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India mocked Pakistan over a surprise airstrike, but now it looks like an embarrassing failure

stupidity again ? because we can not use SAMs if there are commercial flights near by . did you guys forget Malaysian air hit by SAM ? that is why its closed . since we close partly air space your jets stay away from Pakistan .
According to intelligence reports IAF will try to hit civilian airplane.. And we are dead sure about there gutter mentality

This look like close air space ?
india also closed western side of airspace its mean they are hiding su-30 crash . these guys are plain stupids
Welcome motar drinker ... 1 mi 17 helo 1 mig & 1 su30mki went down due to tech snag right after PAF scrambling... Guess why indian mothers shouts " So jao PAF any wali ha" while trying to sleep there babies.... Lol PAF scrambling is enough for yor poilets.. :lol:
PAF did not scramble. It tried to attack India but the PAF was not even able to enter into our air space.

In return, PAF suffered a loss F16. 1:1 air force attrition suits us.
According to intelligence reports IAF will try to hit civilian airplane.. And we are dead sure about there gutter mentality
the major cause of closure is giving free hands to SAMs . no more fear of civilian planes may hit by ly-80 or spada2000 . now air defense guys are clear to shot down anything coming flying from india . last time on 26 they were not allowed to use SAMs because of civilians flight all over at that area . that is why Indians went back to their holes .
stupidity again ? because we can not use SAMs if there are commercial flights near by . did you guys forget Malaysian air hit by SAM ? that is why its closed . since we close partly air space your jets stay away from Pakistan .

So suddenly the threat will disappear on March 11th ? :cheesy:
PAF did not scramble. It tried to attack India but the PAF was not even able to enter into our air space.

In return, PAF suffered a loss F16. 1:1 air force attrition suits us.
f-16 is not a child play india need to grow more 50 years to hit an f-16 . you guys should claim we shot down thunder it was better . you claim big but struck in own claim .:lol: all you show is amraam look we shot down f-16 here is amraam :rofl:

So suddenly the threat will disappear on March 11th ? :cheesy:
yeah we have seen india is licking own wounds now . :lol: the one whom you beg for pilot they guarantee us that indians have learnt the lesson now :lol:

This look like close air space ?

Yes it does. There is only one corridor operational.

yeah we have seen india is licking own wounds now . :lol: the one whom you beg for pilot they guarantee us that indians have learnt the lesson now :lol:

So one of your daddies has provided you "assurances" ? then why not open the air space now ? what is so special about March 11th ? :lol:

india also closed western side of airspace its mean they are hiding su-30 crash . these guys are plain stupids

Wrong. Western side airspace is very much open in India. :lol:
Yes it does. There is only one corridor operational.

So one of your daddies has provided your "assurances" ? then why now open the air space now ? what is so special about March 11th ? :lol:
your daddy said sorry our kid is crying can not fight in sky may be they hit a commercial plane :lol: poor india got red nose from paksitan and still crying . :rofl: airspace closure costing india hundreds of millions $ why we worry ?:lol:
f-16 is not a child play india need to grow more 50 years to hit an f-16 . you guys should claim we shot down thunder it was better . you claim big but struck in own claim .:lol: all you show is amraam look we shot down f-16 here is amraam :rofl:

So how did AMRAAM show up after your ISPR categorically denying any use of F16. Don't say that we got it from Taiwan, they have said it is not theirs.

Many things doesn't add up in Pak's story.
Yes it does. There is only one corridor operational.

So one of your daddies has provided you "assurances" ? then why not open the air space now ? what is so special about March 11th ? :lol:

Wrong. Western side airspace is very much open in India. :lol:
ghanta you lying but ohhh you are indian

1 minute ago

your daddy said sorry our kid is crying can not fight in sky may be they hit a commercial plane :lol: poor india got red nose from paksitan and still crying . :rofl: airspace closure costing india hundreds of millions $ why we worry ?:lol:

lol.... what Indian airspace closure ? :cheesy:

Indian airspace was closed only for 1 day.

Unlike pakistani airspace that is closed till march 11th.

You still haven't explained how the threat perception is going to disappear on march 11th. What is so special about that date ?
So how did AMRAAM show up after your ISPR categorically denying any use of F16. Don't say that we got it from Taiwan, they have said it is not theirs.

Many things doesn't add up in Pak's story.
amraam show us we bang indians with all possible weapons raptors -amraams - sd-10s and yes we can do it . i am sure amraam hit that chopper . we make a traf and catch and mig in our trap . this is what we want to break indian nose in front of world and we did it . now only indians can bark bla bla bla . world have seen you might on 27 . we attack india in day light night like your pus$y military thieves at night and we win the battle clearly . all inda have we shot down a f-16 lies in hands hahahahaaha show me a single f-16 crashed .
OMG! What an embarrassing failure. The enemy airforce did not have guts to cross and strike in vengeance. The most they could do is to claim a jet that fell due to tech snag as their hit.
The tech snag with the mig was the missile being shoved up his @$$ you Indians and their delusions you can face save all you want the fact of the matter is we had your pilot in our custody
lol.... what Indian airspace closure ? :cheesy:

Indian airspace was closed only for 1 day.

Unlike pakistani airspace that is closed till march 11th.

You still haven't explained how the threat perception is going to disappear on march 11th. What is so special about that date ?
so where is plane here on west of india kid ?:rofl: our enemy is neech ghatiya so we stay safe

Like I said, only one corridor is operational in pakistan.

What I have posted is the DGCA notification on air space restriction in pakistan.
you said BS that our west is open ahahhaahha dont lie again i throw it on your face can see here

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