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India mocked Pakistan over a surprise airstrike, but now it looks like an embarrassing failure


Could be Abhinandan, look at what seems to be the moustache

He seems to be stripped of his flight suit.
It actually looks like a Beard.

I recall one of the eye witness claiming that one of the downed pilots was a "sikh". Which indicated a bearded pilot.

Maybe. Picture is not clear enough.

But compare with this :

Maybe. Picture is not clear enough.

But compare with this :

View attachment 545084

Abhinandan was bleeding, that pilot was not bleeding.

Abhinandan was healthy enough to walk on his own. The pilot in that video is put on the ground since he is clearly unwell and his flight suit seems to have been removed as well to let him breath more easily.

Also the body language of the armymen around that pilot shows that he was someone they cared about and not an enemy combatant.
Abhinandan was bleeding, that pilot was not bleeding.

Abhinandan was healthy enough to walk on his own. The pilot in that video is put on the ground since he is clearly unwell and his flight suit seems to have been removed as well to let him breath more easily.

Also the body language of the armymen around that pilot shows that he was someone they cared about and not an enemy combatant.

True soldiers respect enemi soldier. So it could be Sikh pilot or our own pilot.

The Truth may come out later or... never.
So we are left with speculations only.

Anyway hope that sanity prevails on both sides.
True soldiers respect enemi soldier. So it could be Sikh pilot or our own pilot.

The Truth may come out later or... never.
So we are left with speculations only.

Anyway hope that sanity prevails on both sides.

Respect to the enemy is shown by keeping his pictures out of Media and out of propaganda videos.

So that ship has sailed a long time ago.

As for sanity, it is over rated. Especially when dealing with terrorism. A little bit of insanity will make the world a much better place.
Even nazis called the resistants as terrorists.
Sanity will be first to give the Kashmiris the referendum they want and that would give a stop to their fight and attacks on Indian soldiers.
After that if they still attacks on Indian army then it will be terrorism.

Publishing his pics and video was a necessity to show Indian and their allies the result of their stupid action and and to stop your propaganda machine.

Living in France I fully understand the sacrifice of the Resistants. Same is for Kashmiris fighting for their freedom. Indians and their allies won’t never accept that.

A simple example :

When one person got cancer, doctors try to treat him. But if several people get same type of cancer, then sanity dictate to find what cause the cancer and treat the root.

So référendum should be given to the Kashmiris. Let’s them choose Pakistan, India or independence.
Even nazis called the resistants as terrorists.
Sanity will be first to give the Kashmiris the referendum they want and that would give a stop to their fight and attacks on Indian soldiers.
After that if they still attacks on Indian army then it will be terrorism.

Publishing his pics and video was a necessity to show Indian and their allies the result of their stupid action and and to stop your propaganda machine.

Living in France I fully understand the sacrifice of the Resistants. Same is for Kashmiris fighting for their freedom. Indians and their allies won’t never accept that.

A simple example :

When one person got cancer, doctors try to treat him. But if several people get same type of cancer, then sanity dictate to find what cause the cancer and treat the root.

So référendum should be given to the Kashmiris. Let’s them choose Pakistan, India or independence.

1. Sanity would be to first respect the Indian constitution.

2. Insanity would be to pretend there is a solution that is OUTSIDE The Indian constitution.

3. Any lethal attack on civilians, police or public property designed to instill terror in a legally elected govt. is Terrorism.

4. It takes a special kind of coward to claim that propaganda video is how your win wars.

5. China has successfully treated the root that causes cancer. They call it "re-education camps". turns out they work wonderfully well. Maybe you can request them to teach us as a good will gesture ?
1. Sanity would be to first respect the Indian constitution.

2. Insanity would be to pretend there is a solution that is OUTSIDE The Indian constitution.

3. Any lethal attack on civilians, police or public property designed to instill terror in a legally elected govt. is Terrorism.

4. It takes a special kind of coward to claim that propaganda video is how your win wars.

5. China has successfully treated the root that causes cancer. They call it "re-education camps". turns out they work wonderfully well. Maybe you can request them to teach us as a good will gesture ?

If the issue about kashmir started well after the birth of India and Pakistan, I would agree that the problem is purely internal to India. But the events started well before the birth of both countries.

So it couldn’t be a purely internal issue.

Sanity is to let Kashmiris to have the referendum. Let’s them choose whatever they want. Until then there is no hope of peace between India and Pakistan. And unfortunately war could and will be triggered for sure.

One day insha’Allah Kashmiris will get this right for self determination.
1. Sanity would be to first respect the Indian constitution.

2. Insanity would be to pretend there is a solution that is OUTSIDE The Indian constitution.

3. Any lethal attack on civilians, police or public property designed to instill terror in a legally elected govt. is Terrorism.

4. It takes a special kind of coward to claim that propaganda video is how your win wars.

5. China has successfully treated the root that causes cancer. They call it "re-education camps". turns out they work wonderfully well. Maybe you can request them to teach us as a good will gesture ?

For you

So it couldn’t be a purely internal issue.

Sanity is to let Kashmiris to have the referendum. Let’s them choose whatever they want. Until then there is no hope of peace between India and Pakistan. And unfortunately war could and will be triggered for sure.

One day insha’Allah Kashmiris will get this right for self determination.[/QUOTE]

1. There is no provision in the Indian constitution for a referendum for any state of the Indian union.

2. No solution is possible outside the Indian constitution.

3. Hindu Muslim differences have been there for more than 1000 years. It certainly did not start in 1947.

4. 565 princely states signed the Instrument of Accession. Kashmir is just one of them. The merger is legal and Final. So any and all issue is an internal issue of India.
are you guys totally loss the sense or you lack tech ? your minister was plain stupid and you guys are blind bhakts can not expect maturity from you guys . he copy that picture from zoom earth . zoom earth images as some years old when the site was under construction this is girls school juba kid. zoom earth spitted of the face of indian minister on BBC they said these images are years old zoom earth did not update pics few years


View attachment 544822

kid install google earth
go to site gov girls school jaba
look image latest

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View attachment 544825

View attachment 544826

Just check the link.This is not the one
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