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India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

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You are just anti-Hindu and working towards destruction of Hinduism.

Indian history is full of 9/11 for the last 1000 years. If you think they are racist and still the guiding light in your eyes, I have more right to be racist then.
You keep your hatred aside please... they are humans too.
should be abolished then right??
No. I support Govt of India intervention in religion. GoI has brought many positive changes in Hindus that were not there earlier - like banning polygamy, giving equal property rights to women, giving equal alimony rights to women.Obviously the Hindu groups hated giving up these advantages over women but GoI forced them.

But they dont do it with Muslims. Muslim laws are ridiculously male oriented with very small rights given to women. Exactly how Hindu laws were before GoI intervened. Therefore it riles the Hindu groups that GoI does not do to/for Muslims what it does to/for Hindus.
Indian history is full of 9/11 for the last 1000 years. If you think they are racist and still the guiding light in your eyes, I have more right to be racist then.
These selective seculars and pseudo seculars are the first one to run away from this country if 9/11 type attack happens.
You have respect for every other religion except you OWN.

The real question is do they respect your religion and by extension you ?

Have you learnt nothing from history ?
Yes I've muslim friends and they respect my religion. They celebrate diwali and holi with us too

No you are not. You dont have any respect for our sentiments.
what are your sentiments, that i should hate muslims? that will result in Pakistan 2.0
Yes I've muslim friends and they respect my religion. They celebrate diwali and holi with us too

Yes its nice to have muslim friends in a Hindu majority nation.

Go to pakistan and try and celebrate Diwali or Holi, or try the middle east. LOL.
No. I support Govt of India intervention in religion. GoI has brought many positive changes in Hindus that were not there earlier - like banning polygamy, giving equal property rights to women, giving equal alimony rights to women.Obviously the Hindu groups hated giving up these advantages over women but GoI forced them.

But they dont do it with Muslims. Muslim laws are ridiculously male oriented with very small rights given to women. Exactly how Hindu laws were before GoI intervened. Therefore it riles the Hindu groups that GoI does not do to/for Muslims what it does to/for Hindus.

Do not make such absurd blanket statements for Hindu laws.
So ? Apply this to those who produce talibans and their selective supporters.

By the way according to you Islamic countries are talibanic mullah nation ?
yes..but its not fair to generalize a particular category,just kick the bad and traitor ones...
.Those who disrespect the sentimence of religious minorities and discriminate citizens on the basis of religion are Talibanic...
Yes I've muslim friends and they respect my religion. They celebrate diwali and holi with us too

what are your sentiments, that i should hate muslims? that will result in Pakistan 2.0

I too respect Muslims and they send me Chicken and Mutton Biryani for every Eid.

Pakistan 1.0 is still there, so they can go there.

Various scientist have thought about it and its clear the human body has evolved to consume red meat , infact if we all will look in mirror we will see these wonderful tools given to us to aid in breaking down red meat
yes..but its not fair to generalize a particular category,just kick the bad and traitor ones...
.Those who disrespect the sentimence of religious minorities and discriminate citizens on the basis of religion are Talibanic...

We should not support wrong whoever does it, majority or minority. If the govt can ban bad practices in Hinduism then why not in Islam or Christianity. Kill cows is bad practice.
I too respect Muslims and they send me Chicken and Mutton Biryani for every Eid.

Pakistan 1.0 is still there, so they can go there.
CLearly u dont have guts to say that on their face....unki biryani tapkaye jao bas :P
Yes I've muslim friends and they respect my religion. They celebrate diwali and holi with us too

what are your sentiments, that i should hate muslims? that will result in Pakistan 2.0
No my sentiment is stop eating cows as it is sacred for me and is not mandatory for others. I repeat, its not mandatory for them to sacrifice cow. But my sentiments will definitely be hurt because of this. After this if you say that no my sentiment should go to hell and they can eat cows and we have to appease them for the fear of Pakistan 2, then I am sorry to say that you are selective secular. Not only that you are coward.
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