the reduced-armament strategy. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound as glamorous as the alternative of going to war. So nobody wants to listen, or to work out what the benefits might be. Including medium-term strategic benefits.

Asthana also puts the lens on what he calls the “politics of warmongering”, which, according to him, has consumed public discourse in India over the past six years.

“Under the delusion that India has somehow, magically become invincible, he notes how a large number of Indians seem to be itching for a war.”
The <******> crowd in full bay; no point in even talking when they are around. They are always around.

Asthana argues that the frenzied import of conventional weapons will never guarantee a permanent solution to the military problem posed by Pakistan or China because both the countries are nuclear-weapon states and cannot be decisively defeated on the battlefield.
Back to the Tarapore thesis.....
It will take no time as we won’t be discussing it.
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