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India moving 150 T-72s tanks and Smerch rockets to Ladakh.

Block 3 of Brahmose was designed specially for that. And IA already inducted them.

I know but i think they have deployed them on Arunachal border. if they have done that in Ladakh it is very good.
India ramps up defence along China border

Leh, August 17
India has started ramping up military defences in the Ladakh sector of Jammu and Kashmir that faces China, especially after Beijing has ringed the area with at least six airfields, fighter aircraft, all terrain vehicles and special forces that are backed by top-class metalled roads right up to the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

New Delhi will be moving an armoured brigade — some 150 T-72 tanks — to Ladakh and also have Smerch multi-barrel rocket launch units placed at key locations. These are capable of hitting targets 70-80 kms away.

An armoured regiment — 46 tanks — had moved in last year to join the Kiari-based 70 Brigade and is now located at a forward sector, 20 km inside the LAC, where India suffered a setback in the 1962 conflict with China. This is separate from the upcoming Armoured Brigade that will be directly controlled by the Leh-based 14 Corps. Its three Regiments, comprising 46 tanks each, will be co-located with existing infantry and artillery regiments of the Indian Army. Meaning an armoured component will be available from the northern most tip, that is the base of the Karokaram pass at Daulat Baig Oldie, to the south eastern extreme of Demchok and Chumar, sources said. Adding up the numbers would mean that over the next 18 months India would have stationed 200 of the T-72 tanks in Ladakh and all night-sight equipped.

Ladakh being a plateau is ideal tank country. The only effort is in bringing the tanks through the narrow and high Himlayan passes on the Srinagar-Leh route or the Manali-Leh route.

The existing numbers of tanks are just not enough in case of an attack, especially after the Indian side was alerted of threat by way of a specialised exercise by the Chinese to have rapid movement across Tibet and Xinjiang, both abutting Ladakh. The Lanzhou Military Area Command of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China carried out rapid movement exercises in 2012. The first tank regiment moved to Ladakh in 2013.

New Delhi’s fears got an official stamp in March 2013 when the State Council of China published a white paper titled “The Diversified Employment of China’s Armed Forces” that talked about these rapid movements. It claimed the PLA extensively practised the move to concentrate troops. “Trans-military area command movements have been carried out. In 2012, the Chengdu MAC and Lanzhou MAC carried out the exercise.” Lanzhou and Chengdu — are dedicated to India. The Lanzhou MAC is tasked for J&K, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, while the Chengdu MAC is for Chinese frontiers facing Nepal, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh. China in total has seven MACs.

China has ringed J&K with new airfields. The Ngari Gunsa airbase in Tibet has come up just 200 km east of Demchok in India. North of J&K, airbases at Kashgar, Yarkand, Hotan and Qeimo (Cherchen) in Xinjiang can be used to launch an attack.

More tanks and artillery

    • New Delhi will be moving an armoured brigade, nearly 150 T-72 tanks, to Ladakh and also have Smerch multi-barrel rocket launch units placed at key locations
    • An armoured regiment, 46 tanks, had moved in last year to join the Kiari-based 70 Brigade and is now located at a forward sector, 20 km inside the Line of Actual Control
    • Three Regiments, comprising 46 tanks each, of Armoured Brigade will be co-located with existing infantry and artillery regiments of the Indian Army
  • The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Main News

Just securing our borders,nothing to show here

And can one tell what weapons fighter jets and Tanks and other stuff China has placed there

Our Intelligence will surely know about it
Well if its by road, it could be good terrain practice :partay:
They recently increased the runway length, so probably this is going to be airway.

Armoured vehicles are transported by carriers.. Smart guy..
They need much greater clearance. Plus the spare parts are more readily available for T72s. This is important because these parts are made in India itself. So the supply is abundant.

Also the tanks are not generic T72s but upgraded ones. Comparing these with the Syrian ones is naive.

Another interesting point to note is that it says only a brigade is moving. But the tanks are 150. In comparison a single Tank division has a compliment of about 160 - 180 AVs. Another point to note is that though Ladakh is Tank country, the areas around it are not. So the unit moved there will NOT be used for any offensive operation. The only use it will have will be if the Eastern defences are broken and enemy moves into the open Ladakh valley. In such a scenario a smaller force to counterattack (as opposed to a division sized brigade) would have sufficed.

Plus the logistical strain on the Northern Command will be very very high for supplying the 'brigade'. Especially when we have only two roads going there.

Something tells me this is misinformation. :devil:

Upgraded in what sense? Indians t-72 fleet didn't have night vision .. It is just recent tht night vision sights were ordered (not sure if fleet has yet been upgraded with them).. Also fault ammo or obsolete equipment wrt barrel exploding incidents?
India too has ordered Javellin. The top notch. Moreover Indian armour will be having the luxury of operating under air cover, infantry and artillary support. Still I wouldhave like it more if IA decided to deploy t90s insteed on T72. After all those T72s are a generation behind.

I would be more happy if they ordered Tank Ex and created a whole new armored division for Ladakh.

Upgraded in what sense? Indians t-72 fleet didn't have night vision .. It is just recent tht night vision sights were ordered (not sure if fleet has yet been upgraded with them).. Also fault ammo or obsolete equipment wrt barrel exploding incidents?

Bro, knock knock, keep yourself updated, the whole fleet of T-72 was fully upgraded a year ago, and the barrel incident you talking about was with new DRDO 155mm gun, not with T-72.
If the news is true then they would definitely be airlifted by IL-76's, moving them by road through Rohtang would be stupid

I don't think they'll move 150 tanks by Il-76,as its a tedious task. In the Sri Lankan days,loading a T-72 could take 4 hours and unloading them another hour. Its a single tank per plane.
I don't think they'll move 150 tanks by Il-76,as its a tedious task. In the Sri Lankan days,loading a T-72 could take 4 hours and unloading them another hour. Its a single tank per plane.
Yepp, NH-1D then using this

I completely agree with you sir.
Although upgraded T72 is not as well protected against ATGMs compared to its other modern counterparts. In case of their deployment in Ladakh, they will certainly have infantry support, artilary and airsupport coupled with better trainning than that of any arab armies. Terrain too will make a difference. It will be tough for a ATGM team to sneak in and destroy Indian tanks. I will be more worried about PLAAF & PLA attack helis and aircrafts.

China has recently shown the new HJ-12 man portable FnF ATGM ... Apart from tht even vehicle (4x4) armed with ATGMs operated by professional soldiers can prove lethal.. Something like this:


I don't think they'll move 150 tanks by Il-76,as its a tedious task. In the Sri Lankan days,loading a T-72 could take 4 hours and unloading them another hour. Its a single tank per plane.

Tank transporters... (Pic from 2006.. Buner operations):

China has recently shown the new HJ-12 man portable FnF ATGM ... Apart from tht even vehicle (4x4) armed with ATGMs operated by professional soldiers can prove lethal.. Something like this:

View attachment 43949
In sub Zero temp cold areas , i would doubt that heat seekers would work well. Stationary Tank running on Auxiliary power wound not generate enough IR signature to lock on. So these ATGM might fail
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I would be more happy if they ordered Tank Ex and created a whole new armored division for Ladakh.

Bro, knock knock, keep yourself updated, the whole fleet of T-72 was fully upgraded a year ago, and the barrel incident you talking about was with new DRDO 155mm gun, not with T-72.

Bro knock knock .. News from 13 June 2013 on bursting tank barrels n faulty Russian ammo:

Business Standard

Also do post a link of whole fleet of Indian t-72s getting NV sights..thanks.
In sub Zero temp cold areas , i would doubt that heat seekers would work well. Stationary Tank running on Auxiliary power wound not generate enough IR signature to lock on.

It has a new variant .. Increased range,laser guided n top attack mode .. Old version was/is 2nd gen... Scored a shot load of tanks in Serbia etc.. Exported to several countries .. Like Malaysia etc
Old version specs:

Baktar Shikan
Anti-tank Guided Missile Weapon System

Baktar Shikan is a second-generation anti-tank missile weapon system which pursues the principle of optical aiming, IR tracking, remotely controlled and wire transmitted guidance signals. The system can quickly be dis-assembled into the following four sub-units, encased missile, tripod, goniometer and control box each weighing not more than 25kg thus making the system man-portable.

It can also be mounted on Cobra attack helicopters and Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs). Its long range, penetration power and a powerful anti-jamming capability form a potent defence against armored targets.

Salient Features

  • baktar-shikan.png
  • Day & night firing
  • Anti-ERA capability
  • Long range
  • Quick reaction time
  • High hit probability
  • Greater penetration
  • Rapid rate of fire
  • Anti-jamming capability
  • Easy operation & maintenance
Range3,000 m
Hit Probability>90 %
Penetration Probability90 %
Depth of Penetration500mm HRA (Homogeneous Rolled Armor)
(Standard Warhead)
Depth of Penetration600 mm HRA
(Tandem Warhead)
Rate of Fire2-3 Rds per minute
Mean Flying Speed220 m/s

In sub Zero temp cold areas , i would doubt that heat seekers would work well. Stationary Tank running on Auxiliary power wound not generate enough IR signature to lock on.

Are you serious ?
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