amraam show us we bang indians with all possible weapons raptors -amraams - sd-10s and yes we can do it . i am sure amraam hit that chopper . we make a traf and catch and mig in our trap . this is what we want to break indian nose in front of world and we did it . now only indians can bark bla bla bla . world have seen you might on 27 . we attack india in day light night like your pus$y military thieves at night and we win the battle clearly . all inda have we shot down a f-16 lies in hands hahahahaaha show me a single f-16 crashed .
SO your AMRAAMS hit a helicopter that was around 150 km away ?

Sounds legit.
OTOH the last radio communication of Abhinandan was "R-73 Selected" for launch.
What did that hit ?