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India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

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Right, we are a civilized nation and hence we should care for all our environment including all animals.
first speak against global pollution, it is main threat for all living being lol
Our secular fabric exist because of Hinduism. ........ does the same fabric exist in Christian and Muslim majority nations ? Ask the Jews. they will tell you.

What do you think Kafir and Pagan means ? :lol:
what kafir pagan, what r they

you are just anti muslim
It is because Hinduism which respects all sorts of gods that Christians, Muslims are allowed to practice their religion. If we were an Islamic majority country, your secularism would not have had a chance to survive.

Likewise, most Christian countries too have adopted Hindu principles and hence are just about starting to become tolerant to other religions, but already they are banning mosque minarets and burkhas and what not.

If you were living in USA, they will place all sorts of legal hurdles in your way even to build a temple resulting in decades of delay in building one to building it in the outskirts of the city. That is the level of tolerance they have even now.

So make no mistake, it is because of Hinduism we are what we are.
pre 9/11 era was very peaceful in west. Its that 9/11 which made them racist
Plants are alive , and they are live because they get happy due to sunlight so lets throw that argument out for becoming a vegan, and they help with oxygen production

Where as the cow is just eating stuff all day , which is why the term
"STOP eating like a cow" became popular

Or the term "You look like a cow"

I am against killing of Plants

You cannot live on just air. So for survival we have to eat something at least. The least harm to the environment is cause by eating plants. Follow the principle of least harm.
Plants are alive , and they are live because they get happy due to sunlight so lets throw that argument out for becoming a vegan, and they help with oxygen production

Where as the cow is just eating stuff all day , which is why the term
"STOP eating like a cow" became popular

Or the term "You look like a cow"

I am against killing of Plants
then what does pig do? Why you guys do not eat them?
pre 9/11 era was very peaceful in west. Its that 9/11 which made them racist


Is that why they had slaves earlier ?

Is that why they had racist emigration laws earlier ?

is that why No brown or black nation is allowed to have Nukes ?
I respect every religion.

You have respect for every other religion except you OWN.

The real question is do they respect your religion and by extension you ?

Have you learnt nothing from history ?
Plants are alive , and they are live because they get happy due to sunlight so lets throw that argument out for becoming a vegan, and they help with oxygen production

Where as the cow is just eating stuff all day , which is why the term
"STOP eating like a cow" became popular

Or the term "You look like a cow"

I am against killing of Plants

Good argument Bro! So living or non livng theory given by few is busted. Kudos to you :enjoy:

I'd say meat is most inefficient food available to humankind. lets assume a cow/ Bull produce 300 Kg of meat. But to make 300Kg it need to be at least 3~4 years old i.e. 365x4= 1460 days and let's assuem it eats 15 Kg (veg) a day --> 21900KG of food wasted to make jst few hundred KG.

Think again :P
pre 9/11 era was very peaceful in west. Its that 9/11 which made them racist

Indian history is full of 9/11 for the last 1000 years. If you think they are racist and still the guiding light in your eyes, I have more right to be racist then.
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