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India Measures Itself Against a China That Doesn’t Notice

If anything India have more in comon with america than china , both are democracy and english speaking country, you even had a westerner as leader of your country with the added bonus of most of the people in power been educated in the west, doesnt it make more sense to compare india with Usa rather than China?

Depends on the way one looks at it.

Yes, in terms of awareness and familiarity and even language, that may be the case. However, in terms of culture and civilization, India and China have deep ancient bonds that can be revived.

If one looks just outwardly, East Asians (including the Chinese) have "Westernized" more that Indians. Your dress, architecture and much else is totally Western now for the most part.
But obssession, isn't that too much?

its just like china comparing itself with usa,we appreciate your development and want to try and achieve it,we are behind due to the fractured system with all its bureaucratic approach,corruption and cheap politics,etc
having thousands of chinese restaurants in cities is not obsession,its just a generalised term for food made from east asian ingredients,chinese food made in india is nothing in relation with the true chinese cuisine just the names maybe common
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