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India must go for Covert Action in Pakistan: Book

india does not have the cogenes for covert action, because they know the retaliation will be terrible.

it is cojones,not cogenes.

Frankly,India has a head and it would be stupid to mess with an exploding pot.
What about your surgical strikes? You clowns looked like the biggest fools on the Earth after that one. :rolleyes:
Do you even know the difference between 'overt' and 'covert' actions? I thought this thread was about 'COVERT' actions? Perhaps yahoos like you would consider surgical strikes as 'covert'! :lol:

A little knowledge is a pretty dangerous thing! Getting educated is the only way out, to avoid looking like a fool!
India had that capability and were reciprocating to what Pakistan was doing in Punjab and Kashmir but the stupid I.K.Gujral put a stop to it.

I would say now India need to use its strength and go for cyber warfare. Stuxnet set back Iran nuclear program by 3 years. India need to attack not only the defence establishments but also the business establishments like banks. Imagine a chaotic situation where millions of dollars have vanished from customers' accounts in a bank in Karachi?

And go for covert operations in parallel but targetted against specific players. If India knows the location of Dawood what prevents it to target him?
Do you even know the difference between 'overt' and 'covert' actions? I thought this thread was about 'COVERT' actions? Perhaps yahoos like you would consider surgical strikes as 'covert'! :lol:

A little knowledge is a pretty dangerous thing! Getting educated is the only way out, to avoid looking like a fool!

Perhaps you would know about context?

Your education seems to not have done you any good. :lol:
"The adoption of an offensive counterterrorist policy would require massively upgrading Indian intelligence capabilities and orienting them for offensive use.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...overt-action-pakistan-book.html#ixzz21zgp2xCF
IK Gujral, the then Indian PM had issued a directive to discontinue the covert counter terrorist policy and since then the RAW and other agencies have gone into the defensive reaction mode. It would take months if not years to get back to covert ops the infrastructure for which should have been built right after the Indian Parliament attack.

Better late than never. Enough of being a sounding board.

Ooops! :woot: I sound like a hawk in this post, which is pretty unusual! :smokin:
another Inida "will" thread :coffee:

If Indians got 1 rupee each for every India "will" thread then every single Indian would have more then a million DOLLARS.

Less India "will" and more India "has"......... oh right we all know those are not as common....
another Inida "will" thread :coffee:

If Indians got 1 rupee each for every India "will" thread then every single Indian would have more then a million DOLLARS.

Less India "will" and more India "has"......... oh right we all know those are not as common....
Same thing happens at your side, "will" build SSBN, "will" get Kashmir, "will" take control of Afghan. after 2014 and yada yada yada.

If Pakistanis got 1 rupee each for every Pakistan "will" thread then every single Pakistani would have more then a million DOLLARS. Also the debt would be paid, economy would have strengthen and no more aid will be required.
another Inida "will" thread :coffee:

If Indians got 1 rupee each for every India "will" thread then every single Indian would have more then a million DOLLARS.

Less India "will" and more India "has"......... oh right we all know those are not as common....

These Indians cannot put down their Maoist insurgency, yet they want to go COMMANDO on Pakistan.

It is not me that humiliates these Indians. They honestly do it to themselves.
These Indians cannot put down their Maoist insurgency, yet they want to go COMMANDO on Pakistan.

It is not me that humiliates these Indians. They honestly do it to themselves.
Maoist and terrorists from north are different problem al together. We can weaken Maoists and doing so by hunting them at the same time developing that region.

In case of terror camps on pakistan soil (even China acknowledge this) and other most wanted terrorists in pakistan can
t be taken out with rehabilitation. They can't be given an option to surrender unlike Maoists.

So mate, both are different situations. The strategies followed will be different. And there is nothing like first do thi then do this, we need action at all fronts in parallel. If we focus on one, what will happen to the innocent citizens at other troubled region, should we leave them to be killed by insurgents.

Every country has internal and external problems. China has Islamic militants in Xinjiang, Monks of Tibet etc. but did they stop having aggressive stance in SCS.

Your country started having problems after WoT, Karachi killings, TTP, BLA getting more sophisticated, did you stop working with US on WoT to counter your internal troubles.

Give logical statements rather than using same old rhetoric you are famous on the forum.

Maoist and terrorists from north are different problem al together. We can weaken Maoists and doing so by hunting them at the same time developing that region.

In case of terror camps on pakistan soil (even China acknowledge this) and other most wanted terrorists in pakistan can
t be taken out with rehabilitation. They can't be given an option to surrender unlike Maoists.

So mate, both are different situations. The strategies followed will be different. And there is nothing like first do thi then do this, we need action at all fronts in parallel. If we focus on one, what will happen to the innocent citizens at other troubled region, should we leave them to be killed by insurgents.

Every country has internal and external problems. China has Islamic militants in Xinjiang, Monks of Tibet etc. but did they stop having aggressive stance in SCS.

Your country started having problems after WoT, Karachi killings, TTP, BLA getting more sophisticated, did you stop working with US on WoT to counter your internal troubles.

Give logical statements rather than using same old rhetoric you are famous on the forum.


Weak response. Handle your house first.

Regardless, we will be waiting for your surgicals, your coverts, overts nuclear curry bombs ect.
These Indians cannot put down their Maoist insurgency, yet they want to go COMMANDO on Pakistan.
Going commando on Pakistan is far easier!

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