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India mocked Pakistan over a surprise airstrike, but now it looks like an embarrassing failure

amraam show us we bang indians with all possible weapons raptors -amraams - sd-10s and yes we can do it . i am sure amraam hit that chopper . we make a traf and catch and mig in our trap . this is what we want to break indian nose in front of world and we did it . now only indians can bark bla bla bla . world have seen you might on 27 . we attack india in day light night like your pus$y military thieves at night and we win the battle clearly . all inda have we shot down a f-16 lies in hands hahahahaaha show me a single f-16 crashed .

SO your AMRAAMS hit a helicopter that was around 150 km away ? :cheesy:

Sounds legit.

OTOH the last radio communication of Abhinandan was "R-73 Selected" for launch.

What did that hit ? :devil:
The tech snag with the mig was the missile being shoved up his @$$ you Indians and their delusions you can face save all you want the fact of the matter is we had your pilot in our custody
amraam se na maro in ko becharoon ko pather maro

see the punched of common paksitani on indian forces face?:rofl:

SO your AMRAAMS hit a helicopter that was around 150 km away ? :cheesy:

Sounds legit.

OTOH the last radio communication of Abhinandan was "R-73 Selected" for launch.

What did that hit ? :devil:
only 60km beta learn first some geography
so where is plane here on west of india kid ?:rofl: our enemy is neech ghatiya so we stay safe
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I am surprised you do not see the Indian aircrafts in kashmir, haryana, Rajasthan and Gujarat. If that is not "west" of India, then I don't know what is.
amraam show us we bang indians with all possible weapons raptors -amraams - sd-10s and yes we can do it . i am sure amraam hit that chopper . we make a traf and catch and mig in our trap . this is what we want to break indian nose in front of world and we did it . now only indians can bark bla bla bla . world have seen you might on 27 . we attack india in day light night like your pus$y military thieves at night and we win the battle clearly . all inda have we shot down a f-16 lies in hands hahahahaaha show me a single f-16 crashed .
I didn't expect this quality of post from you. The place where AIM was found is 180 kms away from the place of chopper crash.

F16 crashed within your territory hence the news of additional pilot in hospital. How can we provide a proof of something crashing inside your country? The news was removed after your guys found out that it was your own pilot. LOL!
amraam se na maro in ko becharoon ko pather maro

see the punched of common paksitani on indian forces face?:rofl:

lol..... yeah. We all see the punch of the common pakistani on an Indian officer after he was in custody, which was AFTER HE PUT DOWN HIS GUN and refused to fire on that unarmed civilian, thus saving his life.

Even then, that "punch" on a immobilized officer seems to be far to feeble to do any damage. pathetic.
I am surprised you do not see the Indian aircrafts in kashmir, haryana, Rajasthan and Gujarat. If that is not "west" of India, then I don't know what is.
i am surprised you did not see a gap just search normal days and now you will find it

The tech snag with the mig was the missile being shoved up his @$$ you Indians and their delusions you can face save all you want the fact of the matter is we had your pilot in our custody
You have the plane with you. There is no evidence any projectile hitting it.

But the fact is that your air force did not have the guts and capability to cross the border even after our air force violating your air space left right and center.


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I didn't expect this quality of post from you. The place where AIM was found is 180 kms away from the place of chopper crash.

F16 crashed within your territory hence the news of additional pilot in hospital. How can we provide a proof of something crashing inside your country? The news was removed after your guys found out that it was your own pilot. LOL!
the place where chopper fall is 60 from pak air space and that is matter amraam you can find from bihar is not an issue as indians are proven liars here . f-16 crash of a baby toy crashed ? these days even kid have camera mobile before even media reached some 200 pics and videos of mig-21 were on social media . while not a single image of f-16 we have seen yet . f-16 ne konsi jadu ki topi pehen li thi beta? that was pure lie same as su-30 crash . only crash was mig-21 and mi-17 that day .
i am surprised you did not see a gap just search normal days and now you will find it

What you see is the flight pattern of aircraft's from India OVER pakistan.
lol..... yeah. We all see the punch of the common pakistani on an Indian officer after he was in custody, which was AFTER HE PUT DOWN HIS GUN and refused to fire on that unarmed civilian, thus saving his life.

Even then, that "punch" on a immobilized officer seems to be far to feeble to do any damage. pathetic.
he has gun why not he suicide then ?
the place where chopper fall is 60 from pak air space and that is matter amraam you can find from bihar is not an issue as indians are proven liars here . f-16 crash of a baby toy crashed ? these days even kid have camera mobile before even media reached some 200 pics and videos of mig-21 were on social media . while not a single image of f-16 we have seen yet . f-16 ne konsi jadu ki topi pehen li thi beta? that was pure lie same as su-30 crash . only crash was mig-21 and mi-17 that day .

So what did that R-73 fired from the Mig -21 hit ?
What you see is the flight pattern of aircraft's from India OVER pakistan.
i see a clear sky west of india and east of pakistan

So what did that R-73 fired from the Mig -21 hit ?
thsi we haev to answer also ?:lol: its indian responsibility to prove her claim not we .
BTW we found R-73 at mig-21 crash site it was not fired from mig-21

he has gun why not he suicide then ?

........ clearly because he was not a pakistani. He was an Indian who knows how to face pakistanis even without a gun and how to keep his cool even in the worst of situations and come out of it alive and well so that he gets to tell the story of how an Mig-21 took down an F-16.

Its the kind of stuff, legends are made off.

thsi we haev to answer also ?:lol: its indian responsibility to prove her claim not we .
BTW we found R-73 at mig-21 crash site it was not fired from mig-21

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LOL.... did you really think that the Mig-21 was only carrying ONE R-73 missile :cheesy:

Since the dog fight was over pakistani airspace, its obvious who would have access to the sites.
........ clearly because he was not a pakistani. He was an Indian who knows how to face pakistanis even without a gun and how to keep his cool even in the worst of situations and come out of it alive and well so that he gets to tell the story of how an Mig-21 took down an F-16.

Its the kind of stuff, legends are made off.
bara acha face kiya apna face turwa betha hahahaha . we see how he face . if our solders were 15 minutes late kashmiris will eat him without salt .that is how he face show you some more how you face ?
kashmiris are slapping armed indian solders . while your solders keep walking heads down like a coward .

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