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'India more important for US than Pakistan'



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'India more important for US than Pakistan'
Thursday November 1 2007

WASHINGTON: United States has said that broad-based partnerships between America and India are critical and more important as compared to Pakistan, as new Delhi is growing as a potential power with global influence.

"The US-India strategic potential is very, very profound," deputy assistant secretary of defence for South and South East Asia James Clad told online journalists and bloggers during a conference call from the Pentagon.

While India's sometimes contentious neighbour, Pakistan, continues to search for Osama Bin Laden and help wage the global war on terrorism, Clad explained, the US-Indian relationship is more important in the long run. "India simply must, as a long term consideration, matter more for US than Pakistan,"

Clad has been quoted as saying in the American forces press services. "India is seen as a potentially a power with global reach," Clad said. "It's been slow in coming - I think it will be slow in coming in the future - but it is steady. The trend lines are unmistakable," he said. Clad said India is on a major course to ramp up its military infrastructure with a multi-billion budget at the ready to purchase, among other equipment, 126 multi-role combat aircraft.

"It is the largest external-announced defence procurement budget in the world. And people are obviously interested in this," he said, adding 52 US defence corporations, including Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Ratheon, Honeywell and General Electric, have all set up offices in India.

Referring to the recent visit by the USS Nimitz to Chennai, Clad said the visit was an enormous success, greeted with great interest by the local people.

The US navy also recently refurbished its former USS Trenton and presented it as a gift to the Indian navy, he said. "This is a substantial vessel which has been very well received in Indian naval circles," he said noting the larger aspects of the bilateral relationship.

"You hit a golf ball on the Bangalore golf course, and that ball, unless you're careful, is going to go right through a window of IBM, which is right next to Infosys, which is an Indian firm staffed by Indian-Americans who are also listed on the New York Stock Exchange. So it's a much bigger relationship," he said.

"The relationship with India is now more comprehensive in trade, information technology, movement of its peoples," he said, adding there are 2 million Indian-Americans now living in the United States. The US, Clad said, should embrace the opportunity to assist and advise the country. "It's about maintaining a type of equilibrium, about accepting India's rise into a type of maturity and power and prowess. We're coming into something that's naturally there. It's like a seat, which is already at the table, and we're sliding into it," he added.

'India more important for US than Pakistan' - Newindpress.com
No surprises there given the desired containment of China.
ungrateful americans and europeans use us like tissue paper. They dont care about what happens to us if we die or live after their use for us is over.

we should have never done anything for these americans. Now we have ended up with a fight with our own ppl who we are forced to call terorists.

I wish musharraf wud have some intelleectual capacity as a president. But he too is a puppet in western hands. he has filled his pockets woith money and land that belonsg to us pakistani ppl.

I hate to see stupid ppl supporting him blindly. If possible he shud be shot or hanged.

I hope pashtuns can gain back our trust
"in politics there are no permanent enemies, no permanent friends, only permanent interests."

- Edmund Burke
ungrateful americans and europeans use us like tissue paper. They dont care about what happens to us if we die or live after their use for us is over.

we should have never done anything for these americans. Now we have ended up with a fight with our own ppl who we are forced to call terorists.

I wish musharraf wud have some intelleectual capacity as a president. But he too is a puppet in western hands. he has filled his pockets woith money and land that belonsg to us pakistani ppl.

I hate to see stupid ppl supporting him blindly. If possible he shud be shot or hanged.

I hope pashtuns can gain back our trust

Ungrateful Pakistani, we have had to buy your countries help every step of the way. The Taliban is your creation and AQ is at least as much your fault as ours. AQ agents and money flowed through Pakistan on the way to or from Afghanistan. We showed restraint and did not turn your nation into an Iraq and gave your nation the chance to repent of your waywardness and join the winning side. We even look away when your ISI and numerous madressas continue to crank out zealots and do no more than mildly grumble when you give sanctuary to AQ and prevent NATO forces from delivering justice.

Of course India is more important than Pakistan. 1 billion people, 1 trillion dollar economy, Chinese rival, strategic location, major naval power, emerging superpower. And despite all that we have not forgotten our promises to Pakistan, we have updated your air force, given you more attack helicopters advanced ATGM's, billions more in aid military and civilian.

Taliban is United States creation. We couldn't create Taliban. Nuclear weapons in every country is United States fault for "creating" nuclear weapons, and proliferating it to other countries.

There is no point in blaming each other. We can go all day.
ungrateful americans and europeans use us like tissue paper. They dont care about what happens to us if we die or live after their use for us is over.

we should have never done anything for these americans. Now we have ended up with a fight with our own ppl who we are forced to call terorists.

I wish musharraf wud have some intelleectual capacity as a president. But he too is a puppet in western hands. he has filled his pockets woith money and land that belonsg to us pakistani ppl.

I hate to see stupid ppl supporting him blindly. If possible he shud be shot or hanged.

I hope pashtuns can gain back our trust

Do you have any idea at all?
Musharraf is walking a tightrope between having either the Americans or idiotic mullahs bomb the country. I would say he managed to outwit the civilian politicians so i would credit him with more intelligence than you do.
Frankly the people who turn upon their own should be the ones shot or hanged. maybe you should too since we are handing out shootings and hangings....might help the gene pool a bit....
Like it or not commerce is the top priority of any capitalistic nation as is self interest. This really should come of no surprise. It just so happens that India in the long term provides the best financial bet than any other country in the foreseeable future. The trade balance with India is bound to be far more equitable than that with China.Other than occasional Lefty $hit fits there isn't much getting in the way of bilateral relations.

Given our irresponsible spending over the past 8 years I'm glad that for once the economy is our top priority again. If we don't have a solid economic plan over the next 2 years we will be staring down the barrel of an economic depression; India is more than likely our ticket out.
ungrateful americans and europeans use us like tissue paper. They dont care about what happens to us if we die or live after their use for us is over.

we should have never done anything for these americans. Now we have ended up with a fight with our own ppl who we are forced to call terorists.

I wish musharraf wud have some intelleectual capacity as a president. But he too is a puppet in western hands. he has filled his pockets woith money and land that belonsg to us pakistani ppl.

I hate to see stupid ppl supporting him blindly. If possible he shud be shot or hanged.

I hope pashtuns can gain back our trust

Shoot Musharaff? Musharaff is pakistan's only hope now. shoot him and the mullahs will take over, and turn pak into a terrorist cubbyhole. and then USA will come in and turn it into another iraq. Is that what you want?

Musharaff was given a choice by Bush in 2001. Either you r with us or against us. The message was crystal clear. Either pakistan helos USA or gets attacked. And what choice did Musharaff have?

And about USA valuing India more, its just coz they want to use India to contain china. The indians are not very excited about that, let me tell u. It doesnt mean USA doesnt value pakistan
What makes you think that Mullah party will take over Pakistan? Dont talk things which you have no idea of.
What makes you think that Mullah party will take over Pakistan? Dont talk things which you have no idea of.

Thats the impression the rest of the world has of pakistan. that if musharaff falls, pak falls under mullah rule
Let me tell you.

There is no "world impression"

Yes, there is an Indian media, trying its best to malign Pakistan.

Secondly, its like talking about Aliens taking over the world! Or Pandits taking over India?
ungrateful americans and europeans use us like tissue paper. They dont care about what happens to us if we die or live after their use for us is over.

we should have never done anything for these americans. Now we have ended up with a fight with our own ppl who we are forced to call terorists.

I wish musharraf wud have some intelleectual capacity as a president. But he too is a puppet in western hands. he has filled his pockets woith money and land that belonsg to us pakistani ppl.

I hate to see stupid ppl supporting him blindly. If possible he shud be shot or hanged.

I hope pashtuns can gain back our trust

You let them. Successive military rulered needed US backing to survive and had made sure to make concessions to gain it.
What makes you think that Mullah party will take over Pakistan? Dont talk things which you have no idea of.

The chances are the same as VHP-Bajrangdal coming to power in India. They all have pockest of strength, but nationwide they lose out to much bigger politicial parties.
Ungrateful Pakistani, we have had to buy your countries help every step of the way. The Taliban is your creation and AQ is at least as much your fault as ours. AQ agents and money flowed through Pakistan on the way to or from Afghanistan. We showed restraint and did not turn your nation into an Iraq and gave your nation the chance to repent of your waywardness and join the winning side. We even look away when your ISI and numerous madressas continue to crank out zealots and do no more than mildly grumble when you give sanctuary to AQ and prevent NATO forces from delivering justice.

Of course India is more important than Pakistan. 1 billion people, 1 trillion dollar economy, Chinese rival, strategic location, major naval power, emerging superpower. And despite all that we have not forgotten our promises to Pakistan, we have updated your air force, given you more attack helicopters advanced ATGM's, billions more in aid military and civilian.

Might I remind you that the Taliban were the creation of the CIA. Pakistan was merely the distributor of arms, a middle man so to speak. You speak as if Pakistan created the Taliban on it's own and as if the US did not benefit from the Afghan/Arab mujahideen. Don't you dare speak of our 'waywardness'. There is no country in this world more 'wayward' than the US of A. A conniving, scheming government that would do anything to insure it's own strength and vitality are protected at the expense of citizens of poor countries.

The number of Pakistani troops that have died is many times that of NATO troops in Afghanistan since 2001. Don't disrespect the Pakistani troops who laid down their lives to fight terror by claiming Pakistan somehow blocks NATO troops from 'delivering justice'. Pakistan is a sovereign country and your troops can't just waltz in whenever they like; they need our permission first.

India is more important to the USA now. There is no doubt about it. The reason is pretty clear: China's rise as an economic and military power is making Uncle Sam very uncomfortable. If India is important to the US, Pakistan is important to China as well. I am glad Pakistan enjoys good relations with the US, and hopefully this will continue for a long time to come. But remember this: as time passes, Pakistan will need the US less and less, because China is catching up at break neck speed and it isn't very far off in the future that we will see Chinese technology that matches or surpasses what the US has.

India is switching it's allegiance at the wrong time. As much as I'd like the US, I think China is going to catch up and become the second superpower capable of rewarding it's ally Pakistan with just as many riches as India will recieve from the US in the coming years.

Pakistan will have it's big brother ally right next to it. India's ally will be many thousands of miles away.
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