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India named world's leading destination at World Travel Awards

Haha yeh right France is better then USA and UK.

it can be ,even in China a lot of people are kind of obssessed with Paris,thinking that is the most romantic city in the world.but the truth is one of my friends was robbed right under Effeil Tower by a mortorist.
Madurai meenakshi amman temple . It is the oldest city like Rome or even greater than that. The temple having four entrance ,its real gem of our architecture. This temple contributed lot to Tamil literature. Meenaski and sudrareswarar marriage still a royal marriage in world arena and it taking place every year in summer. Muslims also took part in the grand festival and they do decoration for vishnuand the keep the idol for a day in Kasimar street(muslim street) and Sikander chavadi( sikander check post) this is one example for our communal intergration . The whole festival end within 2 weeks





The above one is Thousand pillar mandapam of meenaski temple.


Eagle view of meenaski temple.
India the world's leading destination, it is really the joke of the year. In 2010, France, the US and China are the top three principal tourists destinations around the world. France received 76 millions tourists, the US 59 millions and China 55 millions. Shameful India does not even appear in the top 30 countries.
Liste des destinations touristiques mondiales - Wikipédia
The only ranking where India is No 1 is the world weapons procurement where Shameful India is the number one and will remain so for the forthcoming century given that Shameful India is devoting all its financial resources for weapons procurement from the US war criminals and Israel leaving billions in abject poverty while enriching a happy few corrupt politicians. How a country could be the world leading tourist destination while it is not even in the top three countries which have received the highest number of tourists, while it does not even have sufficient hotels and rooms, attractions, while it has a crumbling infrastructure, outdated British colonial rule communication network and so on? India could be a leading destination for drug addicts and drug dealings, weapons trading, backpackers in search of the 70's peace and love, bollywood dreams etc but certainly not a tourist destination. In fact the travel agents have voted India as top destination for other purpose.


these two are from two very close neighbouring states but look at the cultural difference.....thats what India brings to the table to foreigner many culturals under one umbrela....:cheers: to India's unity in diversity

For people familiar with Indian culture(s) they might see the differences, but for an average European tourist or Chinese tourist, they only see that it looks Indian. The same applies to Indian and Chinese tourists going to Europe. I bet the majority could not distinguish the differences between Bavarian (Germany) culture from Salzburger (Austria) culture and languages.
it can be ,even in China a lot of people are kind of obssessed with Paris,thinking that is the most romantic city in the world.but the truth is one of my friends was robbed right under Effeil Tower by a mortorist.

I got robbed once in Paris as well on my first day to the Paris fashion show. Fortunately I didn't carry much money with me. Just 60 Deutsch Mark (yeah, long ago), my credit cards and my mobile. Still, very bad memoriy. :angry:

Anyway, India has indeed tons of impressive heritage architectures and a fascinating culture. It's a must visit for anyone who is into art and culture. :smitten:
Götterdämmerung;2505456 said:
For people familiar with Indian culture(s) they might see the differences, but for an average European tourist or Chinese tourist, they only see that it looks Indian. The same applies to Indian and Chinese tourists going to Europe. I bet the majority could not distinguish the differences between Bavarian (Germany) culture from Salzburger (Austria) culture and languages.

I have encountered so many Chinese here, who could not distinguish between Indians from Pakistanis and Bangaldeshis.
I must admit though, with the exception of goa and to an extent kerala, i found India to be a bit backward......in public amenities and cleanliness.

The slums are quite demotivational ( this is what you first encounter before entering any major city except the ones in the places i mentioned above )....considering, that one has to first endure the rat infested trains.

I will however definitely visit goa and kerala again; if given the chance.
I have encountered so many Chinese here, who could not distinguish between Indians from Pakistanis and Bangaldeshis.

Could you distinguish a Swiss from a German or Austrian? It's the same everywhere.

I'm from northern Germany where people speak Hochdeutsch (standard German) and I have difficulties understanding people from (rural) Bavaria and and practically understand nothing when I hear people speaking Salzburgian, even when they speak Hochdeutsch, the accent is still very heavy and I have to listen carefully to understand everything. On the other hand, I love the Vienna accent. It sound very charming and clear.
I must admit though, with the exception of goa and to an extent kerala, i found India to be a bit backward......in public amenities and cleanliness.

The slums are quite demotivational ( this is what you first encounter before entering any major city except the ones in the places i mentioned above )....considering, that one has to first endure the rat infested trains.

I will however definitely visit goa and kerala again; if given the chance.

It all depends on how much money you are willing to spend. If you are in a budget, you will get budget experience.
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