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India: Meet the 'Internet Hindus'

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An observation:

When a post is deemed offensive against India, it gets replied/quoted directly by hordes of Indian posters with almost same type of response. Apparently one poster or two replying is deemed 'not enough.'

A trend not observed among other nationalities.

Not true. We just thank the person or 2 Indians who post sensible but Anti-India stride is ever lasting on this forum, so other people just quote people who make such anti-India remarks/false propaganda.

A suggestion:

Don't put 'good at observing things' in your CV. :)
I am young, educated (MBA), middle class,Hindu, BJP supporter, Nationalist, hate Pakistan (due to their involvement in Kashmir and terrorism) , opposed to Pseudo Secularism and Muslim Appeasement, believing in Meritocracy over Reservation, believing that Narendra Modi as PM will be the best thing to happen for India after the scam filled and terrorism ridden Congress rule. I am proud to be an Internet Hindu

Yup, one can picture you as ther ideal Indian female warrior. :D

That is why we must prevent computers from getting into Hindu hands

by making this illogical comment you have not only become laughing stock but also have insulted the man in your avatar who was a clever and intelligent man

at least change your avatar

you are indirectly insulting your nation's father
Of course to the Hindutva brigade any Pakistani or Muslim is the same a jihadi.

They forget that India is the epicentre of Hindutva terror. Maybe its good that the majority stay poor and can not afford a computer if this is what happens to them

Lol its okay you guys calling every Indian national an "internet hindu" but its wrong if i call one Pakistani national a cyber jihadi??...lol...now we know whos actually wrong in the head. hehe

And lol at that.....damn brilliant.
Lol- I agree with Bollywood part- and keep showing us more naked indian babes- :smitten:-
dude we import girls from failed countries who are our neighbors ,and present them as indian babes , you know most of the girls(95%) pics we upload are muslims and other countries .
Some 1 Just Named people of My Kind as Internet Hindus ...

But let me Tell u ... I dont need the Protection of ur Indian Secularism or ur Indian Freedom of Speech to Express My self ...

I am the Same Guy in Real as i am on Net...

U call me Internet Hindus OR Secularist A&& Banger i Dont care... & other thing is our Strength is in Millions... We can Put 10000 against a Single Indian SICKularist ...

& Ya Policies of the Congress & Journalist like Sagarika Gosh , Kumar ketkar , Vinod Sharma , Barkha Dutt Made US organize ...
All the Homos of PDF are Pakistanis .:lol:


Are you Gay?

12 Pakistanis Selected Yes. :lol:
Dont know if JonAsad answered yes .
]They may call it the "Land of the Pure," but Pakistan turns out to be anything but.
The Muslim country, which has banned content on at least 17 websites to block offensive and blasphemous material, is the world's leader in online searches for pornographic material, FoxNews.com has learned.
“You won’t find strip clubs in Islamic countries. Most Islamic countries have certain dress codes,” said Gabriel Said Reynolds, professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Notre Dame. “It would be an irony if they haven’t shown the same vigilance to pornography.”
So here's the irony: Google ranks Pakistan No. 1 in the world in searches for pornographic terms, outranking every other country in the world in searches per person for certain sex-related content.
Pakistan is top dog in searches per-person for "horse sex" since 2004, "donkey sex" since 2007, "rape pictures" between 2004 and 2009, "rape sex" since 2004, "child sex" between 2004 and 2007 and since 2009, "animal sex" since 2004 and "dog sex" since 2005, according to Google Trends and Google Insights, features of Google that generate data based on popular search terms.
The country also is tops -- or has been No. 1 -- in searches for "sex," "camel sex," "rape video," "child sex video" and some other searches that can't be printed here.
Google Trends generates data of popular search terms in geographic locations during specific time frames. Google Insights is a more advanced version that allows users to filter a search to geographic locations, time frames and the nature of a search, including web, images, products and news.
Pakistan ranked No. 1 in all the searches listed above on Google Trends, but on only some of them in Google Insights.
“We do our best to provide accurate data and to provide insights into broad search patterns, but the results for a given query may contain inaccuracies due to data sampling issues, approximations, or incomplete data for the terms entered,” Google said in a statement, when asked about the accuracy of its reports.
The Embassy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan did not reply to a request for an interview.
In addition to banning content on 17 websites, including islamexposed.blogspot.com, Pakistan is monitoring seven other sites -- Google, Yahoo, Bing, YouTube, Amazon, MSN and Hotmail -- for anti-Islamic content, the Associated Press reported in June.
But it’s not to censor the Pakistani people, Reynolds said. It’s to shut out the rest of the world.
“[It] could lead to conversion, which would undermine the very order of the state,” he said. “Part of protecting the society is making sure that there is no way it could be undermined in terms of foreign influences.”
Pakistan temporarily banned Facebook in May when Muslim groups protested the “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day” page, where users were encouraged to upload pictures of the Prophet Muhammad. The page remained on Facebook, but Pakistani users were unable to view it, said Andrew Noyes, manager of Facebook’s Public Policy Communication.
And while Pakistan is taking measures to prevent blasphemous material from being viewed by its citizens, pornographic material is “certainly” contradictory to Islam, too, Reynolds said.
The country’s punishment for those charged with blasphemy is execution, but the question remains what -- if anything -- can be done about people who search for **** on the Web.
“It’s a new phenomenon,” Reynolds said.

Read more: No. 1 Nation in Sexy Web Searches? Call it Pornistan | Fox News
Some 1 Just Named people of My Kind as Internet Hindus ...

But let me Tell u ... I dont need the Protection of ur Indian Secularism or ur Indian Freedom of Speech to Express My self ...

I am the Same Guy in Real as i am on Net...

U call me Internet Hindus OR Secularist A&& Banger i Dont care... & other thing is our Strength is in Millions... We can Put 10000 against a Single Indian SICKularist ...

& Ya Policies of the Congress & Journalist like Sagarika Gosh , Kumar ketkar , Vinod Sharma , Barkha Dutt Made US organize ...

When ever he appears on TV I can't tolerate his lame a$$ smile.

@ Topic: The whole internet Hindu thing is a pseduo-secularist invention, when they found that due to the advent of internet and social media, the so called 'liberal' journalists cannot escape the wrath of the common people. Earlier it was 'Letters to the editor' which may or may not published in the newspaper, now the reaction is instant. So the 'pseudo secularists' wants to tarnish a group of people who can see behind the masks and fakery by calling them communal.
India is the biggest democracy in the world. We have infinite freedom of expression in the democracy. Every man can express his/her views on anything in any manner. So when you find extremists you also find secular and progressive people. Our constitution has given us the right to express. There is backing stastics on majority of Indian are internet hindu warriors. Dont comment on your own sample survey. Apart from that countries which bans twitter and FB more than changing cloths should not comment on such things.
Not true. We just thank the person or 2 Indians who post sensible but Anti-India stride is ever lasting on this forum, so other people just quote people who make such anti-India remarks/false propaganda.

A suggestion:

Don't put 'good at observing things' in your CV. :)

Actually it is very comical to see hordes of Indian responding in a similar manner. When you see a couple of post responding to the offending post, move on. However, I do admire the the commitment of the said Indian posters.

About the CV stuff, I am the master of my domain !!!
Took from the Same Article ... Look how Fanatic Hindus r this Internet ...

And yes, banning FTV is real silly

Gupta says that Internet Hindus are open to ideas, believe in a plural, lawabiding society and swear by the Constitution. "They are often appalled by the shenanigans of our politicians, including those of the BJP, and are ruthless in decrying politics of identity and cynical votebank policies. They have no gender prejudices and most of them think banning FTV is downright silly in this day and age."

Another Internet Hindu, Vivek Srivastava, joint managing director of an advertising agency in Delhi, says his tribe gets a bad name when a few get abusive or obscurantist. "Some use swear words and deride minorities. They are the ones who fail to take recourse to logic in their arguments.

I have many Muslim friends and we often have healthy debates on Islam. If I blog about them, where is the problem. But yes, abusive language is an absolute no-no."
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