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India must apologize to Sri Lanka

To Skyline

Our PM visiting China today for a five day official visit

Soon we will get our 3rd International airport in North

Major investment deals will be signed between China & Sri Lanka

To more information visit China Defence Section

Awesome to hear that China-Sri Lanka cooperation keeps increasing. :cheers:
well said, india should be held of charges of war crime against these people.

but this country smartie enough to butter up different lords, used to be USSR and now the US..

Which country is buttering up?


The US, then China and now Russia (heard that news that Zardari said in Russia of opening up Pakistani ports to Russia?)

War Crimes?

Remember Bangaldesh, apart from the against the Balochis, Pashtuns and the Shias of Northern Area etc?

Let wild emotions not speak out of pique.

Get facts right since it tends to boomerang, especially if one remains blissfully ignorant of the reality.
Why does it matter to India what Sri Lanka does with its citizens? It is Sri Lanka's internal matter, & has nothing to do with India. India was the one nation that first started killing its citizens ruthlessly.

Why does it matter what Pakistanis think of Indians in KAshmir which is an Internal and INtegral part of India!
To Skyline

Our PM visiting China today for a five day official visit

Soon we will get our 3rd International airport in North

Major investment deals will be signed between China & Sri Lanka

To more information visit China Defence Section

That's nice.

It is for free or on what is called a 'happy hour' price?
Why does it matter what Pakistanis think of Indians in KAshmir which is an Internal and INtegral part of India!

Kashmir is India's "internal affairs"? :rofl:

Even though you claim Pakistan's Northern areas (AK+GB), and Chinese territory (Aksai chin), as part of your "Kashmir"?

Anyway... Kashmir is already internationally recognized as disputed territory.
Every country has extremists, TNA gains voting by promoting this situation but it does not mean that all are supporting them, see the election results which held in few months ago if government has killed innocent Tamils then will they give that much votes? Department of Election

Who treat them as 2nd class citizens? Come and see with your own eyes! All citizens have same rights.

Tamil don't have voice in SL parliament? Come on mate, at least use Google. There are dozens of Tamil MPs including pro LTTE ones, SL governments also have Tamil ministers! Sri Lankan police has Tamils, few years ago even when there was terrorists problem our (IGP) Inspector General of Police was a Tamil too! Army has few Tamils coz of security reasons, some of them got killed by Tamil Tigers! coz of security reasons and death treats by Tamil Tigers there are few at the moment, but our intelligence units of army has Tamils.

Just ask NATO they documented the abuses and second class treatment given to them by the Sinhalese when it came to jobs and education after the British left.
Why does it matter to India what Sri Lanka does with its citizens? It is Sri Lanka's internal matter, & has nothing to do with India. India was the one nation that first started killing its citizens ruthlessly.

Oh good.

Your logic takes the cake.

If a nation is second in killing its citizens, then it is hunky dory?

That's Logic for you!
Kashmir is India's "internal affairs"? :rofl:

Even though you claim Pakistan's Northern areas (AK+GB), and Chinese territory (Aksai chin), as part of your "Kashmir"?

Anyway... Kashmir is already internationally recognized as disputed territory.

Are you serious? Aksai Chin was never yours to begin ...I suggest you read a bit of history and discover how CHina got that piece of land specifically. In case you don;t get the truth due to your censors, just ask.
Are you serious? Aksai Chin was never yours to begin ...I suggest you read a bit of history and discover how CHina got that piece of land specifically. In case you don;t get the truth due to your censors, just ask.

Don't you remember what happened the last time that India tried to take Chinese land (Aksai chin)?

The difference between 1962 and 2011 though, is that now China's economy is four times bigger than India's, with commensurate military spending.

So you are welcome to try again, given that odds have increased dramatically in our favour.

And there is no internet censorship in Hong Kong anyway.
Don't you remember what happened the last time that India tried to take Chinese land (Aksai chin)?

The difference between 1962 and 2011 though, is that now China's economy is four times bigger than India's, with commensurate military spending.

So you are welcome to try again, given that odds have increased dramatically in our favour.

And there is no internet censorship in Hong Kong anyway.

We do remember 1962 and how you stole land like a cattle rustler of the Wild West.

Does 1979 ring a bell?

It was a small and impoverished nation you went for.


You must do it again.

It will give you practice and then come and have a go at us!!

And yes, don't forget Nathu La. Cho La and Sumdongorong Chu.

It was good fun!
Why does it matter to India what Sri Lanka does with its citizens? It is Sri Lanka's internal matter, & has nothing to do with India. India was the one nation that first started killing its citizens ruthlessly.

But isn't J&K disputed territory as per UN mandates? ;)

You know what the job of the UNSC is?
heard of the UN peace corps?
the UN actively interferes in the internal matters of certain countries if it deems them too dangerous for their own populations...NATO does it...
so at times the internal matters of certain governments becomes privy to the state of affairs of the entire world...
there have been numerous reports of human rights violations of the tamils in SL and the SL govt till date doesnt let outsiders to access the war-torn areas to document or interview people...
now most of you are real bigots when it comes to the case of kashmir and SL...you openly cite excerpts and articles showing how the IA is involved in Hrights violations or the american forces or the israelis...but when it comes to china or BD...or SL...countries you consider your potential allies...you turn a blind eye...but I guess we all do it at some point...like the yanks supporting despots when they serve them and then invading the same countries at a later time...and we when we supported the soviet invasion of afghanistan...
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