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India moves to end primary teaching in English as Modi unveils major education reforms

You don't get it, do you?

There was a fox that was singularly unfortunate and got into a fight with a pack of dogs. They mauled him and bit off his tail before he managed to bite his way out and escape. After a few days in hiding, the throbbing in his hinder parts eased, the scabs healed and he felt normal again. He came out of hiding and went hunting.

As soon as the other foxes saw him, they doubled over laughing."Look, look at his butt end!" they howled in delight, and held their sides.

The fox drew himself up to his full height and assumed a lofty expression.

"You peasants know I've come back from a long stay abroad," he said.

"No, we don't. What's that got to do with that red stump that you're wiggling at us?" they said, guffawing at him.

"Nobody there has tails any more. It's the fashionable thing to do with upper class foxes. If you knew anything, you would get rid of those ugly, hairy bits too," he said very grandly.
If I don't know English, why should these others know English?
really unfortunate reality, i guess we shouldn't follow movie advices and elect a nobody to power... nobodies always lead to destruction... case in point, hitler
Hopefully you will learn new tricks. Don't loose hope Mr. Professional Retard. Oops *retired

It is to be hoped that I will, and only to be expected, but it is also to be hoped that you will, although not expected. You, too, must not loose hope - oops, *lose hope.:D
Good move. It'll save the world from hearing the most ridiculous English accent heard anywhere in the world.

Indian accent is an embarrassment to South Asia.
Seriously the accent is actually South Indian in origin, spread a cross South Asia when the teachers moved North and fcked up a whole generation with that accented English. I heard this from my NORTH Indian friend.
Well clearly some people including your countrymen think this way and justify it. So from their perspective, such barbarity is right, for me and you it’s obviously wrong.

but that doesn’t answer how you are so sure that these education reforms are wrong.
What makes them wrong? Perhaps you can shed some light on why you’ve already spelled doom before even the implementation or even knowing the effects of the same?

Please provide specific examples using some of the reforms here.

I dont suffer from such confusion. Right or wrong are fairly well defined from me on broad issues. I can take a stand.

Regarding education reform - I did not argue it will be a failure - I said they tried to sneak up hindi imposition AGAIN last year and let go after opposition. And it is likely they will try to sneak up again if they can. Regarding its success - is there anything that came from GoI that was a success ? Almost every thing it does is a failure - Air india, indian rail, demonetization, kashmir problem. There was an education policy in 1976 too - what difference did it make ? the hindi belt is worser than ever and lives on handouts from non-hindi state while treating them like second class citizens.
Seriously the accent is actually South Indian in origin, spread a cross South Asia when the teachers moved North and fcked up a whole generation with that accented English. I heard this from my NORTH Indian friend.

He is blaming his accent on south indians? hahaha . They will blame every failure of theirs on muslims, dalits, south indians, chinese etc.
I believe it all comes down to what language one thinks in.
When I speak Hindi or Marathi, my thought process is still in English (even though my Hindi is quite fantastic if I may say so myself), I just cannot get myself to have an entire conversation without using English language fillers.
could also be that perhaps I don’t know the specific Hindi words for certain nouns and verbs.

And lastly, on the accent, i have an accent and wear it much like a badge of honor.
My issue with Indians is not so much about accents, but more to do with the sentence construction and delivery.
Half the time, I hear native Indians butchering all rules of sentence construction and even worse delivery in terms of getting the point across.
That’s what makes it so damn frustrating for me to understand a lot of my native countrymen when conversing in English.
I agree with you. Most of that "English" is not real English. Only their own countrymen/women can understand whatever language they speak. My point is that when you go to a native English speaking country, you should approach it with an open mind instead of thinking that you are a native speaker.

No matter what India has its own native languages with their own scripts. I don't think a foreign language is necessary for Indians to communicate with each other when you have your own beautiful language "Hindi". This is similar to how Mao tried to introduce Latin script to China and soviets convinced him not to. If Mao went ahead then China would have a lost a part of their national heritage.
well modi is fucking over everything now eh? education system of india is extremely strong compared to even the most developed countries in the world... i remember how difficult it was for me to pass class 12 and yet in university, everything felt like piece of cake... But cow cola urea must have gotten to them
Isn't that a little elitist ?Not everyone is a genius. By making the boards so hard to pass a large number of students are going to fail and surrender the hope of a future. If they pass albeit with lower grades they may be able to go on to a skill shop. Isn't this the main problem with education in India that it produces the brightest or the totally unskilled. Nothing in between.
Go to Japan and Korea and some parts of China and see how much English is used. Zilch, zero

There are multiples more people who can speak English in these countries than there are in England, the land of the English.
How do you write 'zeal' in this wonder-script?
Zeal is जील. In Hindi, is pronounced as the English 'j' like in 'jar'. In Marathi, is pronounced like the 'z' in zeal.

Or Tamizh?
Also, it's not tamizh but tameez.

Tameez will be written as तमीज.

Now, if even if you want to write tamizh, it will be तमीझ.

One important thing to note is that there are certain Devanagiri script letters which Hindi speakers don't use but Marathi speakers use. Some of them are (used in tameezh), ण, ळ, ष, etc.

Now, if you come up with words that don't originate in the subcontinent, in some cases Devanagiri script won't be suitable as the letters in those words will simply not be in the script. In that case, new alphabets will have to be added to the script.

But for the majority of the words in subcontinent, the Devanagiri script is perfect and as I mentioned you literally write what you speak and speak what you write without ambiguity. The Roman script has many words that are ambiguous with people having to second-guess the pronunciations.

I think that at the end of the day, it comes to trade-off. The Roman script has limited alphabets so learning it for new people is easier but it comes at the cost of ambivalence. The Devangiri script has a vast number of alphabets, velantis, etc to cater to every twist and turn of our tongue but it can be difficult for some people to learn quickly.

If the Roman script would have been near perfect like the Devanagiri there would hardly have been an Indian accent to English as Indians would have literally studied all the English in the original correct pronunciation. I hope you understood what I meant here.
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Trying to erase the Fact they were conquered by the English and forced to learn English at one point
i think india's state board exams are easy compared to cbse exams, heard there's a new board in india that teaches class 12 syllabus around class 10, way tougher.
what helps me get my first job, well it's definitely the base studies without which i couldn't continue in college.
and as for why boards are tough.. i reckon it's a combination of both the vast syllabus and difficulty of questions.
my teachers in most subjects were shit... so it was extremely difficult for me. i skipped 10 chapters out of 16 total in bio for finals... not because of the vastness however... because out lame teacher just wanted us to mug up and spit on a paper whereas i'm more of a practical learner
How come you studied in India?

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