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India may plan airstrikes in Muridkay

I just want to share a video link for the saddest TV Anchor in Indian Media, Mr. Arnab Goswami.

This was aired last night on Republic TV

I wanted to put in various timecodes, but hell, its all too funny.

Alriiiiight, here is one - 34:50

Jeez, its like he's about to have a stroke...

According to some defense sources Indian Airforce is planning a retaliatory strikes in Muridkay bahawalpur on training camps of militants

But the freedom fighter was a local who was born, grew up and died in the same sector he conducted the attack in. So, India should maybe bomb itself...?
I just want to share a video link for the saddest TV Anchor in Indian Media, Mr. Arnab Goswami.

This was aired last night on Republic TV

I wanted to put in various timecodes, but hell, its all too funny.

Alriiiiight, here is one - 34:50

Jeez, its like he's about to have a stroke...

ahhahah this chutiya is always of cry
I suspect ...this time they gonna do something silly...I am watching Indian News Channels ...they are behaving like insane and immature species. They have so many Zahid Hamid Chanting "Revenge" and "Badla" every other minute. So the Indian Govt is in pressure to do something in a hurry.
I just want to share a video link for the saddest TV Anchor in Indian Media, Mr. Arnab Goswami.

This was aired last night on Republic TV

I wanted to put in various timecodes, but hell, its all too funny.

Alriiiiight, here is one - 34:50

Jeez, its like he's about to have a stroke...

I think biggest attack was of Mumbai Attack

Arnab Gosawami is the biggest chutiya of India sorry of The World
I suspect ...this time they gonna do something silly...I am watching Indian News Channels ...they are behaving like insane and immature species. They have so many Zahid Hamid Chanting "Revenge" and "Badla" every other minute. So the Indian Govt is in pressure to do something in a hurry.

I hope Modi does something really erratic LOL Something so stupid that things spiral out of his control. The Yanks must be mentoring him right now... Don't do anything stupid...
I suspect ...this time they gonna do something silly...I am watching Indian News Channels ...they are behaving like insane and immature species. They have so many Zahid Hamid Chanting "Revenge" and "Badla" every other minute. So the Indian Govt is in pressure to do something in a hurry.

Lets hope and pray they do something ..

Tamasha lagaya howa.hay....
Lets c how big india really is
Kyun pakistani army mein dum nahi hai Kya?? Don't worry the day Taliban enters Kashmir, fighters, tanks and mechanised infantry would enter too, and this time they will be fighting Indian army and not rag tag ANA or time pass US army, human rights wale ginte reh jayenge...

That would be a dream come true. Tanks and mechanised infantry in the mountains of Kashmir, easy picking.
For whome taliban? Who will supply them weapons? you? Have some shame you are about go bankrupt and still you are funding terrorists, these attacks won't hurt India much, but will surely strain your economy further....

Do you really think these wars are expensive to fund? Militants are disposable, their weapons low tech - who do you think funded them in Afghanistan? There are no pension costs, no healthcare costs, Afghanistan and Pakistan are littered with explosives and weapons caches that have been caught from terrorist groups.

I am Kashmiri - i want nothing more than a peaceful referendum in my country where people can decide between Pakistan, India and Azadi. I would vote Pakistan - i am Pakistani now and forever will be.

But if war is going to happen - then know this, Pakistan has experience of fighting dirty. We will use whatever tactics deliver victory.
For whome taliban? Who will supply them weapons? you? Have some shame you are about go bankrupt and still you are funding terrorists, these attacks won't hurt India much, but will surely strain your economy further....
Mr. Internet warrior coward aka shameful endian rather than wasting your time here why not you just ask and your govt. to cross the border..see if they have balls. I don’t thinks that your little pea brain can comprehend on that.
Mr. Internet warrior coward aka shameful endian rather than wasting your time here why not you just ask and your govt. to cross the border..see if they have balls. I don’t thinks that your little pea brain can comprehend on that.

What he should really ask his government is why they have 700,000 armed men occupying Kashmir. Give the people a free vote, Pakistan will be compelled to do the same - nobody dies.
Do you really think these wars are expensive to fund?

But if war is going to happen - then know this, Pakistan has experience of fighting dirty. We will use whatever tactics deliver victory.

Just to say....wow....
Just to say....wow....

It should not surprise you. We are a resourceful people and live under constant threat from a large bully in our region. America threatened to "bomb us back to the stone age", they told us "you are with us or against us". On monday they are coming to Islamabad to sit with us to negociate a retreat from Afghanistan.

Life is not fair, neither is realpolitik. We were both with them and against them. They were our allies and yet they bombed our territory. We were two faced, so were they.

Do you think the crimes in Kashmir will go unpunished?
I suspect ...this time they gonna do something silly...I am watching Indian News Channels ...they are behaving like insane and immature species. They have so many Zahid Hamid Chanting "Revenge" and "Badla" every other minute. So the Indian Govt is in pressure to do something in a hurry.

Pakistan is ready to slap these clowns to reality. Having said that Pakistan should remember that even if your enemy is chuha rat it should not be taken lightly.
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