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India moving 150 T-72s tanks and Smerch rockets to Ladakh.

all china has to do is cross the border camp and light a bonfire- all these equipment cant do sh it about it-
all china has to do is cross the border camp and light a bonfire- all these equipment cant do sh it about it-

IA is not stupid to engage in a unnecessary conflict With PLA. They can light a bonfire, eat their noodles and leave.
If they come with their bigger toys IAF will surely voice our opinion about it.
What a well publicized move, morons

Yeah and they should put these stickers on them too!!, I wonder why on earth they publicise these news like DRDO!!

Talibans are non state actors and terrorists but you can't say the same thing about neighbors can you ? showing hostility towards your neighbors can never be seen a sign of positivity.
when we cross border that is hostality...
having kneif does not make you killer ..or soldier or doctor
it use and intention decide its and define it
200 tanks are not enough!move every single artillery to LOCK OF ACTUAL CONTROL
Is there no' rail road transportation?
No, not to ladakh sir. It will be a major challange to establish railway lines via those mountains. plans are in place. Will provide you with more info in the nest post.
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But limitations of both weapons is that they carry 300 Kg and 150 Kg Payload only. Actually we need prithvi to attack these sides with 1000 KG warhead. I recommend Brahmos for precision strike just that side of Mountain.
Well most importantly we need hypersonic Theatre Ranged Ballistic Missiles (TBMs) on the lines of the Russian `Iskander` systems to neutralise Chinese TEL BMD (Ballistic Missile Defence) and AAD (Advanced Air Defence) batteries installed in Tibet. Hypersonic Brahmos 2 can fulfill this role to some extent. These type of missiles can play a game changing role in starting hours of war.
If the news is true then they would definitely be airlifted by IL-76's, moving them by road through Rohtang would be stupid

One IL-78 or C-17 can carry only one tank per sortie. Hundereds of sorties are required for transporting T-72s, Smerch rocket systems & their support systems. Therefore it is a very expensive option.

Is there no rail road transportation?
Well In present times there is no rail connectivity to Ladakh but , two main land routes to Ladakh are in use from Srinagar and Manali.
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One IL-78 or C-17 can carry only one tank per sortie. Hundereds of sorties are required for transporting T-72s, Smerch rocket systems & their support systems. Therefore it is a very expensive option.

Well In present times there is no rail connectivity to Ladakh but , two main land routes to Ladakh are in use from Srinagar and Manali.
Maybe they will use the Kashmir highway (NH-1D), longer but much safer option. I guess it will be a combo of airlift and road transport. But Rohtang route, I dont think so
If the news is true then they would definitely be airlifted by IL-76's, moving them by road through Rohtang would be stupid

And can one tell what weapons fighter jets and Tanks and other stuff China has placed there
200 tanks are not enough!move every single artillery to LOCK OF ACTUAL CONTROL
200 tanks seems enough for such a hilly terrain on altitudes. there are very limited tank battle scope.

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