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India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

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Everybody did not devolve. few did. Those who did not devolve went to the higher lokas and returned upon exhaustion of their punyas and continued to evolve further. some attained moksha. some returned to earth to spread spiritual knowledge. others like us keep on coming and going to exhaust our karmas. After the end of kaliyuga, the world might end as per Hindu scriptures irrespective of whether anybody is a saint or not and the world will begin again. The world will continue till the end of Kaliyuga.

I am not talking of any other lokas, but this bhuloka. This Earth as it is right now is my concern, not Moksha. I am so not looking forward to the destruction of Earth. So plurality it will be.
Look I love human life. Plus we have quadrizillions of bacterias and microbes which are still evolving. So animal eating is not going to end any time soon and Kaliyuga is here to last a long time. Hence the scenario of everyone becoming saints wont arise.

I did not say that animal eating will end. Neither did i say that everybody will become saints. All i am saying is that we have the power to choose and we should make the right choice by avoiding meat and we should try to lead a virtuous life. If more and more people do that then things will change for the better.
Yes, I think there's a need for you to tell your Muslim neighbors that you, personally, would be offended if they did so. Then wait and see what happens. That way you can reduce the enmity between communities to enmity between individuals, which can create room for healing outside the power-seeking conflicts of communal and political leaders.

I don't know. The Red Heifer is a special kind of "holy cow" in Judaism. I think some European pagan cultures also had the concept of holy cows.

I think you are viewing this from a Jewish perspective.

There is no "enmity" between Hindus and muslims. Hindus are not the kind to keep enmity with anyone since one of the most important teaching in Hinduism is to conquer your ego and living in Hindu society teaches one to instinctively do so. That is what makes a Hindu non aggressive, peace loving and law abiding. (for most parts)

Besides the reality is in India Hindus and Muslims do not live as neighbours for most parts. Most muslims live in ghettos or colonies where they are in majority.

The other reality is Indian muslims recognize only strength, and the best way to teach them to respect Hindu sentiments is for the Hindu society to come together. Then everybody falls in line without any pontification or violence. That is the only practical way forward.
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I did not say that animal eating will end. Neither did i say that everybody will become saints. All i am saying is that we have the power to choose and we should make the right choice by avoiding meat and we should try to lead a virtuous life. If more and more people do that then things will change for the better.

It's funny that Hindus actually think Muslims even care about them. I love my beef and I'll keep eating it no matter what a Hindu says. If he doesn't like it, he can get out of my face before I stuff him with Gau Mata
Its not funny. we know that muslims never care abput others. that is why non-muslims care about muslims too. And you should be worried abut that. The world is polarizing.

Muslims are a minority in India. They should have a way to distinguish themselves from their non-Muslim fellows, should they so wish. They aren't hurting any people - yet I don't know the importance of cows in the hindu religion; are they the equal of people or are they animals or are they supposed to be sacred somehow?

If sacred or the equivalent of people, the Muslim choice of cow vs. others strikes me as vindictive; nevertheless, I think force should not be used to stop them; rather inform your Muslim neighbors politely of how you feel well in advance and only if they then choose to continue cow slaughter point out to your family and fellows that Muslims are behaving this way out of wickedness, not necessity.
It has been done.They never cared.
It is called canine for a reason. It is not necessary to look exactly like animals. We do not have furs, but we still wear clothes. I do think people who are satvic are saints, only I do not claim to be one.
same words/names are sometimes used for different things. what really matters is the purpose and the function. if it does not look exactly like that of animals then it clearly means that its function is slightly different.
Animals have fur to protect them from cold. we wear clothes not only for the same purpose but also because of shame.
All satvic people are not saints but all saints are satvic.
I think you are viewing this from a Jewish perspective.

There is no "enmity" between Hindus and muslims. Hindus are not the kind to keep enmity with anyone since one of the most important teaching in Hinduism is to conquer your ego and living in Hindu society teaches one to instinctively do so. That is what makes a Hindu non aggressive, peace loving and law abiding. (for most parts)

Besides the reality is in India Hindus and Muslims do not live as neighbours for most parts. Most muslims live in ghettos or colonies where they are in majority.

The other reality is Indian muslims recognize only strength, and the best way to teach them to respect Hindu sentiments is for the Hindu society to come together. Then everybody falls in line without any pontification or violence. That is the only practical way forward.
Unfortunately we have some selective seculars. They are the one who gives strength to these muslims. According to them, insulting hinduism is secularism.
There is also something called as food chain. If he did not want any killing at all then he would not have made the carnivores which have to exist on herbivores. That is the way the world recycles itself. True anyone who has compassion for animals will not eat meat.
yes thats true but for animals. we have a choice and can change for the better. If God wanted humans to kill animals and eat them then the Holy scriptures wouldn't have prohibited meat eating.

I am not talking of any other lokas, but this bhuloka. This Earth as it is right now is my concern, not Moksha. I am so not looking forward to the destruction of Earth. So plurality it will be.
i was merely telling what happens. The Earth is my concern too. And neither do i want destruction of the earth. But the earth will not end if everybody becomes virtuous. i disagree with your belief that the earth will end if everybody becomes a saint or a good human for the reasons given in my earlier post. It is said that during Ram Rajya everybody was good/virtuous. did the earth end then?
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same words/names are sometimes used for different things. what really matters is the purpose and the function. if it does not look exactly like that of animals then it clearly means that its function is slightly different.
Animals have fur to protect them from cold. we wear clothes not only for the same purpose but also because of shame.
All satvic people are not saints but all saints are satvic.

It is not used for different thing. It is still used to tear leathery stuff like meat, sugarcane, etc. Animals have it longer because they have to hunt and "kill." They do not have any other tools to them.

yes thats true but for animals. we have a choice and can change for the better

Not just for animals. It is true enough for humans too. Yes, we have a choice and we can choose to be more compassionate, but I think we need to strike a balance too.

i was merely telling what happens. The Earth is my concern too. And neither do i want destruction of the earth. But the earth will not end if everybody becomes virtuous. i disagree with your belief that the earth will end if everybody becomes a saint or a good human for the reasons given in my earlier post. It is said that during Ram Rajya everybody was good/virtuous. did the earth end then?

Yes, it did. It changed the way it was and became more evil. That was one view of life. This is another view of life. If Kaliyuga is supposed to be like Trethayuga and everyone supposed to be virtuous, then what is the point in differentiation? Kaliyuga has its function to carry out.
It is not used for different thing. It is still used to tear leathery stuff like meat, sugarcane, etc. Animals have it longer because they have to hunt and "kill. They do not have any other tools to them
you are talking about what people do while i am talking about what nature wanted us to do. weapons/tools were not created immediately as soon as a human set foot on earth. Humans learnt to create them with time. How did they hunt then? surely they must have relied on fruits and plant products. This is what i learnt in history during school days so this means we were not meant to eat meat originally.

Not just for animals. It is true enough for humans too. Yes, we have a choice and we can choose to be more compassionate, but I think we need to strike a balance too.

It was not originally intended. it happened with passage of time as humans made that choice. God has created carnivorous animals to strike a balance. we don't have to...The objective of human life is spiritual evolution. for that purpose, avoiding the negative energy in meat is very essential. otherwise it hampers spiritual progress.
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you are talking about what people do while i am talking about what nature wanted us to do. weapons/tools were not created immediately as soon as a human set foot on earth. Humans learnt to create them with time. How did they hunt then? surely they must have relied on fruits and plant products. This is what i learnt in history during school days so this means we were not meant to eat meat originally.

I too am talking about what nature wanted us to do. It wanted us to use tools instead of our teeth and claws. So it made our canines weaker than the animals which would just be used to eat cooked food. It made us furless so that we use tools to make clothes. So nature designed us physically weaker so that we innovate and evolve. No they could not just have relied on fruits and plants even initially because there were other animals around eating animals including humans. They would have needed to kill animals to protect themselves and hence also gotten a supply of meat.

It was not originally intended. it happened with passage of time as humans made that choice. God has created carnivorous animals to strike a balance. we don't have to...The objective of human life is spiritual evolution. for that purpose, avoiding the negative energy in meat is very essential. otherwise it hampers spiritual progress.

Cmon man. Not everyone is spiritually geared. There is Satva, Rajas, and Tamas for a purpose. You may be looking for Moksha. Others may be enjoying their life too much on earth to think about that. I doubt whether the objective of human life is spiritual evolution. If all of humanity work towards going back to where we came from that negates the plan for creation in the first place.

Yes, it did. It changed the way it was and became more evil. That was one view of life. This is another view of life. If Kaliyuga is supposed to be like Trethayuga and everyone supposed to be virtuous, then what is the point in differentiation? Kaliyuga has its function to carry out.

But that happened after thousands of years. so are you endorsing unrighteousness? i have explained earlier the purpose of kaliyuga. Just because it is there that does not mean we should be sinful. if you read any of the hindu scriptures, no where it is mentioned that in kaliyug we should be bad. there is no endorsement of that. they just mention what will happen in kaliyug and what we should do to save ourselves. In other words, they tell us to be virtuous.
Its been 15 days since I joined pdf... what I learned is how to troll... how to attract trolls!!!
And religion is the best way to attract them!!!! And thats what this thread is doing!!!!
Slaughtering animals in the name of religion is not ethical. Most Hindus in present times do not perform sacrificial rituals described in the Vedas. All religions should abandon such barbaric ancient rituals, even if their holy books ask them to perform them.
In my opinion, Indian Muslims should stick with sacrificing goats and sheep. If you live in India and the Hindu majority doesn't want you sacrificing cows, don't sacrifice cows! Respecting others' beliefs is an important part of Islam.
Islam also gives flexibility in most things, that's there for a reason. (e.g: so that you don't offend others' beliefs)
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