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'India more important for US than Pakistan'

Thats the impression the rest of the world has of pakistan. that if musharaff falls, pak falls under mullah rule

Oh yes that why US is bent upon removing Musharraf and bringing BB
You let them. Successive military rulered needed US backing to survive and had made sure to make concessions to gain it.

And why the Super Power needed concession in exchange for backing the rules

We know all

"Mind you without ISI help you can not win war on Terrorism"

Geeeezzzzzzz man i heard Musharraf saying this on international Media
BTW good luck to India for the deal. if went through we would see more actions in the world good for many to form new blocks.
BTW good luck to India for the deal. if went through we would see more actions in the world good for many to form new blocks.

Deal? Which deal? The 123 agreement can go ahead without we changing stance on the coldwar.
Might I remind you that the Taliban were the creation of the CIA. Pakistan was merely the distributor of arms, a middle man so to speak. You speak as if Pakistan created the Taliban on it's own and as if the US did not benefit from the Afghan/Arab mujahideen. Don't you dare speak of our 'waywardness'. There is no country in this world more 'wayward' than the US of A. A conniving, scheming government that would do anything to insure it's own strength and vitality are protected at the expense of citizens of poor countries.

The Taliban is an ISI creation, Al Queada is a shared mistake of the ISI and CIA. The CIA just gave missiles to the ISI who in turn only gave them to the groups they favored which often turned out to be the most radical of the foriegn jihadists, not local Afghan muhajadeen because Pakistani's generally do not like afghanis.

The number of Pakistani troops that have died is many times that of NATO troops in Afghanistan since 2001. Don't disrespect the Pakistani troops who laid down their lives to fight terror by claiming Pakistan somehow blocks NATO troops from 'delivering justice'. Pakistan is a sovereign country and your troops can't just waltz in whenever they like; they need our permission first.

My post was tounge in cheek aimed at SherwaniAK and his post condemming the US after all the US has done for Pakistan.

India is more important to the USA now. There is no doubt about it. The reason is pretty clear: China's rise as an economic and military power is making Uncle Sam very uncomfortable. If India is important to the US, Pakistan is important to China as well. I am glad Pakistan enjoys good relations with the US, and hopefully this will continue for a long time to come. But remember this: as time passes, Pakistan will need the US less and less, because China is catching up at break neck speed and it isn't very far off in the future that we will see Chinese technology that matches or surpasses what the US has.

If China survives, they have some major systemic problems that will bear horrible fruit over the next 50 years.

India is switching it's allegiance at the wrong time. As much as I'd like the US, I think China is going to catch up and become the second superpower capable of rewarding it's ally Pakistan with just as many riches as India will recieve from the US in the coming years.

Pakistan will have it's big brother ally right next to it. India's ally will be many thousands of miles away.[/QUOTE]
The Taliban is an ISI creation, Al Queada is a shared mistake of the ISI and CIA. The CIA just gave missiles to the ISI who in turn only gave them to the groups they favored which often turned out to be the most radical of the foriegn jihadists, not local Afghan muhajadeen because Pakistani's generally do not like afghanis.


I suggest you pick up the book "Taliban" by Ahmed Rashid (regular contributor to BBC and Guardian and no supporter of Pakistan government.

The Taliban, US, Pakistan, UAE and Saudi connection would make sense to you if you understood what Unocal (A US gas exploration company) was trying to do with the help of the Taliban. There was tacit support for Taliban all the way until 9/11 happened.

ISI only acted to support the Taliban (had no hand in creation of this entity - read the book and you will know how) and capitalized on the support to Taliban because Unocal wanted a safe corridor for energy through Afghanistan and the US government supported this. There is way more to it than meets the eye. What you have written is akin to scratching the surface. Most people in the west do not like to dig this up since 3 fingers point back to them for the mess in Afghanistan.
If China survives, they have some major systemic problems that will bear horrible fruit over the next 50 years.

Please could you explain this a bit more, you make it sound like China would die in a few decades.
at least the us of a is upfront. we are suffering but ignorant speculation that Pakistan can be hyjacked by any minority is daft. unfortunately our country has had to contend with political instiility but as a whole is Alhumdurillah supremely resiliant.
certainly the medium and long tern objectives of us, india israel britin etc etc is for harm to befall our nation or infact any viable muslim country. we must stay sincere to our objectives and goals regarless of any apparent problems.
Ungrateful Pakistani, we have had to buy your countries help every step of the way. The Taliban is your creation and AQ is at least as much your fault as ours. AQ agents and money flowed through Pakistan on the way to or from Afghanistan. We showed restraint and did not turn your nation into an Iraq and gave your nation the chance to repent of your waywardness and join the winning side. We even look away when your ISI and numerous madressas continue to crank out zealots and do no more than mildly grumble when you give sanctuary to AQ and prevent NATO forces from delivering justice.

Of course India is more important than Pakistan. 1 billion people, 1 trillion dollar economy, Chinese rival, strategic location, major naval power, emerging superpower. And despite all that we have not forgotten our promises to Pakistan, we have updated your air force, given you more attack helicopters advanced ATGM's, billions more in aid military and civilian.
So you think we should wag our tail like a dog just bcos you throw some bones in fornt of us? Are u threatening us? You think you can walk over us like iraq. We are nuclear weapon state and wont heistate to use them to retain our soverinity. And those you call zealots are our ppl. They are free to learn whatever and wherever they want.

Tell me what hasnt Pakistan done in order to help your bush? We ahve bled for you. yesterday only our PAF was attacked. And your ppl threaten us to bomb us into stone age.

And the things you gave us, you give india more like f16, f18, p8, etc.
And indian navy is nothing. We blocked them ports in 65 war. We all know about PAF and how we won all the air wars.

And please dont call yourself winner when you still havent won the war. The war is still going on in iraq and afghanistan.
Do you have any idea at all?
Musharraf is walking a tightrope between having either the Americans or idiotic mullahs bomb the country. I would say he managed to outwit the civilian politicians so i would credit him with more intelligence than you do.
Frankly the people who turn upon their own should be the ones shot or hanged. maybe you should too since we are handing out shootings and hangings....might help the gene pool a bit....

No I dont have any idea. I am just the dimwit Pakistani who didnt migrate to the west.

And what tightrope is Musharraf on? he has the power of the army behind him and the blessings of Mullahs to be in power. And after the coup, which civilian politician was left in the country? Bhutto or sharif? All these other characters are his stooges.

Gen Babar has correctly called him corrupt and coward
Shoot Musharaff? Musharaff is pakistan's only hope now. shoot him and the mullahs will take over, and turn pak into a terrorist cubbyhole. and then USA will come in and turn it into another iraq. Is that what you want?

Musharaff was given a choice by Bush in 2001. Either you r with us or against us. The message was crystal clear. Either pakistan helos USA or gets attacked. And what choice did Musharaff have?

And about USA valuing India more, its just coz they want to use India to contain china. The indians are not very excited about that, let me tell u. It doesnt mean USA doesnt value pakistan

Musharraf is your and american hope. Not ours. We have plenty of skilled generals who cna do b etter than musharraf. He has just successfully created a image that civilian presidents wont work for pakistan.

And I am sure that you would have agreed your manmahon sing to accept helicopters for soverinty if same had happned to india. Tell me would you fight or surrender your pride?

This drama of hopelessness is created by musharraf to save his skin and extend his domination for his corrupt activities.
Please could you explain this a bit more, you make it sound like China would die in a few decades.

One major problem is the sex ratio. Currently it is at 117 women to 100 men (130-100 in some areas). More importantly there will be at least 40 million men coming of age by 2010 that will never have a chance to marry becuase of the abortion of up to 70 million abortions of female children.

Asia Times Online :: China News, China Business News, Taiwan and Hong Kong News and Business.

China has 1/5th of all new cancer cases world wide, but is 4th from the bottom in health care equity.

CNN.com - Study: Cancer no longer rare in poorer countries - Mar 10, 2005
Log In Problems

China is sacrificing its environment for profit.

China Environmental News Digest: March 2006
China environment watchdog steps up campaign against pollutant exporters - Forbes.com

More and more the have nots, left behinds, and expendables are rioting and demonstrating and goverment support appears to be in trouble in many areas with increasing crackdowns.

Asia Times Online - News from greater China; Hong Kong and Taiwan
Civil Unrest Challenges China's Party Leadership (washingtonpost.com)
So you think we should wag our tail like a dog just bcos you throw some bones in fornt of us?

And roll over and if we tell you to, play dead or even die. And if you won't do it for us you'll do it for China. Pakistan's freedom of action extends only as far as its Great power master wishes it too, and then calls it to heel like a good dog. But don't feel bad its not personal, its just the way life is for nations occupying a place the great power finds strategic.

Are u threatening us? You think you can walk over us like iraq. We are nuclear weapon state and wont heistate to use them to retain our soverinity. And those you call zealots are our ppl. They are free to learn whatever and wherever they want.

No I m not, but your sovereignty doesn't concern me: you can go this way or that way but only as far as your leash allows.

No they are not, they if they were the government would not be cracking down. Why are they not free? because the Great Powers wish it to be restricted.

Tell me what hasnt Pakistan done in order to help your bush? We ahve bled for you. yesterday only our PAF was attacked. And your ppl threaten us to bomb us into stone age.

And the things you gave us, you give india more like f16, f18, p8, etc.
And indian navy is nothing. We blocked them ports in 65 war. We all know about PAF and how we won all the air wars.

The US has always risen to defend Pakistan except when your country committed genocide or broke the NPT.
One major problem is the sex ratio. Currently it is at 117 women to 100 men (130-100 in some areas). More importantly there will be at least 40 million men coming of age by 2010 that will never have a chance to marry becuase of the abortion of up to 70 million abortions of female children.

I think you have misquote, it is 117 men to 100 women, hence more men than women. Not the other way round.

The reason for this is because Chinese couple prefer boys over girls. The government have already implemented measures to balance this problem. Offering incentives for couples who have girls and penalties for abortions of girls.

In the future, the gap would be closer as China progresses.

Also, please bear in mind, the link is an editorial. Credibility is debatable.

China has 1/5th of all new cancer cases world wide, but is 4th from the bottom in health care equity.

I think you need to consider the population of China. Therefore the chances of cancer and the number of people having it would be much greater than other countries with much lesser population.

Another point, China is a developing country, the healthcare would not be as good as more modern developed countries as the West. However, China is improving the healthcare as the economy grows.

China is sacrificing its environment for profit.

China's fast economical growth does come at a cost of the environment. The government is aware of this and are makign plans to deal with it.

More and more the have nots, left behinds, and expendables are rioting and demonstrating and goverment support appears to be in trouble in many areas with increasing crackdowns.

China is a large country, riots could happen. People are easilly provoked and mislead in some cases. Most important is to have it under control and make sure it doesn't happen again in the future.

Again, I like to highlight, the source you provided is from 2004, thats like 3 years ago. There are no riots now.
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